Friday, June 18, 2010

The Worst Call Ever

I spent most of my morning watching the USA versus Slovenia. It was absolutely thrilling and horribly crushing too. Below is the goal that was disallowed which would have given the USA the lead and probable win. I still have no idea what this referee was looking at to call it off.


  1. That guy had to be on crack. I saw it too and there was zero reason to disallow the goal. The normally staid announcers were livid.

    At least they did not lose. But that still sucks!

  2. He certainly wasn't looking at the two Slovenians he could have carded during the play.

  3. in an attempt to bring a little bit of humor to the's the wiki entry on the referee (that wikipedia quickly pulled but someone was awesome enough to screen-cap, thus ending up in my inbox a zillion times):

    (eeep...sorry don't know how to insert a clickable link)

  4. Okay, Pookie, it made me smile - thanks! However, my blood pressure is still MILE HIGH. SO MAD!!!!!!!!!!

  5. First of all, the U.S team is playing really good! Congrats

    -The referee is blind! it was not offside, there was no foul, it was just crazy! The game was amazing and the only thing the referee should have made was a penalty kick; one man from the U.S team was knock down, two other were being grabbed...just crazy.

    I hope your team can pull it off and win the next match.

  6. Ditto .robert. I'm still pissed.

  7. Welcome to the total agony that is the World Cup. It's always really painful, especially if you're English lol or now American.

    Only good news I can give you is that it is good workout for your heart and you're not out of it yet, if England beat Slovenia and everyone beats Algeria, you're through with England.

  8. Enty, stop posting world cup spoilers. Some of us have to DVR the games and hate to have them ruined by you.

  9. cdanluva - if you want to remain unspoiled, don't read the internet. Alot of us watched the match in real time and want to talk about the bum call.

    Enty, please continue posting about the World Cup, even after the US is eliminated (hopefully a while from now).

    Did anyone catch the earlier match? Yellow cards were flying anywhere.

    We were robbed, grrr.

  10. @Alli - so true about the Cup being painful if you're English. We can't score against Algeria? Really??

  11. i don't have television, so i really appreciate his coverage, SO THERE! thank you enty

    and grrrrrrrrrrrr about this whole situation. so frustrating, but at least we're tied.

    good job to both teams for playing so well.

  12. I was really sad for the US. The guys were so excited to tie the game. So unfair.

  13. @kathrynnova, you know you can watch the games live on the internet? Lemme know and I'll provide the links.

  14. @valerie - you're going to crazy days and nights for all of your sports info and discussions?! Good grief.

  15. Anonymous12:58 AM

    I don't comment often but I've been a CDAN fan for a while. One of the reasons I enjoy it is because ENTY doesn't just focus on celebrities, but has interesting items.

    Also, he posts stuff from around the world, which I appreciate. I was in Holland when he was posting about Joran, and it was great to read about here, and get his take on the situation.
