Monday, June 07, 2010

Real Housewife $11M In Debt

The NY Post got a hold of the bankruptcy papers of Real Housewife Teresa Giudice and something smells really rotten. In the filing, Teresa says that she and her husband combined earn $79,000 a year. Even if you consider the fact that he is probably lying about how much he earns, Teresa earned more than that for being in the show.

I also would like to know what bank would ever qualify them for what looks like about $5M in mortgages if you only make $79K a year.

Oh, and if you only make $79K a year don't you think that spending a third of it on car payments is a bit high. Oh, and despite spending about $2000 in ten minutes during one episode on clothes, in the court filings they say they only spend $400 a month on clothes. Now, even though their salaries are just $79,000 a year members of their "family" provide them with another $120K a year.

This is all kinds of wrong.


  1. There's something about her that always bothered me. Maybe the way her hairline creeps down to her eyebrows....

    Don't watch RHNJ but do watch the NY and Atlanta housewives show. SOOOOO looking forward the to RHNY reunion show Thursday!!!! Team Bethenny!!!

  2. Danielle from RHONJ must be thrilled.

    I can't wait for the NY reunion, either. :) Satchels of gold!!

  3. Satchels of Gold, indeed! Something has always smelled rotten about with the way these people have been spending money. When Theresa paid $120 000 in cash for the furniture it seemed a bit out of the ordinary, to say the least. I guess someone is going down. Hopefully it is in time to save their spoiled offspring.

  4. Anonymous11:29 AM

    $400 a month on clothes? I probably don't spend $400 a year. I don't make $79,000 either.

    What gets into people, thinking that just because they get a slight taste of fame, they can live like multi-millionaires? $120,000 furniture probably isn't any more comfortable than something from Rooms To Go or Ikea (I wouldn't actually know, because most of my furniture came either from Judy's Used Furniture up by the naval base or are cast-offs from other people). It's just insane.

  5. LADIES!! We should get together for the RHONY reunion. I am so Team Bethenny and Team Alex. And I am waiting for Jill to get it but good. Apparently she walks off set. So she can dish it out but can't take it. Sweet.

  6. they seem so tacky, how does anyone spend $2000 in clothes in just an episode? or even a month?

  7. ^^mngddess - I'll bring the popcorn and skinny girl margeritas.
    Team Alex & B

  8. Someone needs to audit that shit. They are definitely hiding income.

  9. @nuraurbitz - Her hairline is FREAKY!!! I love Michael K's take on it (the latest: "The Post didn't mention that Teresa's hairline is also foreclosing on her forehead.")

    NOT that I am defending the "Prostitution Whore-ah" but I always thought it was ironic the amount of shit talking Teresa did re: Danielle.

    $79k a year???? With THAT house??? And that lifestyle?? Yeah something is definitely not right there. How much do these ladies get paid per season??

    & Ladies - I am def. Team Bethanny! Can't wait to watch the reunion.

  10. mngddess and bits of moxy- I'm in! I'll bring some voodoo dolls looking like LuAnn, CrazyKelly and Jill along with extra long needles! Oh, I'm so hoping Andy Cohen brings up Jill Zarin writing her own reviews on Amazon! I can't wait 'till Thursday!

  11. @judithm

    her house was a "used one"? amazingly dumb.

  12. Tallulah - She seriously worte her own reviews? Really? That woman is a one bad publicity stunt after another - I guess I wait for the kitty shots.

  13. I agree with Enty. This is definitely all kinds of wrong...definitely hiding something.

  14. Ladies - I love you. And how freakin' crazy is Kelly? I am talking about take the kids away from her crazy!! Jill is almost as foul as Kate Gosselin. Almost.

  15. I always thought all the spending was just for the show. I remember watching a Michael Jackson interview when he was shopping in Vegas and just randomly pointing at crap saying "I want that and that and that." I read later that none of the crap was ever paid for and anything taken was returned.

    Yes, I watch some of these stupid Housewives' shows, but also realize that 99% is just for "show". Kelly Bensimon said in the NY Post that the ladies are always playing to the cameras. The one with the most drama (craziness) gets the camera time. Why is it that one season Jill seemed like the nice one and now she's the self-centered bitch from hell?

    That being said I will definitely be watching the reunion show.

  16. I love RHNJ. I can't wait until Season 3 to find out how Theresa explains the bankruptcy away.

    I'm sure Danielle is getting ready to have her lips inflated in celebration. And then go manipulate someone into buying her a billboard in town to publicize the news.

  17. @mngddess Kelly is CUCKOO for Cocoa Puffs but I think moreso, girl is just DUMB.

    The reason I love NYC the most of all the RH shows is I cannot WAIT to hear the idiotic shit that spews forth from both Ramona & Kelly.

    Kelly yelling out Al Sharpton at Bethenney & Ramona saying things like "white rice" instead of "white on rice."

  18. @ MCH on Michael K quote: LMAO!!!!

  19. It's like seeing one of Tony Soprano's boys go on TV to let the world know what is going on with this thing of ours. What other kind of "family" gives you 200k a year? What kind of bank writes 8 separate mortgages on 3 homes. I hope juicy doesn't end up sleeping with the fishes.

    Now they just seem greedy and stupid.

  20. danielle's gonna have a field day with this!

    can't wait till thursday either! TEAM BETHENNY & ALEX fo sho! (=

  21. I love you for talking about this, I hate I missed this conversation! I am team none of them because I love to hate them all. I mean, if I had to pick it would definitely be Bethenny, but Alex? I mean that whole shaking bit when Jill walked in, come on? I just love to hear the stupid shit that they come up with. When Jill turned to Kelly when LuAnn was singing and was like "elegance is learned...I never thought of that" and was analyzing the song, I about DIED!!!
