Wednesday, June 30, 2010

New! Magazine Accuses Britney Spears Of Child Abuse

I have never heard of New! Magazine, but with that exclamation point it could be a part of the OK! Magazine family or just is a big fan of punctuation. I also find it hard to believe a magazine that in their headline says Britney abused all three of her kids. Last I checked she only had two, but hey, they are a magazine so they must know better right?

They talked to someone who talked to someone who talked to that bodyguard who has accused Britney of sexual harassment. He claims that he witnessed Britney abusing her kids.

"He (Flores) claims the first really shocking incident was when she came marching into the pool house at her mansion and demanded his belt. He handed it over but then followed her into the main house and claims he witnessed the alleged incident." The incident was Britney beating one of her kids with the belt. He also says that she knowingly gave her kids foods they are allergic to.

The article says that Britney has denied abusing her kids, but it also does not appear they actually got a statement from her or from anywhere else. I think the story is crap.


  1. I think the story is crap also. I don't think she hit her kids. But due to her mental issues she clearly neglected them for awhile. At least there is a network of nannies to help with the children.

    I think she loves them she just has zero parenting skills other then playing with them and taking them to McDonalds and Starbucks.

    I think the saddest pictures I ever saw was her pushing them in a stroller and she looked completly bored out of her mind and ignoring them. While the nanny did all the work.

  2. if you're deathly allergic to shellfish,the kid would go into immediate shock and have to be rushed to the ER.

    this story is crap.

  3. Anonymous10:57 AM

    If she was abusing the kids, why wait until now to mention it? If you honestly feel childen are being mistreated, and you ignore it, then aren't you at least partly responsible for any further abuse?

    Also, what jax said about the allergies.

    The story's BS.

  4. I fourth the "crap".
    Although it reminds me of a bit that Family Guy did to her, talking on the phone while holding one of the babies, using the dent in its forehead as an ashtry, then dropping him to go answer the door. Ah Britney.

  5. Thirding Jax on shellfish allergies. My BIL is deathly allergic to scallops.

    Also, supposedly, this guy lost a suit where he claimed that Brit sexually harassed him.

    It's a crap story. Guy's lookin' for $$$.

  6. Britney may be a lot of things, but I don't for one second believe she has physically abused her kids.

  7. This story is complete BS. Britney doesn't even know where she is or what she is doing half the time let alone her kids.

  8. Britney may not qualify for mother of the year, but I can't imagine she would knowingly feed her children potentially life threatening foods or beat them with belts. This story is crap.

  9. Maybe the allergy isn't a life threatening one. Like hives with strawberries or being lactose intolerant.

  10. Well, who's the bigger jerk, then? Her for doing it, or you for not stopping it, jackhole?

    Never happened.

  11. I grew in an era when whipping your kids with a belt wasn't considered child abuse, so this story seems completely absurd to me.

  12. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Looserdude, I agree. I spanked my kids. Hell, even the teachers would spank kids back then. And when I was growing up, if you misbehaved in the neighborhood, somebody else's mom might spank you. I never agreed with the use of a belt or a wooden spoon or switch, I felt like your hand fit their bottoms nicely, but it's just the last few years that all forms of physical punishment have become a big no-no.

  13. I'm sure the third kid knows the real story.

  14. I'm allergic to some kinds of fish and have never gone into anaphylactic shock. I just get severe stomach pains, like someone has stuck a knife in my mid-section.

  15. Oh please. How is this different from any other stressed-out, busy Mom since, say...time immemorial?

    Big deal! So she spanked a kid with a belt? That's what hineys are FOR on kids.

    Sorry, JMO but I think all the GD coddling of kids these days has attributed to their being a bunch of lazy fat-asses with crappy, entitled attitudes and no work ethic.

    (Old Ms. Crabby Crabapple will sit down and shut up now).

  16. i could believe the part with a belt just cuz i've gotten the belt (along with many others) and it wasn't abuse then, i don't see it as abuse now. yes, there's a fine line that gets crossed a lot, but i don't see her doing going that far. i could see her spanking them maybe, but i don't have a problem with spanking either?

    i know i'm in the minority here, but to me she seems like a loving mom. she's not all there, yes she was neglectful but not intentionally i don't believe. she loves them and i highly doubt she'd ever intentionally harm them. period.

  17. That reminds me, one of the top blinds I want revealed is the actress who gave her friends peanuts knowing she's allergic. Has it been long enough yet that you can tell that one Enty?

  18. @Mooshki - or the one about the bf who gave his gf meat when she's a vegetarian. I would LOVE to know which asshole did that.

  19. Anonymous12:47 PM

    selenakyle, I agree totally. In no way do I approve of child abuse, in any form, but a few good swats on a plump bottom is not abuse. And some people use belts, I have a friend who uses a wooden spoon, some use switches, a sister-in-law kept a (new and clean) fly swatter for that purpose. I agree with you that the new and improved parenting which makes parents afraid to discipline their kids is responsible for a generation of smart-mouthed, spoiled brats.

  20. WTH is New! Magazine??

    Don't buy it.

  21. Cheryl cracked my crabby ass up.

  22. My Mom whaled on me and my little bro with the regular ol' fly-guts encrusted flyswatter back in the day... Butt, thighs, lower back...whatever she could hit while holding us with her sharp-nailed other hand, did the trick.

    And look how great we turned out!

  23. Yeah, who is this third kid?!

  24. i can't wait until britney sues the shit out of this magazine and then owns it. no name magazine....

    a) i doubt Brit really has much to do with actually feeding her kids, like preparing food etc.

    b) if the guys suit got thrown out, why the hell would anyone believe him as a credible witness anyway.

    She seems like a caring mother. Remember when JJ was having seizures and she rushed him to the hospital? or when SP fell out of the high chair?

    This woman lives like 95% of her life in the public eye. Yes, she may be a little mentally off, but thats quite a jump to say that shes an uncaring, negligent, abusive mother.
    Plenty of parents are coping with mental disease and still parent well.
    Lucky came on the iPod (i didn't even realize it was on there?) the other day, and it made me think about her life now. The glitz and the glamour aren't everything. That's why you'll catch her wearing street clothes with a hole in them. I don't know why we hold these people to a higher standard just because they have some money.

  25. Britney may be a lot of things but a physically abusive mom doesn't seem to be one of them. I also think her sister Jamie Lynn might be an okay mom too. She said that she wanted to raise her daughter away from the spotlight and so far she's stayed true to that promise.

  26. I got a few spankings with a belt when I was growing up, too. It wasn't child abuse. There is a bid difference between a spanking and a beating. I never, ever got a spanking without first being told very plainly by my parent(s) "if you do ____ again, you will get a spanking". It only took a few times to get it through my head that my parents meant what they said. Three or four well-desevered spankings gave me a lifetime of respect for my very loving and very involved parents. Frankly, the more I am around children, the more that I think spankings should be embraced, not villified.
    That being said, I don't believe a word of this story. If Britney is guilty of anything it would be neglect. I thinks she's doing the best she can with her boys.

  27. Typos - bid should have been big and thinks should have been think. Sorry.

  28. i got my spankings, and the belt was reserved for serious offenses. i spanked my kids, and while i feel guilty about it, there were set rules, explanations, and it was NOT beating. i grew up to be respectful, and have great and undying love for my parents. i absolutely agree this age of loosey-goosey parenting has led to so many of the problems we have with our children now.
    but i think this article is crap.
