Friday, June 25, 2010

Your Turn

Two things this week. Although I didn't write about GOOP yesterday, I did read it, and in it, they are looking for questions from readers just like you. They even provide an e-mail address. So, if you have a question for Gwyneth, please write it in the comments and then e-mail it to The question I want to ask her other than the obvious ones about whether she has ever been to a grocery store or sleeps in a coffin is the topic that has been all over the news this week.

Presuming it is legal as has been claimed, would you eat a lion burger?


  1. NEVER!!! And that cannot be legal. That makes me so sad. I love lions.

  2. 1. Do you really think you deserved the Oscar for 'Shakespeare in Love'?

    2. No!

  3. Out of curiosity, maybe. But I'd want to see airtight proof that it is legal first.

  4. @Mina - Ha! Great question! There is no way in hell she was better than Kate Blanchett in "Elizabeth".

  5. No interest in eating a lion burger. No interest in asking goop a question.

  6. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I'll be over here in the corner with Ms. Cool, not caring about either subject today.

    I have a problem anyway with eating meat if I let myself think about what it is. So I avoid very odd sorts of meat. I have tasted venison (blech) and once had a buffalo burger (double blech) but there is no way in hell I could eat lion. It would remind me too much of my kitty.

  7. Every week - do you sit in front of the mirror and practice a "Brittish" word before using it in public?

    Wouldn't do it. Besides, with beef being so tasty - why bother?

  8. #1 do you ever fart? do you ever poop? do you ever puke? do you ever get scabs? have you ever picked your nose? do boogers even exist in your nose?

    #2 lion burger? no, i prefer lamb or bison burgers if i do eat burgers (which is not so often).

  9. I was a vegetarian for years before my doctor ordered me to eat meat (due to a severe anemia issue--long story). I don't like beef much and have trouble eating dark meat chicken (too "gamey") so I doubt I could eat lion. Nor would I want to. My cats would not stand for it, either.

  10. Question: Do you stay out of the sun because your skin sparkles like the Twilight vampires?

    -Lion's meat? no. I stick to basics: cow(not often), chicken and fish. But my family has eaten rabbit, lamb, deer...all of those kind of animals. I'm sure they will.

  11. No and I'm constantly amazed that this is 2010 yet we still act like barbarians. I was appalled that the question would ever come up in civilized conversation. Caesar salad for me please.

  12. No, on the lions meat.

    No burning questions for the goop either.

  13. Even if it was/is legal, I can't get past the idea they are endangered animals. Maybe I'm totally wrong and there are hundreds of thousands roaming Africa but I'd still feel about as guilty eating lion as I would tiger or Panda. There is just something wrong about it.

    As for asking Ms Goop anything, thre is absolutely nothing I can think I would want to ask or get her opinion about.

  14. I would give a lion burger a shot, assuming it is actually legal. Why not? You only live once, and I would probably never be given the opportunity again. If that makes me barbaric, then so be it I guess. More for me!

    If I could ask Gwyneth any question, I would ask her if Ben was good in bed.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I would give a lion burger a shot. Assuming it is actually legal. I would probably never get the opportunity again, so why not just one bite? If that makes me barbaric, I do not apologize. Just means there is more meat for me.

    I would like to ask Gwyneth if Ben is good in bed.

  17. Lion is actually served at a severely upscale restaurant in Miami Beach, or at least was back in 1984.
    I know, because I tried to take the parents to dinner there and ended up leaving after my father pitched a bitch at their prices.
    Their menu included a number of "exotics" - but to answer the question, HELL no!
    Mind you, I have always considered myself a gourmand but there are some things that just won't pass my lips.
    Feline, canine, and simian fall into that category.

    As for the Goop, my burning question would have to be - "who died and made you God?"

  18. No - I'm a vegetarian. I think eating any kind of meat is just gross.

  19. Anonymous1:07 PM

    No. I don't eat the flash of other living creatures, even though Lions are my least favorite of all cats, because they kill cheetahs, my favorite animal.

  20. only if it tasted like bacon.

    (fack no)

  21. I'd try lion. Why not? Is it really that different from eating cow, pig, etc?

    For Gwyneth...which do you prefer as a weight control method, bulemia or anorexia?

  22. Has the Goopster been all over the news this week? I really need to get out more often. I have no questions to ask her but I hope you do send her the ones above. Too freaking funny.

    Lion. No. Never.

  23. LOL@merlin, great question for the poop, I mean goop~

  24. for goop: is being an entitled ahole something that you've practiced over time, or does it just come naturally for you?

    as for the lion burger... i heard about it the other day, apparently it is technically legal, but i just couldn't do it. i can't eat lamb, rabbit, most fish... because i know what it started out looking like and i don't want to know what it tastes like. poor simba!

  25. For Goop:

    After Chris cheated in public with Kate Bosworth, did you, even for a second, think of tossing his dinner salad with hemlock?

  26. Don't care about goop.

    Yes, I would try the lion. I've had cougar and it was good. In fact, we had kabobs last week and used antelope meat for one of the ingredients and it was FAN-FRICKIN-TASTIC.

    My husband and his friends are hunters. Before anyone gets their panties in a bunch, we always eat the meat. Most of it is a hell of a lot better for you than beef you buy in the store that's shot full of hormones and Lord knows what else.

    The one "meat" that I absolutely cannot get past my lips without gagging is lutefisk. I've tried, I just can't do it.

  27. i would absolutely never ever eat a lion burger. why would anyone do that? unless you're starving, there's no reason whatsoever. makes me sick.

  28. No, I would not eat lion as I am a vegetarian and even if I ate meat I would not. As for the question I'm with Mina and question would be ...

    How in the HELL did you win the Oscar for Shakespears in Love against Cate Blanchett in Elizabeth (which is an awesome movie even now)!

  29. I would ask Goopy how her career as a brochure author is going. Everything she writes sounds like it came out of an ad.

    And a big no to the lion God who could eat Simba????

  30. Abso-fucking-lutely hell no.

  31. 1) So, was it really worth blowing Harvey Weinstein to get the damn Oscar? Team Cate! and her dress was much better, too, which leads to...Why the hell didn't you leave the damn chicken cutlets in the dress, instead of letting it sag off you like that?

    2)FUCK, NO! I may still be an omnivore, but between the endangered species issue & the fact that they're cousins to my furball Jezebel, it's just not happening, legal or not.

  32. @Ashli: A-fucking-men!

  33. Only if I had to kill a lion. No point in wasting the meat. Hopefully, I'll never be attaked by a lion, though. :)

  34. No on the lion. It would break my heart.

    as for the other:

    So Goopy, did you really blow Harvey to get the role (and an Oscar)over Winona?

    With as many cleansings as you do how come you still have a HUGE stick up your ass.

  35. i'm a vegetarian, so no.

    however, if it is indeed legal, the lions are farm raised (as reported)and not from the wild/endangered, i really don't see how eating a lion burger is any different then eating a cow burger. the distinction between which animals are food/pets/wild is a very interesting discussion.

  36. No, I could't do it. :(

  37. Goop, why are you so in love with Madonna? Do you have a complex you would like to share?

    I would not eat a lion burger, because lions are carnivores and can cause nasty mad-lion (cow) discease. Herbavores are what you want to eat. If you ever need to survive a plain crash, ask for the vegans and vegitarians to raise their hands. Those are the ones you want to nibble on, not the flesh eaters.
