Thursday, June 03, 2010

Rue McClanahan Has Died

Rue McClanahan, the Emmy-winning actress who brought the sexually liberated Southern belle Blanche Devereaux to life on the hit TV series "The Golden Girls," has died. She was 76.


  1. "Wound up tighter than a Baptist ministers wifes corset durring an all you can eat pancake breakfast"

    I cry in my cheesecake for you.

  2. Anonymous9:34 AM

    She was the original Samantha lol

  3. So true, Sylvia! There would be no SATC without Rue, Bea, Betty, & Estelle.

  4. LOVED her and all of the others on the Golden Girls. One of my absolutely favorite shows when I was a child. She will be missed.
    The only one left now is Betty White.

    Estelle Getty (2008)
    Bea Arthur (2009)
    Rue McClanhan (2010)
    RIP ladies I will have a piece of cheesecake in your honor today.

  5. Thank you for being a friend!

  6. OMG I AM SO SAD TODAY, RIP Ms. Mclanahan you brought me sooo much joy and laughter through some very difficult times.

  7. @Sylvia and Chop Chop

    I agree 100%

  8. Crap. LOVE her and Golden Girls.

  9. I sincerely loved her as Blanche. May Rue rest in peace.

    I propose we put the skids on the summer of death right now. It's only June 3rd, this is getting riduculous.

  10. Anonymous9:44 AM

    I hate hearing this.

  11. I'll be having a slice of cheesecake and talking dirty all day


  12. She was my favorite Golden Girl even though I LOVED all of them.

    Those ladies showed us how to get along with strangers and also how to be sexy and vibrant in our golden years. They truly made "mature" look like fun.

    I'm so sad. :(

    Rest In Peace Rue and yes thank you for being my friend.

  13. well i hope you're happy now Betty White - you're the only one left !! she sent her this joke card in November :Dear Rue, I hope you hurry up and die so I can be the last Golden Girl left. NOT KIDDING!"

    but Rue

  14. @bitsofmoxy

    Wow-that tight?


    "Benjamin wasn't black, he was a Yankee. I went to my senior prom with a Yankee."

  15. RIP, Rue. My fave Golden girl. I love how she never broke character for a moment -- she WAS Blanche, through and through.

    Remember the episode when Rose was eating her birthday cake alone in her kitchen not long after her husband died? I'm picturing that now. With cheesecake. Brings tears to my eyes.

  16. @Adevturous Kate

    That episode was on last night. I like the part when they show Dorothy's b-day and she says, (when the clown, Mr. Haha is about to tell her age) "I'll rip your heart out Haha." Ah...good times.

  17. oh dear god in heart, my heart, my heart...i can't believe this. *devastated*

    rip rue.

  18. Awww....RIP Rue. You were my favorite Golden Girl as a kid.

    Good call on her being the original Samantha!

  19. rip.

    On Fridays (or was it Saturdays?), my grandparents always watched this and Empty Nest.

  20. I can just hear Blanche now talking about her bosoms!

  21. noooo - RIP Rue! She made the GG awesome. Well okay it was an awesome show anyway but she was great!

  22. A great lady who played great characters. I'll probably cry a little when I watch "The Golden Girls" this afternoon. So sad. Will def be channeling my inner Blanche all weekend in tribute!!!!

  23. Wasn't she Maude's neighbor too?
    I know she was on something before GG, but I can't remember for sure.

    I've got a jillion channels on DirectTV, but if I'm home on a Saturday, I'll watch Golden Girls.

  24. This makes me sad. I loved her and all of them. I have been watching re-runs of Golden Girls for YEARS, and I still laugh my ass off even though I've seen the episodes a million times. She was amazing, as were the other two that died before her. :(

  25. And then there was one...the beautiful and sexy Betty White.

  26. @Caliblond

    She was Vivian in Maude. Married to Arthur. What a great show that was too.

  27. She was awesome! RIP Blanche.

  28. Sad.

    RIP Rue.

    I was home sick a couple of weeks ago, and I watched 3 or 4 hours of GG re-runs. I'd forgotten how *awesome* it was...

  29. So sad! Blanche was the original Samantha.

  30. RIP Rue, you gorgeous and sassy southern belle!

  31. RIP Rue.

    She was also on Mama's Family with Vicki Lawrence.

    I'd be scared if I were Betty right now. There seems to be a pattern:
    Estelle Getty died in 2008
    Bea Arthur died in 2009
    and now Rue McLanahan died in 2010.

  32. Oh no...I was not ready for this :(

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. NOOOOOO, my favorite golden girl is dead!
    Today I will act extra sassy and flirty and awesome for you Rue

    Rip beautiful

  35. This makes me so sad because just two weeks ago, i read her autobiography,

    'My First Five Husbands...and the ones who got away'- it was one of the best books i have ever read and made me fall in love with her! i too will be crying and enjoying cheesecake for her.

  36. Aw, this is sad. She wasn't that old! Well, if there is in fact a heaven, it just got a little sassier :)

  37. RIP Rue - thank you for sharing your gifts with us, and making our lives just that much brighter.
    Just remember, cheesecake in Heaven doesn't have any calories, so feel free to indulge as you will.
