Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Radar Basically Accuses Shannon Price Of Killing Gary Coleman

Apparently Radar must have enough information to feel confident in basically accusing Shannon Price of murder. In a story they posted today about how Todd Bridges and Dion Mial both begged Shannon not to take Gary off life support and to give him a chance to recover, they had the following sentence: "His death was the result of head injuries he suffered during a "fall" that happened by "accident" at his Utah home last month, according to the death certificate, released Monday."

Now, when you see they put the words fall and accident in quotes what do you think they are saying? To me they are saying it was not a fall and it was not an accident. That is interesting. They are saying she murdered Gary. You could leave fall in quotes which would mean she pushed him but that the death was still an accident. By putting them both in quotes they are saying she intentionally pushed him and that she intended him to die. That is a really tiny limb they are standing on.


  1. While it is a very thin limb for Radar, at least someone is "kind of" saying what we all think and know--She killed him, whether by the push down the stairs or pulling the plug, she wanted him dead and now he is. Charge her asap.

  2. she didn't give any sort of aid when he did "fall". she pulls him off life support even though it was known he didn't want that. she cleans out his house.

    yea, i'd have to agree with them.

  3. Will there be an inquest? Surely there must be an investigation into a sudden death.

  4. This is all very sad. The shady circumstances of his death, her immediate interviews after his death, the pictures posing with him on his deathbed, the suspect wills, her taking all his stuff out of the house... how are the police NOT investigating this?

  5. They are saying what we were all thinking, or at least I was. I hope there is an investigation. I also hope someone shoves her big gummy mouth against a curb American History X Style and crack...

    Yes. BTW I loved Gary Coleman, and felt his appearances on The Insider were to simply make money, even though they portrayed him as a jerk :( RIP Gary.

  6. i don't think he had an accident and i doubt law enforcement does either. but nobody can prove it.
    people can and do get away with murder and she's going to join the ranks. bitch.

  7. i'm sure she's going to spend the rest of her life w/ a 'woe is me/i'm so misunderstood' attitude...but she wasn't likable before, the probability of people giving her the benefit of the doubt now is nill. surely she knows this?

    i do think she has blood on her hands, tho.

  8. I'm with everyone else - I was suspiscious of her the first time I read he fell and hit his head.

    Seems pretty simple to me - especially given her reaction to emergency services (911).

  9. We don't even have details of the accident. Fell how? Hit his head on what? Wasn't he conscious when he got to the hospital? What were his specific injuries.Why pull the plug so fast?

  10. i said it from day one that she straight up is responsible for his death,from the "fall" to the taking him off LS.

    bitch is nuts.

  11. Agree. They are just saying what most of us are probably thinking. I mean come on. They were no longer married, and he had a living will stating to keep him on life support for 15 days.....and after 1 day she pulls the plug, and now her father is trying to make off with Gary's items from the home? Please.

  12. TraLaLa - You're just saying what everyone else is thinking. I think Gary is looking down on all this now and having a big laugh. At least I hope he is!

  13. Anonymous12:16 PM

    When my mom and I heard the news about Gary falling, we both thought that she was the one that pushed him down the stairs.

    What I don't understand if they have been divorce for more than a year what gave her the right to pull the plug. And now that their is a paper indicating he didn't want the plug pulled and she had the papers so she was aware of it. Wouldn't she be charge for pulling the plug????

  14. I think the big issue is that Gary was awake for awhile before he slipped into a coma and HE is the one who said it was an accident. Of course he could of just been protecting her as many "spouses" do in domestic battery cases.

    I think the family and the police know their hands are tied unless Shannon grows a conscience (she won't) and admits to whatever it is she did to Gary.

    And most of the crime shows I have watched said the best way to murder someone is to push them down the stairs and the person dies of a head injury. It is very hard to prove murder since it easily looks like an accident.

    All they can do is keep the pressure on her and make her life miserable for what she has done to Gary. Which so far Todd & Dion have done a good job of.

  15. The whole story is shady and clearly she ddin't care about him.

  16. Hey they convicted Michael Peterson of killig his wife and making it look like she fell down the stairs

  17. @Amy Michael Peterson first bashed his wife's head in with a tire iron and pushed her down the stairs to try and mimic a fall. The mass amount of blood didn't match the fall and the cops figured it out pretty quicly it was murder.

    Also, he did get away with shoving someone down the stairs and dying and got away with it for years before killing his wife. The similarity between the two deaths is what got him convicted in both murders.

  18. Or Radar could have bad writers/editors -- or at least argue in court that they do to cover their asses. They're supposedly quoting the death certificate's words. And the thing is, I've worked with reporters who are in fact that bad and put quotation marks around anything and everything that is in a document they are quoting no matter how stupid it is to put quotes around that particular word and without regard to what it looks like to readers (which is unintended emphasis, usually of a ridiculously unimportant word). Who knows. I don't read Radar. But it's actually the most likely scenario, given the state of the media today. Unless Radar is known for being clever or especially smart. I just don't know Radar well enough to have a good sense one way or another.
