Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Porn Actor Kills One Injures 2 At Work

A porn actor named Stephen Hill is being sought by Los Angeles police after allegedly killing one person and wounding two with a machete. Hill, who is 30, worked and lived at Ultima DVD which produces pron. Hill, has worked behind the scenes and also has starred in several porn films. Apparently he was going to be fired from his job and evicted from the offices where he lives and went on a rampage. The attack happened last night and he is still at large.

From what I found online it looks like Ultima specializes in fetishes like armpit sex, and ball busting. Not exactly a mainstream kind of porn. If you want to see what they offer, be warned, it is very intense.


  1. armpit sex?

    Apparently I'm more innocent than I thought!

  2. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Good god! Now we have disgruntled porn stars!

    Not to make light of it. He sounds seriously disturbed, and whacking people up with a machete is pretty scary.

  3. I think I'll pass on this one.

  4. I ain't gonna look..

    and I also make the typo of pron for porn.

  5. A lot of silly little things are inexplicably funny to me. For example, when someone types "pron" instead of "porn". I don't know why but it gives me the giggles.

  6. Heard this on the morning news before work.

    Wouldn't you think a pron star would be easy to find in L.A.??

  7. Wow .. crazed Taxi drivers in The Lake District and machete wielding porn stars in The Valley .. what in the hell is this world coming to??

  8. ok...ball busting? I am SO not looking at the website, but is it exactly as it sounds? omg

  9. Do they even have a photo of the guy? He can change vehicles easier than his appearance. Maybe he'll go hide in the sinkhole, nobody wants to go looking in there.

  10. OK, I looked. I really had to know what pron was. I now know more than enough about pron and will crawl back into my cubbie a much more enlightened individual.

  11. Sami Salo porn??! (canuck joke)

    this is so bad,but when i read the headline, i was like "Damn that's a big dick."

    how awful to go out like that.RIP.

  12. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I was hoping he had skewered someone like jax was thinking

  13. K yeah, I also want to know what ball busting is, and I am NOT watching the video.

  14. Ball busting & armpit sex?

    Man that is new to me! I'm not going to look at any video; those are places I just WILL NOT GO. I was raised a Catholic Southern girl and imma stay that way thankyouverymuch!

  15. I live in the SF Valley and porn stars blend in with everyone else. (minus the machete). Wow...very disturbing. I'm glad I'm on the other side of the hill at work right now. Let's hope they catch him before I head home.

  16. Okay what is ball busting?
