Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Today's Blind Items

This doesn't really surprise me considering how long it took for this B+/A- film actor to finally get married. Still though, to openly flirt with women at a party and then ask one out on a date and then go on a date while your wife is back home with your child/ren does not really seem like a good way to make that marriage survive. I wonder if he went with the whole open marriage line or the we have an understanding excuse.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Is mark married?

  3. Is mark married? if he is thats a good guess

  4. Yep first thought was Mark Wahlberg too.

  5. This could be a legion of Hollywood horndogs from Warren Beatty to Mark Wahlberg. Did Matthew Mac. marry that chick or are they doing the Kurt/Goldie thing?

  6. Hmmm isn't this similar to Ted C's BI from this morning? I know Enty wouldn't copy someone else's BI just noticed a coincidence here.

  7. MM, I know who sent Enty the blind, so I don't think it's the same actor.

  8. Sounds like Russell Crowe.

  9. my first idea is Mark Wahlberg!
    he had a 10 year-old on /off relation with his now wife before to marry her last year

  10. Marky Mark's also in the random photos. It does sound like him.

  11. Ted C 's today BI is an older TV brown-haired tv actor(Fox or Dempsey)on my opinion

  12. I don't really consider Mark Wahlberg a B+/A-. I think of him as a good solid C, maybe a B. But otherwise that's a good guess. Warren Beatty is an icon, always an A, or at the very least he'd be labeled a former A-list. Did Harrison Ford ever marry Calista? But I don't think they have any children together, though she seems like a pretty good step-mom to his kids. I'd say Jay-Z if it weren't for the "film star" clue. It took him forever to marry Beyonce. And they don't have kids either.

  13. "considering how long it to ... finally get married" does not sound like mark wahlberg or even ben affleck. they've been married for a while, no? Warren Beatty would be too easy. Besides, I highly doubt that he can pick up dates so easily these days. Am thinking a younger but equally notorious poon hound. George Clooney would fit except he's not hitched.

  14. What about Vince Vaughn?

  15. Anonymous2:32 PM

    No way Mark Walhberg is a C. No freaking way.

  16. Warren Beatty is surely permanently A list, no?

    My first guess was Russell Crowe.

  17. Mark Wahlberg was my first guess too. As other posters have pointed out, he had the babies before he had the wife.

  18. It really doesn't sound like Wahlberg to me, for some reason.

    Vaughan doesn't have kids, right? Afflect doesn't work either.

  19. BTW, I love Wahlberg, and he is A+ t ome, but in the real world, he is a B+/-.

  20. Mark Wahlberg totally fits the bill. Married less than a year to the mother of his 4 kids.

    Vince Vaughn has no kids. Warren Beatty waited a long time to marry, but he and Annette have been together for ages now, and the BI sounds like this marriage is new. Patrick Dempsey, Matthew Fox, and Rob Lowe all look good for Ted's BI, but have been married too long to fit this.

    Sasha Baron Cohen is another possibility, but Marky Mark was my first thought and the likeliest candidate IMO.

  21. To all you questioning Mark Wahlberg's B+/A- list status, don't forget he also produces Entourage. He's definitely still a player in Hollywood and probably can still get his pick of movie roles.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Hi all. At the risk of stepping on Enty's toes - I can tell you I'm the one that sent this blind in and know the young lady who went on the date (and hell NO it wasn't me). With that being said, the only thing I want (and will) say is that it's NOT Wahlberg. Happy guessing!

  24. Thanks Rocket!

    Back to the drawing board.. Although I didn't think it was Wahlberg. He's not B+/A-... Only in MY opinion :) Don't hate!

    If it is Beatty... SHAME!
    I love Annette, why marry then cheat, unless it is open and he's been doing it all along.

    I got nothing else. I'll have to come back later..

  25. I'm thinking McConaghey

  26. Matthew Mc Conaughey is not married!

  27. This is a longshot, but my guess is Woody Harrelson. It took him 21 years to marry Laura Louie.

    Seriously, this blind is tough.

