Monday, July 19, 2010

18 Year Old Charice Pempengco Gets Botox For Glee

I know that Charice is 18 years old and can do whatever she wants to do, but when I saw an interview given by Charice about why she got Botox so she would look better for her role on Glee it kind of made me sick. Why on earth does an 18 year old need Botox? She does not have any wrinkles and the thought that she thinks she needs Botox to look younger and to "make her face more narrow" just seems to be the wrong message to be sending to the many legions of young fans who watch the show.

"All people will be anticipating how will Charice look? Is she good enough to pit against Rachel Berry? So of course there is tremendous pressure."

I also don't understand why she is talking in the third person, but whatever.

Charice was discovered by Ellen after Ellen watched some YouTube videos of the singer. Then Oprah got into the act and the next thing you know the 18 year old is getting Botox and appearing on Glee.


  1. Says a lot about our society when an 18 year old feels they need botox.
    I have seen pictures of this girl, and there was absolutely no need for her to get botox. What doctor in their right mind would think this is okay?

  2. What's next, 3-4 year old pageant girls receiving it? This whole thing is beyond absurd and just plain sad. Where does the line end?

  3. Who is she competing against on Glee looks-wise? They're not exactly the most telegenic cast ... but I thought that was kinda the point.

  4. It'll be kind of funny to watch her sing without her lips or any other part of her facemoving.

  5. What's most frightening about this is that we have yet to see the long-term effects of Botox. It's POISON. Imagine what this could do to children's faces...or worse.

  6. So much word, Adventurous Kate.

    I am very anti-botox. I think it just makes people like plastic and fake.

    Can't believe an 18-year-old would get that shit done.

  7. It's hard to tell because the video is not in English, but based on the video, she got a thermage treatment, not botox. I distinctly heard the word "non-invasive" in the video, and thermage is non-invasive, unlike botox with uses a needle to inject a substance.

    That said, it's still ridiculous for a teenage to undergo a proceedure designed to treat wrinkles and sagging skin.

  8. Ridiculous. It is also ridiculous when I see young models and starlets as spokesmodels for anti-aging creams in the magazines.

  9. @Carrie L - what you just wrote gave me chills because I realized it's only a matter of time if it isn't happening already!

  10. One of the sanest moments in Hollywood came this spring when the director of the next PIRATES film decided against allowing women with fake breasts to be cast - even as extras... "real beauties to play wenches need only submit" was the direction distributed to agencies.

    Wouldn't it be great if GLEE just said no to this girl?!

  11. Is anyone else starting to find wrinkles in women sexier-looking since botox came out? I guess that's the one silver lining in this plastic surgery cloud - natural women look so much more beautiful to me now.

  12. I really don't want to see her on Glee and this is just the icing on the cake for me.

  13. Agree with Adventurous Kate 110%, botox hasn't been studied long term, and I don't care what anyone starting botox at 18 just can't be good for anyone.

  14. this shit happens all the time in Asia...from double eyelid surgeries to narrowing the face to bleaching the's sad and now a part of our new culture.

  15. and i've been freaking out at women in their THIRTIES getting botox and facelifts and what not! hell, i'm almost 51, and, i dunno, maybe it's because i've always been overweight, or because my skin is oily, but even _I_ don't need that shit! my weight loss and loss of muscle tone has caused some things, but nothing that would make me inject deadly-if-injested fluids into my body!!

  16. Have to 2nd jax's comment. Growing up Filipino is no joke. My mom used to pinch my nose and buy skin bleach so I wouldn't look a certain way. All the beautiful talking heads on the Filipino channel are modified, so it doesn't surprise me that Charice would go for the treatment, no qualms, cameras welcome. It gets stuck in most of the minds of an island nation that the colonizer's look is superior. Broad-nosed brown sadfaces all around.

  17. Her people are now saying it wasn't done for cosmetic purposes, but rather to treat jaw pain for a TMJ-like condition. Riiiight.

  18. Um...If I were her doctor, I say, " Get some sleep. Issue resolved." Duh. I am assuming she's of asian descent...We don't get wrinkles until our late 20's. I know this for a fact!

  19. You know what? I'm *this* shy of 40, and besides some laugh lines by my eyes, I have NO wrinkles. I know my weight gain since I had my kids is the reason, but I'd rather stay like this than inject BOTULISM TOXINS into my face. Do these young women even know what botulism is? It ain't pretty.

    Call me aging naturally and proud of it.

  20. Oh,I also meant to say...Who cares?

  21. Aw, come on now. Botox isn't the villain here. It's just a way for her to fit in with all the other frozen faces in Hollywood. My dad and stepmom botox each others faces all the time. It's just a way for them to bond. Now that's true love.
