Thursday, June 24, 2010

Random Photos Part Five

John Isner & Nicolas Mahut played the tennis match of all time. The least I can do is give them top spot.
Quite the collection of comic actors.
But it just wouldn't be the same without Neil Diamond. I hope he has a cameo in this movie.
One person to get a book signed by Amanda Sthers who is incredible. What is sad is that if this was some Kim Kardashian book the line would be out the door.
Finding no one to make out with, Bai Ling decides to make out with herself.
Then she went and found Kristen Stewart and Scout Taylor Compton.
And a Kristen Stewart picture where she is smiling.
Bill Rancic and Ivanka Trump selling something.
Cloros Leachman shows off her breasts.
I miss Remote Control.
Demi Moore on the set of her new movie.
The Oliver Twist collection at Men's Fashion Week.


  1. They actually came out Mugatu's Derelict campaign...

    Where is Ray Romano in the comedian line-up, hehe.

  2. Those are some really ugly fashions. I think someone needs to start deflating some of the egos in the fashion industry.

  3. Ugly as shit "fashions," there dudes!

  4. Anonymous2:22 PM

    What is the deal with their dirty faces?

  5. Kristin Stewart is not smiling. She's getting ready to build a nice dam for her beaver family. Them's some TEEF right there!

  6. I hate it when we go through a recession -- the designers always think it's haute couture to make fun of homeless street style. Could not be more grotesque.

  7. WTF is with those "fashions". It's shit like that that makes ordinary people think "high" fashion is ridiculous. It's almost insulting.

    Stewart looks stoned.

    I HONESTLY would not have guessed that was Neil Diamond. His face looks SO different!

  8. It's hard to believe that people designing the trash posted here will make more money than I'll ever see. It's like 'The emperor has no clothes!' thing with me. Many of the 'fashion' lines I see appear to be utterly useless and ugly. I don't see Joe Schmoe, or even the uber rich celebrity wearing this junk.

  9. Ivanka has a great hourglass figure.

  10. enty, enough w/ all the kristen stewart. blechhhhh.

    lol @ 'cloros' leachman. is that the greek spelling?

  11. The Oliver Twist collection at Men's Fashion Week... quite possible the stupidest thing I have EVER seen :O

  12. Whenever I see idiotic fashions like these, I always remember the I Love Lucy episode where she was convinced to wear a burlap sack and a feedbag on her head.

  13. LOL @ .robert

    I wonder if the Sandler movie is any good??

    I loved Remote Control too...

  14. hmm. a collection of nasty net shirts.
    do i smell michael lohan hiding in the bushes?

  15. I still don't understand the point of designing clothes that no one is EVER going to wear. I get that everyone does it, I get that other lesser designers are going to take the "theme" of those clothes and design clothes people can actually wear. I understand how it works. I just don't get WHY! Why don't people just design clothes for people to wear, right off the bat?!

  16. Colin!!!!! I miss him so much on tv.. tough crowd rocked

  17. That has to be some latter-day Andy Kaufman designer who made that crap. There is a level of the absurd in those things that speak against these being actual designs. What's next, the Igor line with the accessorized shoulder hump? I probably shouldn't give them ideas.

  18. Bai Ling and Tila Tequila would make a great couple. They could go off and be totally batshit together.

    Hey, not only is KStew smiling, her hair looks clean!

    *gulp* Colin Quinn looks a little Frankensteinish in that pic!

    Male fashions? Are they kidding? I get the over the top shows featuring creations that no one would wear (except for GaGa hee!) but this is ridiculous. Someone sketched this. And sewed it. And then had the balls to send it down a runway. Maybe I'm hopelessly provincial but I think this is the biggest load of crap I've ever seen.

  19. Gotta hand it to Ivanka Trump--not only is she gorgeous, she's also very smart and well-educated.

  20. I was just thinking how plasticky Ivanka looks. I used to like her so much for being educated and well-spoken, but I was sorry to see her get such a major breast enhancement and nose job.

    Had to laugh at the cobweb shirt... WTF!

  21. KStew maybe smiling but her eyes sure do make her look stoned to the gils.

    If thats mens fashinon, its pretty damm scary!

  22. HAHA! I agree with .robert! Those duds are definitely from Mugatu's Derelict line.



  25. Those guys are so small! They are barely taller than David Spade. Heh, I had no idea!
