Thursday, June 24, 2010

Scarlett Johansson Confirms My Tony Awards Theory - And I Talk About NASCAR

The day after The Tony Awards I posted a little blurb about how they really had become the MTV Music Awards of Broadway. All you had to do was be famous, star in a play and if you promised you would show up for the actual broadcast then you had a really good chance of winning. The only difference between The Tony Awards and MTV is that MTV doesn't even bother with votes or counting or audits. They just ask what award someone wants and then sends a limo to their house.

After The Tony Awards, many of the regular Broadway regulars were pissed that movie stars had come into their world and grabbed all the hardware. I understand what they mean. They have put in all the hard work, don't make very much money and The Tony Awards are their chance at some notoriety which is being stolen by these outsiders.

To put it in NASCAR terms, it is the same way the Truck and Nationwide people feel when the Sprint Cup people keep coming down and taking their rides and wins and glory and the money. There is no difference. The big star drivers come in and cherry pick the best cars, take the money and run. This year, movie stars took the best roles on Broadway stayed a few minutes, hit on the chorus and collected a Tony.

In an interview with Broadway World, Scarlett said, "The actors we've seen this season that we recognize from film -- Denzel Washington, Viola Davis, Liev Schreiber and Catherine Zeta-Jones, etc. -- have not only made a huge impact on ticket sales but have given tour de force performances and all started their careers as stage actors, dedicating themselves to making an impression in the theater. This goes to show that actors are actors, whatever the outlet, and with perseverance and drive, can cross the boundaries of the medium."

So, she is saying that because they helped drive the business up, they deserve a reward. The response above was not given during the actual interview. It was given in an e-mail followup. You can tell it was not written by her, especially after you read the interview. If she has ever used the word tour de force in her life I would be shocked. Whoever she got to write it must have a really, really high horse. During the actual interview she said she deserved the Tony Award because she had worked hard as an actress and deserved a reward and didn't care how she got it.


  1. Wha? I know you're not a fan of Scarlett, Enty, but did she really say she "deserved a reward and didn't care how she got it"? If so, I'd like to read that interview.

  2. When I read the first comment, I was thinking "really? Scarlett talks like that?"

    Maybe if the regulars band together, then they won't do this to them next year.

  3. To be honest, all award shows are a bit ridiculous. Aren't these people collecting a generous paycheck for their services? Why do they all deserve a huge pat on the back as well? Why don't we all get awards?

  4. In her defense, I think she did work hard on the show that she earned the Tony for. So, I'm cutting her slack for that. I feel like the reason she's getting so much flack is because she was the one who responded when the question was posed to her in the interview. So maybe that wasn't the smartest move on her part.

  5. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Taylor, can my reward be in cash?

    I think award shows used to have some merit. They honored actual talent, and there were just a few of them, the Oscars, Emmys and Tonys. Now every network or mini-network has to have a few dozen award shows, and it seems like they are just an excuse for celebutards to get new clothes. I used to look forward to watching the award shows, now I don't even know they happen until I read about them in the news the next day.

  6. Scarlett would be wise to befriend somebody like Angela Lansbury or Vanessa Redgrave, so she could learn to make a living once her looks fade. they of course are both FAR more talented than SJ. (I think she's a so-so actress whose amazing looks are a crutch.) For her sake I hope she ditches a bit of her self-importance and keeps working hard at her job.


  8. I was going to say, it was way too articulate sounding, no way Scarlett said or emailed that....

  9. I don't think she is all that good looking.

  10. I actually agree with Scarlett in that their names get more people to attend shows and spend the big bucks. that keeps Broadway going. And she's a good actress!

  11. With Taylor and libby...

  12. The Tony's had a choice - stay authentic or keep being aired on network tv. I think they made the right choice, because it gives theater exposure to the general public. And the people in the theater community know who the true stars are, although it would be nice for them to get formal recognition.

  13. Scarlett is mostly famous for having perfect tits.

    And the soap acting community feels the same way about their genre. All the B/C TV & movie actors have now come in and swooped a lot of roles. Many seasoned vets can't even get auditions anymore.

    It is just a sign of the economy. When jobs dry up people will do what they have to no matter who gets hurt or loses jobs. Dog eat Dog.

  14. idc about any of this other than to say yayyyyyy viola davis!

  15. Just becaase she stars in movies doesn't mean she actually didn't work hard on Broadway

  16. Equity minimum wage is about $300 a week. In a regional theater, actors might make $500- $900 week for about six to seven weeks of work. On Broadway, if you're just part of the chorus, you can make more, but it still isn't that much. Also, if you're in a straight play (non-musical) you're usually stuck "off-Broadway" or "off off Broadway" which means at the neighborhood YMCA for a few nights. Think those actors earn anything?

    Big stars on Broadway (movie stars) make a lot more, but this is because they have name recognition and they can bring in bigger audiences. However, at the same time, the REST of the case is usually making peanuts.

    Hence the disgruntlement when hos like Scarlett take all the glory. Fake tits or not, she's not all that.

  17. @timebob -- well, that and hooking up with Woody Allen.

    Whatever her exact words, her attitude and her management's approach probably factored into her not getting "South Pacific." Among other things.

  18. Too bad she can't act.

  19. Hmm...I can see both sides. I can see the regulars being pissed about the awards going to the "Stars" but I do agree that sales were driven up by them being there at the same time. Either way, ScarJo probably shouldn't have made a statement about it b/c now they are going to lash out at her...

  20. OH and Enty, I actually got your NASCAR analogy but only b/c my DH and friend were discussing this a few weekends ago :)

  21. great article
    its a pity for real stage actors
    + the last thing some of this hwood fade-aways who try to resurrect their career by "demonstrating" live that they can act, is another bong on their shelves

  22. I don't know what interview it was where she said she deserved the Tony and didn't care how she got it, but I DID read the one in Broadway World where she says, regarding the "Give The Tonys Back To Broadway" campaign: "I pounded the pavement for years," and "I can't apologize for [winning the Tony]. I have worked my ass off to get to where I am."

    Maybe she really believes that, and -- I don't know -- maybe she has.

    But, (ahem!) according to IMDB, she was born in 1984; she got her first film role in 1994; with the exception of 2000, she has made one or more films every year since 1995.

    So . . . her claims come across as just a WEE bit disingenuous.
