Friday, June 04, 2010

Ted C Blind Item

We're takin' a slight breather from the hardcore debauched Blind Vice annals of closeted sexuality, illegal drugs and married swingers.

Today's secret celeb tale is all about how pitiful a famous drunk's life can be. And no, we're not just talkin' Lindsay Lohan and her new SCRAM existence. Nope, enter mega-rich, mega-talented (and still working, too!) Buddy Rib-Toast, a dude who knows his way around blockbusters as well as he does babes.

And Buddy's movie pals are getting super concerned about the good-looking dude:

As the Budster has a bad habit of getting smashed out of his gourd and bolting through hotel rooms, sets, trailers and myriad on-location places in his birthday suit! (Or, if Bud's not quite as intoxicated as he usually gets, just in his underwear.) And even though most of the ladies—at least, the ones who aren't sleeping with him—don't seem to mind this up-close display of Buddy's privates on parade, a lotta Buddy's guy pals are getting seriously worried.

"He has a major drinking problem," said one of Buddy's close colleagues, a friend who's working with Buddy on his latest film, Return to Nation Ruination (which is a sequel to the monster hit, Nation Ruination, the flick that really put BRT on the map). "And it's constantly getting covered up by his publicists who keep threatening to pull him from future shows if any of the TV outlets mention it."

Jeez, never heard of that one. A publicist threatening banishment unless a news organization agrees to hush up a star's seedy behavior? Shocking!

"But what's really weird," adds the Rib-Toast pal, "is not only that he's always naked, but that nobody's come out with this yet. It's gotta be just a matter of time."

Actually, it's already happened: Rib-Toast got into a little nasty snafu, thanks to his inebriated head, when he and a friend's girlfriend he was schtupping got caught in the act. But no worries! Miss Publicist made it all go away!

Also, if the naked stuff come out, Buddy knows full well his stellar abs will make more news than the fact that he's constantly loaded on his projects.

It Ain't: Jake Gyllenhaal, Kellan Lutz, Jason Lewis


  1. Bradley Cooper?? Hope not.

  2. Chris Pine... Shia LeBoeuf! Wall Street 2.

  3. My guess is Sam Worthington. He really comes across as just a typical guy having a lot of fun being a movie star,maybe running around naked is part of that. And Austrlians are pretty well known for their heavy drinking.

  4. I would love for it to be Chris Pine. But he seems so uptight in his interviews and is very centered on being a movie star and having an acting career. He dumped Audrina Patridge becuase his PR team told him to.

  5. Shia came to mind. But I get the feeling this is someone older.

  6. I know Keanu Reeves has a drinking problem and has shown up on set drunk.

  7. This blind should be so easy to figure out, it's like Ted wants this blind to be easy to figure out. All we need to figure out is a guy known for his abs, who is not married, and this his big breakthrough came from a movie that he is now filming a sequel for.
    But I have nothing to offer...

  8. I instantly thought of Matthew McConaughey... however don't see any sequels he's filming

  9. Isn't Bradley Cooper doing a sequel to Hangover?

  10. Cooper's the best guess, since he just got the Hangover sequel, but I thought he was already a blind item with Ted?
    Shia has already had his problems with liquor, culminating with him being accompanied everywhere by a sober coach, which I think Ted would have mentioned.
    Chris Pine's not a bad guess, since there's going to be anther Star Trek.

  11. Buddy Rib Toast = BRiT, is that a clue that its a British guy?


  13. I thought Shia, too, until his stellar abs were mentioned.

  14. It's not Shia bc Wall St was NOT the movie that put him on the map. Plus, it's common knowledge & he has even admitted he drinks too much.

  15. I thought Matthew Mc too, but I don't think the clues fit

  16. I don't think any of the guesses would qualify as "mega rich" or "mega talented". This sounds like someone more established, a Clooney or Damon type.

  17. I thought both Bradley Cooper and Chris Pine were supposed to be gay? (popular answers to previous blind items)

  18. I thought George Clooney immediately, but is he known for his abs?

  19. I thought B-Coop at first, too.

  20. I really hope this isn't RDJ! I don't believe BC has sex with women.

  21. I thought RDJ too.

  22. Ooh, Mooshki, great guess!

  23. Shia. Alcohol problems, flashed people on Even Stevens set often.

  24. If it is Shia, it is Transformers they are talking about. However, I don't see him as a huge heartthrob.
    Made me think of Josh D, but it would have mentioned that he is married.

  25. Brad Pit? he's known for his abs and he's old enough to still be working.

  26. Is this just a rerun of the Steve Gutenberg pantsless running video from Thursday? He seemed pretty hammered yet physically fit in that to me and the item mentions a new Three Men and a Baby movie.

  27. B. Coop is my guess. No older guys have great abs. Or maybe Chris Pine, but he isn't that well defined.

  28. B. Coop is my guess. No older guys have great abs. Or maybe Chris Pine, but he isn't that well defined.

  29. Russell Brand? His new "Get him to the Greek" movie is a sequel (of sorts) to "Forgetting Sarah Marshall".

  30. "Mega-rich, mega-talented (and still working, too!)" does not describe Shia LeBeouf. It's definitely someone older and more established.

  31. What about Mark Wallberg? I'm not sure if he's shooting any sequel's but if he was doing a boogie nights sequel it could fit. And he has some pretty nice abs!

  32. Christian Bale takes himself to seriously to get up to those sorts of shenanigans.

    I immediately thought B Coop, but Sam Worthington is a good guess! And as an Aussie, I'll let you off for calling us a bunch of alcos.

  33. what about will smith? Aren't they doing a sequel of either Independence day or Men in Black?

  34. it has to be Bradley Cooper. Abs? check. Sequel to movie that made hime famous? (Hangover 2 is filming) check.
