Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Beavis & Butthead Return - I Am The Great Cornholio

With the end of The Hills last night, MTV may have decided to get back to something that started the whole network in the first place. Music Videos. Well, a great way to do that would be to have Beavis & Butthead sitting on their couch watching the videos of today. Although Mike Judge is not saying word one, MTV confirmed yesterday that Beavis & Butthead will be returning to the network that spawned them. Oh, and Daria which was a really good show too.

The show has been off the air for 13 years but will be coming back with all new glorious episodes written and performed by Mike Judge. Today is a great day. Yes, it can be childish and gross, but I also found the writing to be really good although the videos are not as fresh as they were 13 years ago, the show itself stands the test of time. I am glad it is coming back and might even get me to turn on MTV again.


  1. Uhhhuhhhuhuhuh. Uhhuhuhuh. Awesome.

  2. I can appreciate B and B, but the show is no South Park, which has been made of awesome for its entire run, IMHO.

    MTV is dead to me. I just can't do it.

  3. This is great news! I love B&B and Daria.

  4. I used to spend hours of my teenage insomnia watching this on Paramount Comedy channel.

    Yay for Mike Judge!

  5. Beavis looks like Slapchop Vince.

  6. I made a royal fool of myself at my cousin's wedding last summer. She told me they would honeymoon at Lake Titicaca and I said, "you're going to Nicaragua for your honeymoon?"

  7. I just hope it doesn't suck...I'm a HUGE Beavis & Butthead (and Daria) fan, I don't want it to suck...*pleasepleaseplease*

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Yes, MTV is dead to me too. Bring back that show about Austin and I might watch though.

  10. Never seen Daria but I've never liked B&B. Ever.

  11. MTV is dead to a lot of people, including me, but I have to sing, "Glo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ria!" This is good news. Jen, I hope it doesn't suck either. I'm confident Mike Judge has great material stored somewhere on his computer.

  12. O.M.G. YES!!! I grew up watching them and cannot wait

  13. Btw, I too "need teepee for my bunghole!" lmao! This was the best cartoon in my early teens. I can't wait.

  14. I love Daria but I'm from the 80's and was there with MTV at the beginning. We used to spend all day watching Duran Duran and Spandau Ballet and I can't go back now. VH1 has been dead to me since they stopped making Pop Up Videos and Behind the Music with groups I had heard of. Okay, I'm old....

  15. ren and stimpy- yes
    south park -yes
    family guy- fuck yes.
    drawn together- yes.

    simpsons,futurama, american dad and B&B- no thank you. rather stab an eye out with a chopstick.

  16. OMG this has made me insanely happy! Is it wrong that I suddenly want to see Ben Foster playing Beavis? It's stuck in my brain now.

    Also love Daria. Wheeee! Fire! Fire!

  17. I'd say that Bevis and Butthead were more responsible for the down fall of MTV than anything else.

  18. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. mike judge is a genius.


  20. God, I love Beavis and Butthead!

  21. I'm with you Cheryl. I was there at the beginning of MTV and I'm sorry to all the fans, but to me B&B were the beginning of the end of MTV. What is wrong with just playing videos??????? Absoutely nothing. The original MTV exposed me to more types of music than I was hearing on the radio, and I miss that.

  22. At least Beavis and Butthead PLAYED topical videos on their show, and made hilarious comments about the still raunchy hair bands that were still big back then.
    I could do without the little cartoon plots in between.
    If they are really coming back I hope they have a HAYDAY with all the crappy bands/videos that are out ther now.

  23. I, too, loved B&B and Daria...WAY the eff more than the King of the Hill smeg that we've been stuck with this whole time.

  24. And oh, yeah--I demand more Drawn Together!

  25. I liked them as a teen but I'm not sure I could still watch now? I think I will have the same reaction to it as I did to watching Dumb & Dumber as an adult (vs. 13).

    I DEFINITELY would watch Daria. I was actually thinking about buying the series on DVD the other day to re-watch.

    @Cheryl - I LOVED Pop Up Videos!!
