Tuesday, June 01, 2010

So Much For That Prince Of Persia Franchise & SATC 3 Possibilities

When you get beat by a green ogre that is one thing, but when you get beat by a green ogre one week after the movie opened and in it's fourth installment you know you have a crap movie. Both Prince of Persia and Sex And The City 2 got hammered by Shrek despite the fact that Shrek opened a week ago. SATC2 took in only 37M. It seems like a lot but that was with five days of screenings. For the first movie they got $75M in just 3 days. I declare the franchise dead. Or at least on life support.

As for Prince Of Persia, it somehow snuck past SATC2 yesterday by about $700K. I wonder if some individual went out and bought some tickets because it was definitely headed for 3rd. Although the movie has bombed here in the US, people overseas seem to like Jake G and the movie so there might be a glimmer of hope for a sequel. Plus they already have Jake signed to a sequel so they will probably make it just for the ancillary revenue like video games and action figures.


  1. I can't recall one video game movie ever doing well.

    As for SATC 2 thank God for Netflix,

  2. Actually when the final numbers were tallied SATC2 is number 2 and POP was number 3 according to box office mojo. Not that I was going to see any of these movies at theater. I'll wait to see them for free when they come out on dvd.

  3. SATC 2 sucked. Thank goodness alcohol was served before and during the movie or I might not have made it.

    I have no desire to see the Prince, but I just heard this morning from someone who saw it that it sucked too.

    My last hope is the big, green fella.

  4. I saw SATC2 and liked it. It certainly isn't Oscar worthy, but that's not why I went.

  5. Yeah, you don't go see SATC because it'll make you think or anything like that...*L*

  6. Never did get the whole Jakey G thing. He has total gayface and leaves me cold. Nothing wrong with the gayface. Just don't expect me to believe you're a bulked up superhero or whatever. Go back to your latest beard, honey.

  7. Being a chick, it is a bit odd that I have never even seen one episode of SATC, much less either of their movies.

    And Jake is about as unattractive to me as RPattz is. Just not appealing at all to me.

    More SEAN BEAN! Let's hear some goss about or gawk at photos of a REAL man!

  8. I liked SATC2 also...a lot more than the first one. But I don't expect a whole helluva lot with that franchise. I only went because it was my sister's b-day and that's what she wanted to do...

  9. Although I am a Sex and the City fan I had no desire to go and see the movie, it didn't look all that appealing and I know I can see it in two months when it is on pay per view for $5.
    I like Jake G. but he is not believable in a superhero role, at least not to me and Prince of Persia looked boring as hell. It might have done better with an unknown as opposed to Jake G., he just isn't popular enough with the young gamer crowd.

  10. ladies stop taking your movie reviews from men...SATC has a core group of fans,none of them work for Rolling Stone.

  11. I love Sex & the City, but this movie looked really offensive. Prince of Persia looked absolutely horrible from the first previews. Movies cost too much these days to throw away that much money on a stinker.

  12. I've never seen SATC, I just don't like it. As for POP the trailers were horrible just seems like a bad movie.

  13. offensive how? every movie deal with stereotypes,i bet Shrek is filled with them,but its said by cute cartoons,so no one notices.

    it's just a movie. i'm going to start only watching foreign flicks if America is going to get all PC over every little thing.

  14. I have every episode of SATC on DVD and liked the first movie. I wasn't expecting Shakespeare.

    The beginning was cute (Liza singing "Single Ladies" was hilarious) and the ending was sweet. But, like I said I had to have alcohol for the rest of the movie.

  15. Seriously, what Jax said.
    A lot of ppl are forming their opinions about Sex and the City 2 by what reviewers are saying out there but many of the reviewers are male who some say are pummeling the movie purely out of some weird macho spite.
    I saw the movie solo yesterday when i took myself out on a date :) and I liked it. It was very pro-female. There was a scene where Miranda and Charlotte are talking about the difficulties in being a mother, there were scenes about sticking together despite available men waiting in the wings, and so on.
    THis movie, indeed the entire franchise, is unappologetically pro female and many men have big problems with that.

  16. i heart you Jasmine,you made my point better than i could.

  17. i'm a satc fan, so i def want to see this...i'm all about shoes, i ain't gonna lie...even if i have to illegally vuze it, it's gonna happen.

  18. Love the HBO SATC series, hated the first movie with a passion, and am skipping the second altogether.

  19. I saw SATC2 this weekend and liked it. It wasn't as good as the first, but I love those ladies. It was very over the top but it wasn't as ridiculous of a storyline as the trailer made me think it would be.

    It is kind of sad it got beat by Shrek 4 AND POP.

  20. Enty, if you are going to rant about something, get your facts straight. A simple glance at boxofficemojo or the-numbers.com will show you that satc2 made 51 million over the 5 day period, not 37.

  21. The SATC promos were embarrassing. "We're not in Kansas anymore!"


    Neither POP nor Shrek interest me either.

  22. Never got into SATC. Just didn't appeal to me.

    I seem to recall about a year or so ago a trailer for Prince of Persia that was animated and it looked pretty good. I'd still like to go see it. I was a Saturday afternoon matinée junkie when I was a kid. Jason and the Argonauts and Sinbad (as well as the original War of the Worlds) were my drug.

    Besides, it will probably do well on DVD.
