Thursday, June 03, 2010

Sean Penn Says Robin Wright Is A Ghost To Him

Sean Penn is in the latest issue of Vanity Fair. In the interview he says that his wife of 20 years, Robin Wright is a ghost to him an that he is finally free after marriage and raising kids for 18 years to do what he wants.

“I was for 20 years in a relationship with Robin and 18 years with children. I didn’t have time to commit to anything—for real—in places like Iraq, except to denounce the war. But now I’m single. I can lend a hand.”

Aren't marriage and kids a commitment? For real? I thought they were. I would bash Sean some more, but because I am one who gives credit where credit is due, it does sound like he is actually doing some real good for the people in Haiti. The article talks about how, with two very brief absences, Sean Penn has lived in a tent in Haiti for the past five months and is actually making a difference in the lives of people there.

“My politics are not in line with Sean Penn’s,” states Major General Simeon Trombitas, a frequent guest at J/P HRO compound. “But we are allied in trying to save lives and alleviate human suffering. He is a doer and not a talker...and I respect that immensely.” Lieutenant General P. K. Keen, deputy commander of the U.S. Southern Command, concurs: “In a humanitarian crisis you can be a neutral—always pinching your knuckles white. Or you can operate an NGO the way Mr. Penn does.… He intuitively knew how to both work with the U.N. and break its bureaucracy down.... I applaud the leadership he has shown. He doesn’t have to do this.”

No, he doesn't have to do this and if more people from Hollywood were doers instead of just talkers, then perhaps some things in this world would begin to turn around.


  1. Sure it's commendable that he is helping people, but why does he have to be such an a**hole to the people closest to him?

  2. Wow. What a colossal dick. We all knew he considers his family to be a ball and chain, but to come right out and basically state it for the world to read?

  3. Damn I had hopes that Enty would elaborate a little more about Robin so I can find out if she was the "Heroin Mom".

  4. i hope he's not influential b/c he's dangerous. trust.

  5. Sean Penn, incomparable actor, despicable human being.

  6. So, I work with and have several friends in Marin County,CA. Which is an affluent county right outside of SanFrancisco and houses many celebs, including Sean Penn and Robin Wright, who live in Greenbrae btw.

    So I know a few families who also live in Greenbrae whose children have gone to school with the Penn's kids.
    One boy, who is 15 or 16 and I were talking and he mentioned that he went to school with Penn's son. I got excited (cause Im a gossipy bitch lol) and asked him to give me any scoops on Penn.

    All he said was one day at school he happened to run into the son of Sean Penn and blurted out something like 'How is it to have your father be Sean Penn dude?!' to which the boy kind of angerily replied 'What father? I never see that guy'

  7. So inconclusion, he has been absent in their lives long before they turned '18' . He hasnt given a shit for a long long time, if ever, and his kids really resent him and basically have no relationship with him.
    I hope his Oscar is warm and cuddly, cause this dude alienates everyone close to him

  8. "He doesn’t have to do this.” Wait. I thought he DID have to do this. I thought this was part of a deal he made regarding some legal charges?????? And that's why he went down there. Didn't I read that?? Here????

  9. @_-_=_

    Really? I must have missed that article.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. He's such a wanker. I don't even go see his movies anymore because the urge to punch his big, fat, smug arse face is so strong, I might arrested for property damage to the screen. Robin seems like a shell of a woman these days. Her portrayal of Jenny always seemed painfully real to me.

    Do they have young kids? I thought the heroin mom blind was for someone with young kids? I can't see this being her. I don't want this to be here. She has been punished enough being tied to this
    d-bag for so long.

  12. Take it for what it's worth but Tyler over on wwtdd has a completely different scoop on Penn and Haiti. He has quoted timelines that don't match and basically called Penn a liar about some of his claims.

    All said and done, as much as I dilike this guy, I agree with Enty - more doers please.

  13. He could have gone and saved the world while still married. Our military does this everyday. Angelina has 6 little ones and finds time to make humanitarian visits (not that I'm a Brange fan, but she puts herself out there). There are missionaries with families all over the world. Suddenly he can become Mr Special since he is single. Big whoop.

  14. oh he is just such a pretentious ( sp? ) shit though..its hard to like him. But I have guy friends that are amazing as people but horrible boyfriends or husbands...bleh..I would like to see someone who is both

  15. Wasn't there rumors a while back that he beat the shit out of Robin a few times? I swear I remember that. I am a fan of both their work and remember how disappointed I was to hear about him beating her.


  17. @john,

    I hope you're right about the clue for H Mom. I don't want this to be Robin. I can't stand Sean but maybe he's truly sincere when it comes to helping people outside of his family. I had a close family member just like that. Cold, distant and definitely uncaring at home but very kind and helpful everywhere else.

