Monday, July 12, 2010

Blind Gossip Blind Item

Downfront2 – Since her gastric bypass surgery and major weight loss, this former TV talk show personality only likes to hang with people who are heavier than she is.


  1. So Mean-Girl sorority stuff. Pathetic. And so it's Starlette, by definition.

  2. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Ricki Lake.

  3. I thought I got this by thinking Ricki Lake. Hadn't thought of Star.

    Question - if it's Ricki, is it because they get her, where she's been, etc.? If it's Star, is it because she wants to be the most beautiful person in the room at all times? Could these questions be switched, i.e. Ricki the egomaniac, Star more down to earth? ;)

    Or are they both stuck-up and think higher of themselves than they really are?

    Oh, and fwiw, I know someone who went through gastric bypass. She told me she still sees the fat version of herself in the mirror. She is anything but right now.

  4. For those that think its Rikki or Carnie, 2 Downfront - the source of this blind, is African-American based. I don't remember them ever having a blind that wasn't about an African-American.
