Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Porn Star Boyfriend & Depression Was Reason For Jennifer Capriati Overdose

TMZ managed to interview Jennifer Capriati's ex-boyfriend. I am guessing he was not too hard to talk to. I mean if someone is in porn they are not exactly shy, let alone the chance at some free publicity from TMZ and some future porn gigs because of it.

Dale DaBone says he dated Jennifer for about six years and broke up last year. But, then in his interview he says one of the reasons Jennifer overdosed was his decision to return to porn. Apparently the guy has made over 400 porn movies. You figure one or two scenes per movie and you have yourself a hell of a chance to catch all kinds of crazy diseases.

Also contributing to Jennifer's overdose was her depression everytime a Grand Slam tennis event would come on because she could not play due to her injuries. It is how she has enough prescription meds to accidentally overdose.

Hell, she might have them to deal with the fact her boyfriend has had sex with thousands of women and then comes home to her. Could you ever date a porn star? I could not do it. Not that they would want me, but still, no way, no how.


  1. never.
    says a lot about your self worth and let's be real. you might as well be in porn for the same risk you take.

  2. Anonymous9:51 AM

    No way not even with a male escort lol.

    I wonder how she ended up meeting this guy since they are from 2 different circuts.

  3. Dale DaBone? For real? That is the worst porn name ever.

  4. Never, ever - I know its small minded, but there is no way.


  6. I'd date a porn star. Fo sho. But then I'm a guy. I'd date almost anyone if "date" is a euphemism for "have sex with".

  7. Anonymous10:14 AM

    LOL @ looserdude. Just make sure you wear the raincoat, honey. :)

    No, I could not date a porn star. I don't even find them attractive, and those huge tallywhackers are more painful than pleasurable. Years ago I used to date a doctor who went to monthly orgies, his group would rent several floors of a hotel and all have dinner catered in, then do whatever it is you do at an orgy. He always wanted me to go with him to one, and I couldn't even do that. Not so much for fear of disease (AIDS was unknown at that time) but I was afraid I'd go and be a wallflower.

  8. Well to be fair Dale left porn for the six years he was with Jennifer. So it is not like he was with her and sleeping with a thousand women in between. He says she left him when he decided to go back to porn.

    If you want to get his side of the story he posted some things on twitter about it. He seems pretty sad over it.


  9. Nunca, nyet, non, Nai, NO

  10. Anonymous10:52 AM

    In the six years he was with her, he could have gotten another career. Being in the sex industry has a short self-life. You have to do something else eventually. If you were wise.

  11. gross. never would I date a porn star.

  12. Don't know if I would/could date a porn star but I wouldn't knock anyone who did.

  13. A quick note for those unfamiliar with how the porn biz works: In straight porn, every single performer must be tested before they can shoot (pun not intended). The test must be current. If they test positive for any kind of STI, they aren't allowed to film.

    So the sex Dale DaBone (that is some name, granted) had while shooting all those pornos was a lot safer than if we went out and randomly hooked up with the same number of women he picked up in a bar or club with no idea about their sexual health.

    Yeah, he could have had sex or shared a dirty needle (not saying he does drugs, just hypothetically) and picked up an STI in the 2-3 days between taking the test and showing up to film, but he would have been screened out the next time he was tested.

  14. I stopped reading when I saw Dale DaBone...Lmao!! seriously dude? Also how can someone make 400 pr0n movies? That's crazy.

    And no, I couldn't date a pr0n star. I don't think I'll be comfortable with his job.

  15. He must be gay he is too pretty to be straight!!!! It is a sad state of affairs for this young woman.

  16. LOL @ Dale Freaken DaBone!!!!

  17. Oh, yeah, I would Never Ever date a porn star. Just icky!

  18. I dont care if they get tested or not - it takes up to six months for HIV to show up, so its not really safe...

  19. Ugh, no way...I could never date a porn "actor". Even if there was same day HIV testing, just the knowledge that he probably ate someone else out earlier in the day would be too much to handle...*L*

  20. WTF? I just panicked reading this - I've been away for a couple of days so didn't know about the overdose, I was scared she died but it sounds like she's recovering. Eek - get better Jennifer, and you can DO better.

    I once dated a guy who watched a lot of porn and had a fascination with Jenna Jameson (is that her names - the one with Tito Ortiz?) who said he would do just about anything for a night with her. Anyway, I then asked him how he felt about hookers/prostitutes, because by my reckoning - there's no difference. They both have sex with MULTIPLE people for cash. He thought hookers were gross. I thought he was a hypocrite (and gross). It was our last date.

  21. Dating a porn star--cannot imagine it. That's why I always thought there was something very, very weird about Sandra Bullock marrying Jesse James--he whose previous wife was a porn star.

  22. 'i'm guessing he was not too hard to talk to....'

    LOL, snuffle, snicker.

    how hard do you have to be before you can no longer talk?

  23. What I find weird is prostitutes who are actually in relationships. Can you imagine dating/living with someone who's job is going out and hooking up with random strangers nightly? It's not all like that, but still!

  24. Is it wrong thatvi laughed hard at DaBone's picture?

    I find porn horribly cheesy ESP the men so, no I could never date someone in that industry or take them seriously. At all.

  25. @linnea, the test that takes six months to show up is technology from 20 years ago. Nowadays you can take an oral swab sample and find out within minutes if you're HIV+.

  26. Haha, i didnt mean THE TEST! I meant that the antibodies that form áfter you have been infected only SHOW three-six months afterwards.

    That means there is a window of up to three-six months when you HAVE HIV, but your tests will be negative.
