Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ozzy Osbourne & Don Rickles vs Deer Kisses Cat

Last night on Jimmy Kimmel, the odd combination of guests Ozzy Osbourne and Don Rickles provided some of the best television. It could have been a disaster, but instead was comedy gold.

If Ozzy and Don are not your style, then perhaps this video of a deer loving on a cat is more what you need to make your day that much easier.


  1. Anonymous11:07 AM

    LOL@Deer and Kitty

  2. WOW Ozzy sounded more alert and articulate than he did when he had that reality show on MTV. He looks healthier than he has in a long while. Good for him.


    Perfect example of the pure and sweet nature of deer and other animals that people so callously hunt and kill. Tofu is not an enemy ppl.

    End rant.
    And yes, the vid was adorable, made me want to cuddle with both animals :)

  4. OMG
    The deer and kitty are adorable. I have an awful hangover and that made me smile for the first time all day. Thank you

  5. Love the deer and kitty video. Put me in a better mood. We use to have a deer in our neighborhood that was raised by humans after it's mother was run over. Everyone thought he'd leave once he reached sexual maturity, and rejoin his wild kin, but he didn't. I really think he thought he was a dog. People from all over town used to ride around our 'hood just to see him. He hung around for a couple of years before he was deernapped by this wacko woman from another neighborhood. Then all of her neighbors raised hell because he ate all of their flowers/shrubs in their less wooded neighborhood. Finally, a TWRA (Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency) agent took him to a protected reserve. I still think of him and hope that he stayed on the reserve and made lots of babies. He was a sweet member of our little neighborhood family.

  6. That kitty takes a likin' and keeps on tickin'!

  7. So sweet! :)
    @RJ - Cute story!!

  8. Man, I actually understood about 75% of what Ozzy was saying!?
