The Perez Hilton/Miley Cyrus Child Porn Mess
Over the weekend, long time reader and commenter, Robert sent me an e-mail saying that Perez Hilton had posted an upskirt picture of Miley Cyrus. Normally probably not a big deal. The problem was this time, Miley was not wearing anything under her skirt making it child porn.
The reason I did not write about it yesterday is that although the Tweet is still on Perez' Twitter, the picture is not there any longer. Going to several other websites I saw censored versions of the picture and I also saw a lot of commentary that the uncensored one was actually photoshopped.
Without knowing for sure, I was not going to accuse the guy of child porn. That is a very, very serious charge. Career killing. There was the recent case in England where a guy was sentenced to jail for placing Emma Watson's face on a naked body while she was still a minor so there is that to think about also.
Anyway, Salon spent yesterday going through all the evidence and doing the great job they do with reporters who are actually paid to report and dig and get quotes. They conclude that Perez should be charged with child porn, but if he is not, then it is because he is Perez. To read the entire Salon piece, click here.