  18. He's full of shit. I don't like the comment regarding his children. He made choices and children are a life time commitment and should be a joy. He gets the attention and praise in Haiti that real parents never get when properly caring for their families away from cameras.
    I think many socialists believe that "children raise themselves" or "it takes a village..." Children need their parents. Helping in Haiti, visiting dictators, and cheating on his wife are distractions for a man that doesn't honor is own family.

  19. @ drcocks

    i wouldnt be surprised didn't madonna say she had to leave him b/c of his violent temper? didn't he tie her up and beat the shit out of her years ago?

    it is really a shame b/c he is an excellent actor, but he is such a gigantic prick.

    i also agree with @john..robin's portrayal of jenny was always so hauntingly real. she is also so talented and he just overshadowed her with his ego and bs political opinions.


  21. Some people just shouldn't have children. Others who should, don't.

    I chose not to have children because I'm not selfless enough. I'm focused on my career. It doesn't always keep me warm at night, but at least I didn't ruin anyone else's life. I have a nephew who I pour all my maternal instincts upon! He's a great kid.

  22. I hope that Sean stays in his tent for five years; screw this "five months" thing.

  23. He's a piece of shit. Here's one of my favorite articles on the joke that is Sean Penn:

  24. WELL SAID. EVERYTHING. more people need to say what you're saying enty.

  25. Ouch! He threw Robin and the kids under the bus didn't he. Wow, I feel just terrible for him that he was weighted down by marriage and raising kids. Thank God he's finally free to lend a hand in Iraq, and of course bang all the Russian prostitutes he wants. What a moron, standing there on his soap box, preaching to the masses, and behaving like a depraved loon in his own personal life. The Vanity Fair excerpt actually makes him sound somewhat sociopathic.

  26. @shazzzba, I sure hope that they're wrong. I've seen pictures of Halle the past two days alone and with her daughter and I don't see a user but then again I really don't want this to be true. So my take on H Mom is that even though it LOOKS like it might be Halle that doesn't mean it's true. I'll just wait for a true confirmation.

  27. He, like his childhood buddy Charlie Sheen, were spoiled Malibu brats.

    @chopchop - Jeez, Penn looks like a deranged leprechaun in that pic.

    Love this quote about his work in Haiti: "Most said the actor was doing more good than harm." Unbelievable. I've always thought he was loose cannon.

    Hey, maybe now that he's single he and Madonna can get back together!

  28. I'm reading Penn's quotes on his IMDB page and he's a colossal ass.

    "I had a house burn down once, and everything in life burned, except my family, and it was so liberating. I didn't have a bad moment about it. It sort of reinvigorated my interest in a lot of things. I wonder if there should be some kind of anarchy."

    Yes, how nice when you can literally write a check for a whole new house, you dumb fuck! After a house fire most people would be HOMELESS not LIBERATED.

    Best tidbit of trivia: Lost out to Christopher Atkins for the role of Richard in The Blue Lagoon (1980) on the final day of auditions.

    Can you imagine??

  29. Still don't like the little bastard.

  30. NOT ON MY DOLLAR.........


  31. Dear SH*T for brains Penn,

    There is an old adage; maybe you've heard of it; CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME.

    Commited to a wife and kids for all those years???? Forgive me if I'm wrong but haven't you cheated with HOOKERS and been abusive on more then one occasion?

    Please before you spill more sewage from your mouth about your ex think first how it will hurt your CHILDREN.

    You sincerely suck,


  32. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Sean Penn is good friends with Charlie Sheen. Enough said.
    I do find it hilarious that he's trying to act as if he didn't spend those 20 years w/Robin Wright sticking his dick in every skanky stripper, actress wannabe, and low level model in LA and the surrounding areas! What a douche!!
    As for Robin Wright, well, I hardly have any sympathy for her-how many times can you look the other way before you finally get fed up?? It certainly wouldn't have taken me 20 years, that's for sure!

  33. Is he the blind answer to the actor with the coveted interviews? I vaguely remember it. Can you imagine he & Madonna together? Talk about a collision of egos. Legend has it he dunked her head into a toilet. He's a total f**khead, I don't understand why women still date him.

  34. What a jackass!!! His family is better off without him.
    @captivagrl--I don't understand how socialists believe "children raise themselves" and then in the next breath you say they believe "it takes a village". It is one or the other not both.

  35. He is a good actor, but that is where i draw the line on nice things for him. Pretentious, is a great word to describe him and although I do commend his various humanitarian efforts (he did a bunch during Katrina supposedly too), he needs to keep on keepin' on (IMO) to even out his other a-hole-ish behavior otherwise.

  36. I know someone who knows his son and apparently when asked how it feels to be the son of Sean Penn, he responded "I wouldn't know, I never see the dick".

  37. I am...dogmatically opposed to his politics but I can't not respect his effort.

    And I want to go there, but I've no way of knowing if I'd be useful?
