Wednesday, June 23, 2010

OK! Magazine Plays The Jennifer Aniston Is Having A Baby Card

I realize there are many people in the world who still don't look at gossip online and get all their gossip from either the tabloids or the tabloid covers. Even with that in mind you would think at some point they would be able to figure out that if Jennifer Aniston had a baby everytime the tabloids reported it that she would be giving the Duggar family a run for their money.

Once again, OK! has decided to go ahead and try and sell some copies by claiming that Jennifer is having a baby. I love how they say there is an interview, like Jennifer actually sat down for one with the magazine and told them she is having a baby. No idea of course who the dad is. Apparently Jennifer is ready now and all the other times the magazine said she was ready were wrong.

The sad thing is the magazine will probably sell a lot of copies and people will walk around for a week saying that Jennifer is going to have a baby. Oh, and that Kristen and Rob are getting married. See, that is the cover they should have blown up. I think they would have sold way more issues with that crap then the Jennifer Aniston crap.


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