Friday, June 04, 2010

Random Photos Part Three

I have to say that Jessica Biel looks very nice here.
So, Justin Bieber is posing here for a campaign called Summer Of Smiles. Apparently he doesn't get the point.
He is making me smile though. Hooligan? Really?
Johnny Galecki and his Big bang Theory castmates are asking for a raise to $250K an episode. That is up from the $65k they get now.
You know what would be interesting to see? A picture of Jon Hamm without Jennifer Westfeldt always next to him.
Long time no see Justin Long.
Jennifer Love Hewitt shows off the look Jamie Kennedy would use when he wanted sex.
Kristen Bell and the pap mob.
KISS - Nurburgring, Germany
Khloe Kardashian says she is "just fat" and not pregnant. I don't believe her. She is saving it for her show.
Andres Velencoso seems distracted by the camera as he kisses Kylie Minogue.
Apparently Katie Price wouldn't wear one of the passes that is hanging from Alex Reid. She said that everyone knows who she is and she couldn't be bothered.
Kelly Rowland, Cyndi Lauper & Estelle - New York City


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