Monday, June 28, 2010

Sandra Bullock Divorce Finalized

Well, for now at least it does not look like Sandra Bullock is changing her mind about divorcing Jesse James. Last week, papers were filed under seal which brought their five year marriage to an end.

You know what. It was the best move by her. I just don't see how she could stay married to him. I don't know if they will try and do something quiet away from the spotlight or if he will really move to Austin now that it is final. Maybe that was some last stab at trying to make things work or at least making it look like to the world he was trying to make it work. Whatever happens now, it will be not as husband and wife.


  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I'm so glad. Now she can move past that bit of speculation.

  2. I'm glad she had the self-respect to do so. Elin is next. I was always a bit disappointed that Hillary let Bill get away with his shenanigans. I thought it put women back a step.

  3. i am going to have a glass of champs and toast it to Sandra for not taking the BS!!!
    hopefully this will inspire others to do the same.

  4. Good for Sandra! I hope she keeps him far away from her child. And Austin!

  5. Wow, that was quick. Good for you Sandra.

  6. Anonymous12:21 PM


  7. i think she speeded it up so she can legally complete adoption as single.

  8. Wow, that was FAST!! It usually takes months--years, especially when substantial wealth is involved.

  9. Like I said before I heard they were worth about the same financially so that wouldn't slow down the divorce.

    Anyway whatever it took I'm glad she divorced him.

    This move (divorce) looks good on her (personally and professionally), him following her to Texas, not a good look for him.

  10. What an uber-douche. Sandy is well rid of him.

  11. Quite frankly, I never thought she'd take him back, but I do hope he moves to Austin so that they can continue to co-parent his kids and that adopted kid. Why not? She said he was a good father. She likes his kids. They have a shitty mom. Seems like a win-win to me. Plus it's all "keep Austin weird" there with plenty of tattoo parlors, so surely Jesse won't be short of any tattooed female friendships and be out in the open about it. Well, that actually might make it less appealing to him. But whatev.

  12. I read that basically they neither asked for money, spousal support or splitting of assets, so it was MUCH faster.

  13. Anonymous1:19 PM

    How can she continue a relationship with the kids when she will have to see that douchbag?

  14. As someone who helped raise my ex's little girl, I totally understand her keeping the kids in her life. I did and have never regretted it for a moment.

  15. While it's for the best, I still think it's sad that he turned out to be such a loser and it had to end like this. I can't see her ever doing the marriage thing again.

  16. If he still moves to Austin then I hope that Snadra can spend time with the little girl.

  17. i thought there was a prenup? finances were always kept each to their own.

    commenter above - halle and gabriel are going to be sharing a home while halle films in africa. he'll watch the little girl while she works. no chance for reconciliation, but they're doing it for their baby.

  18. THANK GOD. Good for you, Sandy! :)

  19. She really really loved Jesse, she was CRAZY about him. It must have been incredibly difficult to learn he wasn't the man she thought he was.

    I hope she can move on and find love again, she deserves to be cherished.

  20. @ tigercat.... i wasnt talking about gabriel completely different story... her EX HUSBAND eric benet and his daughter... research it

  21. I'm glad to say I was right about this one. Yay Sandy!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.



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