Monday, June 21, 2010

Today's Blind Items

This Academy Award nominated/winning actor has been married for a long time. He has also had about a five year relationship with this celebrity/ C list movie and television actress he has basically lived with for most of that time. Well, the broke up recently because she caught him for the umpteenth time in their bed with another woman.


  1. ben affleck! seriously

  2. Denzel Washington and Sanaa Lathan

  3. Al Pacino - the C list actress Beverly D'Angelo?

  4. idk, but what an ass****.

  5. Who says Denzel has to leaver her. She should leave him. She'd still get a TON.

  6. Tom Hanks & Ginnifer Goodwin? Though really this could be almost anyone as this blind is even vaguer than usual:)

  7. I'm liking Denzel for this but I'm a Sanaa Lathan fan and think she is B list. Denzel has supposedly slept with all his female co-stars to test their "chemistry"

  8. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Then she has to be staying for the status. She gets half anyway.

  9. This could also be old Mel Gibson news.

  10. Robert De Niro and...?

  11. I like the Sanaa Lathan guess. No effing way is she B list.

  12. Anonymous3:04 PM

    De Niro has slowed WAY down at his age. He won't be leaving Grace because he knows that she is gonna look after him, when he can no longer care for himself.

  13. I hate hearing that Denzel is an ass, but I'd still do him! (not if he was married, though)

  14. I'd buy the Denzel/Sanaa guess. She's at most C, maybe even D.

  15. Is that why Denzel was so random at the Tonys?

    Speaking of which -- anyone know if he and his co-star had agreed prior to the show that they wouldn't thank each other if they won?

  16. I like the Denzel guess.

  17. Im liking denzil and saana for this BI does anyone know for true if she really did have his child and is hiding it by having her mother care for the child.... him and his wife will NEVER leave each other.....

  18. denzel won't even kiss a white actress in his movies. you're saying he fucks them?

    and yeah, why wouldn't mrs. denzel up and leave HIS ass? why stay?

  19. Weezy I remember Viola did not mention Denzel but I thought he mentioned her name in his speech. By the way Denzel's Tony award speech sucked eggs big time. He was either spaced out or he didn't care that he won. He didn't even know the appropriate name of the Tony organization. I'm a Denzel fan and was glad for him but not that night. Hope it was an off night and not a sign of a downward spiral.

    Getting back to the blind if this is him maybe his game was off at the Tony's because Sanaa dumped him for cheating on her while they were cheating on his wife. Ha!

  20. Anonymous3:44 PM

    It doesn't say what color the woman is, but I am having a hard time believing this BI. Wouldn't the paps have a pic of these two? At least coming out of her house.

  21. @pablo-I think that nancer was commenting on the other commenter that said Denzel "test drives" his co-stars.

    and speaking of which, that is funny because I, too, have heard both rumors (that he won't kiss a white woman, but he sleeps with all of his co-stars) just not at the same time, so it didn't click. Hmm? Wonder if either are true?

  22. Denzel and Julia Roberts had a fling a long time ago.

  23. 1. Sanaa Latham isn't white.
    2. Denzel has been screwing around for years.
    3. Just because an actor won't do something on screen isn't indicative of the dirt he does in his private life.
    4. This BI makes baby Jesus weep.

  24. My first thought was Tom Hanks and Ginnifer Goodwin.

    As for the other woman, I just KNOW it's Betty White!

  25. Morgan Freeman and his step grand daughter

    ewww i feel creepy typing that.

  26. @not on my dollar -- thanks; I guess I was so startled at Washington's sloppy appearance and unprofessional speech I didn't listen closely to what he actually said. Also, his wife didn't look as polished and together as she usually does.

  27. Michael Caine(he 's married since 1973) and Katie Holmes!!!(worked together in Nolan's first batman in 2004-2005)
    the marriage with Cruise is a beard and Caine is Suri's dad

  28. @nancer That rumor stemmed from the Pelican Brief, never read the book but its said that JR's & DW's characters were romantically involved in the book but the script was re-written because JR' staunch Southern dad would have had a problem with her kissing a black man on film or otherwise. Denzel does NOT discriminate, he is a total man-whore. I, too, heard about he & Julia.

    I immediately thought of Denzel and Sanaa (who is said to have a love child by him) for this blind. Pauletta has been through it all with him.

  29. It doesn't say what color the other woman is nor does it say what color the subject is.

    This is a BLIND.

  30. Sigh. I'd read a few years back about all these rumors on Denzel and was so disappointed b/c he was one of my favorite actors.

    Please anyone but Tom Hanks. I would be so sad.

    Out of all the super long relationships in Hollywood I guess Denzel would make the most sense. :(

  31. I sincerely doubt that Julia Roberts' dad would have a problem with her kissing a black man onscreen because a). Martin Luther King Jr. was friends with the family in GA and paid the hospital bill when she was born because her folks were poor; and b). her father has been dead since she was a kid.
    Bad rumor!

  32. wow, this is all news to me. i read an interview with him a long time ago (in parade maybe?) where he addressed his policy of not kissing white women in movies. so all this time i bought the long term marriage, and all the good work he's done with the boys club and thought 'what a great guy.'

    you guys have opened my eyes. i almost wish i'd remained ignorant.


  33. Denzel really has a no-kissing-white-women policy?! Crazy! Is that to pander to his perceived fanbase or what?

    And don't forget what Bronson Pinchot said about Denzel's treatment of his costars - abhorrent, like the worst he had ever seen after a career of seeing all kinds of stuff.

    I just figure you can never get attached to any idea of performers' decency offscreen. No guarantees, right?

  34. Denzel has supposedly slept with all his female co-stars to test their "chemistry"

    If that's true he's nailed Julia Roberts and Angelina Jolie. Hmmm, I'm not surprised that Jolie has a history of fucking her married co-stars pre-Brad

  35. It's 2010. Do we really have to even hear the name Denzel anymore?

  36. J -- sorry, I don't buy that as the reason for not having them kiss in the movie. A movie producer would throw his lawyer under the bus if it meant increasing box office -- they didn't have them kiss on the Lena Horne Principle that audiences would be offended, nothing more.

  37. I really think Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson are happily married and faithful.

  38. Anonymous9:08 AM

    It's been said time and time again, that celebs put on appearances. One would think that reading this site, you would be wiser.

    Tom Hanks cheats on his wife MORE, than Rita cheats on him. Wake up.

  39. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Learn to separate what a person does for a living from what they engage in at home.

  40. Denze. has been a dog for YEARS and he and Sanaa are OLD news. That relationship ended years ago when he cut her loose because she was TOO attached and thought he would leave his wife for her.
    I think it might be someone we least expect. I like the Tom Hanks and Ginnifer Goodwin guess. Remember the picture of them holding hands on a red carpet or something. It was VERY random.

  41. ITA marriedformoney, but some Hollywood couples are arranged for publicity, so what they do at home can also be fake. =P

  42. Lady J I agree I don't believe that this is about Denzel and Sanaa. I've heard that he's been seeing some waitress for a while. Denzel seems like the type to cheat (if he really is) long term with a nobody just like the Tiger's of the world.

  43. Just noticed that Tom Hanks is a producer of Big Love which was Ginnifers big break and started less than five years ago.

    In the negative column she was in a relation ship with Chris Klein for two of those years. Though he could just be a cover boyfriend...

  44. There was article that Denzel even said he has made mistakes and he is far from perfect.
