Tom Cruise To Make Les Grossman Movie
Tom Cruise thinks he has found something that people love about him. Something to get the career back on track and make people forget all about his bad movie choices and that whole Scientology thing. He thinks the best way is to make a Les Grossman movie. Les is the character he first played in Tropic Thunder and then brought back again this past weekend at the MTV Movie Awards.
A whole movie of Tom Cruise as Les Grossman? That might be too much. It works best because people are not expecting it. That is what made it popular. It is a short dose thing, not a two hour movie. Of course, Saturday Night Live has made a living translating sketch characters into movies so they would probably disagree with me.
It looks like Ben Stiller will also star in the movie and maybe even direct it. The news releases from Paramount and Ben Stiller are probably funnier than the movie will be.