Tuesday, June 29, 2010

You Can Interview Joran Van Der Sloot For $1M - Women Proposing To Him

You know what is more shocking than Joran Van Der Sloot asking for $1M for a television interview? That companies are lined up to pay it. Why are they giving a guy $1M that he can spend on lawyers and other things to muddle up his defense? Oh, and get this. In his latest interview with De Telegraaf they confirm that he has been getting marriage proposals from female fans around the world.

Umm hello!!! The f**ker will kill you and then rob you. Who in the hell are these women and what in the world are they thinking? You know what though? It does not surprise me. I bet there are. They probably think they can get famous too. If you have some time and Google Translate, you should read the first interview from two weeks ago they did with him in its entirety.


  1. it should be illegal to give interviews or gain money from crime when you are the suspect.

  2. I've never understood those crazed women who fall in "love" with murderers- like all those chicks who wrote to Scott Peterson- really, bitches?!? Do these women have a death wish or were they not hugged as children or something?

  3. Yes, serial killers get proposed to CONSTANTLY. Hard to figure, huh?

    Meanwhile, plenty of nice guys who can't get a date. Humans are strange.

  4. Ooooooh, what a catch! Not.

  5. absolutely disgusting.

  6. Yes, I think he's going to need some money: http://guanabee.com/2010/06/hugo-trujillo-el-payaso-van-der-sloot/

  7. god please let one be Bombshell McGee.

  8. Let the women propose and get visitation. I consider it Darwinian with that kind of stupidity.

    I'm hoping Peru will so lose patience with him that he is put in the general population.

  9. Women always fantasize that they can "save" these criminals. @Kristi, you actually aren't too far off.

  10. I'm going to write him, I think. I can CHANGE him.

  11. I agree, jax. Criminals should not be paid to tell their story.

    Further, this guy is a total compulsive liar. I would respect the TV networks if they gave that money to groups helping women of abuse or murder victims. But, of course that won't get ratings. Blech.

  12. Unfortunately companies are considering paying him $1M for an interview because they think he'll confess to Natalie's (sp.?) murder. The same way that her mom and the U.S. authorities were willing to give him money to tell where the body his hidden.

    In regards to women finding him attractive this is nothing new. Sadly a killer can find a woman faster than a decent, self respecting, law abiding, nerd.

  13. @ jax and Elizabeth... Thank you both for making me laugh.

  14. Oh, and BOTH Menendez brothers have gotten married while in jail. One of them twice.

  15. Some women are interested in criminals because they think they may be able to change him. Sad but true. Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, Scott Peterson, The Menendez Brothers are a few examples of criminals/serial killers who were bombarded with love letters, marriage proposals, etc. while they are/were in jail.

  16. What jax said about how this should be be ILLEGAL. Criminals (even accused) should not be able to profit until after they've been found INNOCENT.

  17. You should also remember reports that prisons in Peru are highly corrupted. Prisoners can stay in separate cameras, TV, drugs, hookers or anything if they have money. You can only imagine what a life he can get there with his million!

  18. i agree this shouldn't be permitted. how the fuck is this legal?

    and to anyone willing to pony up the one million, i suggest you just put it through a shredder and flush it down the toilet. all he's going to do is lie.

  19. This is making me wonder how Scott Peterson is doing over there in San Quentin?

    He sure was cute...maybe...does he have an email address? Hmmm...


  20. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I always wondered what is in the BRAINS of these women. Are they abused emotionally? Do they think 'I could have GONE DOWN THE SAME PATH IN LIFE IF NOT FOR THE LOVE OF MY FAMILY, MY FAITH, ETC. ETC. ETC., **** obviously is not loved by his family, I CAN LOVE HIM, I CAN CHANGE HIM. It will be the two of us (and unknown to me, my bank account)against the world.' They must have a great fantasy world, because if I had a good friend that married a Menendez, Peterson, etc., I could not remain good friends or friends at all if she sat there and preached about his goodness and innocence.

  21. I hope Stephany's family can bring a civil suit against Joran immediately so that they can attach all future earnings he might get. I don't know if that is possible in Peru.

    One problem with internet translations is that the gender pronouns a sometimes switched and not consistently. You can usually determine when "her" should be "him".

  22. What a jerk. Do they still have the death penalty in Peru? Or do people just still "disappear"?

  23. You know, I was a happily married woman, but then I saw a picture of this guy they call Van der Sloot (that's pronounced Wonder Slut, right?), and I just can't stop thinking about him. Those women - the ones who are dead or missing - just weren't enough woman for him.

  24. @bj: I totally agree!
    @Jenny: what a fabulous idea!

  25. Totally agree, @jax

    vanderBitch should not be allowed a penny. WTF are these morons wanting the interview?? Like a shred of truth will come from it ????! Grrrrrrrrr makes me angry!!

  26. Bundy used to have these wackjobs show up with their hair styled the way his victims had theirs. I think everyone pointing out they think they can "change him" are right. I think it's also the Women Dig Jerks (MegaJerks, in this case) mindset.

    I could change him ... I think a sledgehammer would do the trick.

  27. Hey, maybe the women are just insecure... at least they'll know where the man is at all times, which not all women can say! :)