  28. This person is a B+/A- FILM actor, folks.
    I don't think Fox or Dempsey fit that.

  29. Wahlberg is an Oscar nominee, so that takes him out of C status for sure.

    Good guess.

  30. This fits Woody. His wife and kids live on Maui. My close friend has hung out with him and Owen Wilson in Austin TX and there were some crazy shenanigans going on. Even if it is not him. It's him too.
    Apparently it only happens when he is working and away from the family.

  31. It could be Woody. I know that while he was here in Austin he entertained a random blonde at his hotel so he does "date" other ladies that are not his wife.

  32. Is Woody an A minus?
    I haven't been around for a bit so I'm not sure what we classify as what now.
    I would give Matthew Mc A- for name rec but not for acting.

    Stymied on this one. Sounds like Ben but I'm fairly certain that's ooooold news. Who was married recently that may fit? I hate to think of Reynolds as A- (because though he's beautiful he's no A) but he's the first one that came to mind for me.

  33. This is a boring blind (no offense just could be a lot of actors)
    I will add one more thing Woody is most def a B+/A-. He was nominated for an Academy Award this last year (2nd nom) and is filming Zombieland 2 due to the success of the first.
    Warren Beatty would not really be a blind.
    IMO Matt McConaughey is a B at best. His last movie was Ghosts of Girlfriends Past in 09 and Surfer Dude before that.

  34. @ Little Maci & Valerie - Russell Crowe's wife often swings with him, so it's not as if she's left alone all the time wearing an apron and nursing a baby. I guess she does what she has to do to keep that fine specimen of assholiness married to her. What a catch.

  35. RocketQueen,

    If you know the characters, why not spill it?

    Since you've already outed yourself about being in the know.

  36. @ RocketQueen - Awwwww, not even a bit of a hint? Surely you've gnashed your teeth at some of the vague blinds...

    Hey, don't you live in Canada? Who's been filming in Canada recently??

  37. Russell Crowe is A list so it cannot be him.

  38. Owen and woody went hiking here in Canada recently.

  39. Matty McConahaughuy ;)

  40. Woody Harrelson is no A anything

  41. Sweater: See other's comment above re: Woody H.
    2 Oscar noms, I just this Spring. Zombieland also now a franchise, but a niche franchise, so Woody gets a minus on his A.

    I definitely think this could be him. I really really like him in interviews and movies, but it's pretty obvious he's not close with his wife. Whenever I've seen them together, they're always standing 4 feet away from each other and looking different directions.
    Seriously, would anybody be surprised if it were Woody H?

  42. Woody was nominated for a ton of awards, including the Oscar, for his role in The Messenger. He's had a really long, successful career, and now Zombieland is a franchise. To me, that's total A-/B+.

    So, I stand by my guess. And, I had no idea about the rumors of his womanizing. But, yeah totally not shocking at all. Underneath that nice guy image, he could be a total douche.

  43. Yeah, I don't get why RocketQueen wouldn't divulge? She's anonymous here. And from the BI it doesn't sound like the actor in question could single out which of the women he's dated it might be.

  44. Hey all - I didn't divulge right off the bat because I wanted to give it to Enty for a blind! I like blinds :)
    Tell you what, I'll reveal on the same day Enty does his reveals! By then I hope to find out exactly what "went down" on that date.

  45. RQ didn't even tell her friends the answer when she told us the blind - we had to guess too. :) The guessing is the fun part!

  46. Russell Crowe is "A list", not B+/A-. This is not him. Also, he's been WITH his entire family for 6 weeks, promoting Robin Hood in US, London, Italy, and lots of other places. Just returned home to Oz, after the promotional tour, where he's also been with his family for past 2 weeks or more.

  47. Anonymous9:12 PM

    I'm going with Ben Affleck. Maybe the part about how long it took for him to finally get married is referring to the fact that Jennifer Garner was pretty pregnant by the time they actually married?



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