Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pot Calls Kettle Black - Vanessa Bryant Hates Khloe Kardashian

Did you know Vanessa Bryant was a real Laker wife? Yep. Did you know Khloe is a fake wife? Yep. Did you know that Vanessa Bryant is in her marriage for love and never seeks out publicity? Yep. Did you know that Khloe Kardashian is an attention grabbing fame seeker? Yep.

So sayeth Vanessa Bryant who refuses to have anything to do with Khloe Kardashin or her attention seeking family. She even refused to let Khloe attend a dinner for players wives saying that Khloe is not a real wife. Uh huh.

The fact that this is all coming from Vanessa Bryan made me laugh for a good five minutes. I even had some tears from laughing. I think Vanessa Bryant hates Khloe because Vanessa used to be the only attention grabbing fame seeker in the wife pool and now she is losing out to Khloe and is never going to get that reality show and she is going to be forced to take out her revenge on the party planning committee or to have Kobe whine and complain until Lamar gets traded to Oklahoma City. I love Oklahoma City, but how often do you think Khloe and her family would go to games then?

Of course then Khloe would probably try and sell the show to E! like that Kendra thing and I would be stuck having her in my face for another year or two. Meanwhile, Vanessa will have time to devote to her true passion. Abusing maids.


  1. Nessa also hates the Kardashian clan because she is BFF's with Adrienne Bailon who once dated and got dumped by Khloe's brother Robert.

  2. Vanessa needs to get a life....ridiculous. I'd put them both in the same category. She attended their wedding didn't she?

  3. Funny how much Vanessa looks like Kim Kardassian.

    Sounds like someone doesnt like not being the center of attention anymore.

  4. is she kidding? I thought that with the affair scandals she would like a little attention taken from her.

  5. could you please take this fight outside, lades?

  6. 'Nessa's married only because her grandparents threatened Kobe with a statutory rape charge.

    Real wife? *Really*?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Anonymous11:31 AM

    What a Drama Queen LOL!!

  9. that is pretty funny. I hate Khloe too, but just because I think she is an ugly asshole.

  10. I actually learned something today, I didn't realize there levels in the whore and famewhore world. It is kind like being in high school. So, Vanessa is the senior whore and Khloe is the freshman. So Vanessa looks down on Khloe and talks trash about her like all the senior girls do to the freshman girls? That is just friggin hilarious and educational at the same time!!! LOL just like PBS.

  11. lol skeeball - you're so right.

    Vanessa sounds like a bitter old hag. Deserves every little bit of that cad husband she's vowed to stick with, that one.

  12. And the bugs he's brought home. Good grielf, they must be jumping off of him at this point.

  13. @ weezy

    yup thats true, vanessa was a bit on the young side appearing in rap videos whilst in high school kobe started to mess with the grandparents saw dollar signs and the rest is history... why you think his parents never attended the wedding or have much to do with him.... VANESSA

  14. What exactly is a fake wife?

  15. Revenge of the fame whores.

  16. Please. More than half the wives of professional athletes should be considered fake by her standards. Including her.

  17. I love a good throwdown between two pieces of trash. This is going to be epic.

    And for the record, I'm Team Mrs. Ron Artest. Not a famewhore, totally real. So real, in fact, none of us knows her first name.

  18. i bet a lot of NBA wives hate vanessa bryant too. and probably laughed harder than anyone over this story.

  19. soo funny, and kobe in that earlier pic,stuck on that kiddie ride probably thinking,dang wasn't thaat fat rock i got her good enough to keep me off of this stupid thing?

  20. nancer - Trust me, ALL the NBA wives hate Vanessa Bryant. Along with the other players, coaches, owners, and everyone else. Sbe's got Kobe by the short hairs because there's no prenup.

  21. Mrs. Pot, it's Mrs. Kettle on Line 1...

  22. Re: The reality show at Oklahoma City. SHHHHH Enty! Don't give them any ideas!
