Wednesday, June 30, 2010

US Supreme Court Nominee Asked Whether She Is Team Edward Or Jacob

And you thought Supreme Court nomination hearings had no gossip potential. Well, to show you that Twilight is everywhere, US Senator Amy Klobuchar from Minnesota decided to ask Elena Kagan about her thoughts on Team Jacob vs Team Edward. Apparently the Senator went to a midnight showing of the movie and just had to share. She is really, really excited.


  1. Glad they are getting to the important issues...sheesh...

  2. Seriously. Both her and Franken are an embarrassment to the state.

  3. You know she only did that to get on the news and raise her media profile.

    Politicians are so pathetic with pandering.

  4. Um, wow. I have to believe she's going to look back at that footage later and be really embarrassed.

  5. Is this the election for Miss USA? Where's the formal gown?

  6. So...this is a Senator gossiping with a Solicitor General of the United States about fictional teen vampire and werewolf.

    Fantastic. Great to see the legislative powers in the US held in such serious hands.

  7. wrong, Just a Girl.

    Klobuchar, Franken, AND Bachmann are an embarrassment to the state.

  8. This is why no one has any faith in our government. If they would just shut up and do their job and make this the great country that it once was then we would all be happy. But instead they are all more interested in who can get the better sound byte in, who can have the best affair, scandal, etc. Instead we are all embarassed by what they do (or don't do).

    And I live in California (and work for the State) so I have a lot of insight into how these idiots don't do their job. We don't have a signed budget, yet they are going to go on their summer break - while the employees of the state are expected to do our jobs and probably get paid Federal Minimum Wage until they can balance the budget. ASSHATS! All of them!

  9. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I think its funny!

  10. Looks like Kagan was suffering a bit of secondhand embarrassment for the Senator. The look on her face was pricelss.

  11. The "I wish you wouldnt" comment is the best.

    Yeah, I would say Bachman is def up there when it comes to being completely and utterly outrageous...

  12. Oh god, how embarrassing. Yup she'll look back at that footage and criiiinge! How could someone think a question like that is appropriate to ask at a Supreme Court nomination hearing?! She must have thought she was being funny, but it came off as so airhead. There are some times where humor just isn't appropriate.

  13. Oh, Amy... LOL She's just a nerd, I like her.

    Bachmann is beyond batshit crazy.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Oh yeah......THESE are the people I want making decisions about my country and my future. *eye roll*

    Kagan's thoughts on current laws? Her experience & history? What direction she wants to take this country? FTS, let's talk about important stuff----TWILIGHT*squeeeeeee*!!!!

    Doofuses. Every last damned one of them. :(

  16. I did like Kagan's response to a question yesterday. When some Senator was grilling her on where she was during the failed Christmas Day attack, Kagan laughed and quipped, "well, like most Jews, I was probably at a Chinese restaurant." THAT'S how you infuse humor into these things.

  17. they would NEVER ask a man this.



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