Monday, June 21, 2010

More Jeremy London Stuff - Drug Testing Galore And Can't Spell

Radar managed to get an interview with Jeremy London's soon to be ex-wife. She was dropped off by the alleged kidnappers prior to Jeremy's adventures with them. I honestly don't know what in the hell to believe when I read about all of this. It turns out that both Jeremy and his wife Melissa are getting regularly tested for drugs after losing custody of their son to Melissa's mother. They are also in the process of getting divorced.

Melissa says the reason she was not involved in the wild drug use and kidnapping was that she felt uncomfortable with the kidnappers and asked to be dropped off at home. I'm still not sure why Jeremy even gave a ride to the two guys. Just because they help you with a flat tire is not really a reason to give some people a ride.

To the doubters, myself included, Melissa said, “I just hope this never happens to them,” she said of people who doubt Jeremy’s story. “Police told us this is the new thing to do down here... rob people at gunpoint and make them do drugs so they won’t be reliable witnesses. It’s happening more and more. I can tell you that Jeremy was scared for his life. He’s still scared. This is real. It really happened and we’re working with police to get these guys behind bars.”

I have never heard of this happening. You would think if it was growing more common that it would have hit the news. Have any of you ever heard this happen before?

Meanwhile, Jeremy is showing off his grammar and spelling skills on Facebook. He had this to say. "They kept saying they knew where my son lived and they's strait for him first."



  1. That woman is Magnificent. I hope she gets to at least host an open post on Dlisted....*L*

  2. Uhm sorry but who or what ia a Jeremy London?

  3. I've only heard of it on Six Feet Under.

  4. I doubt the story, but I've known gangbangers, who have done drugs with a totally different class of people, I mean, older white men, with bmw's smoking kush with latino inner city gangbangers - but kidnapping and all of that? I really have my doubts, I think whoever is currently being held on this is getting paid, Jeremy and Jason both have quite a few 2010 imdb projects, some completed, I'm thinking thats enough money to pay off a guy to sit in jail for a little while. Now that, paying someone off or taking the fall, happens all the time.

  5. I don't want to be cruel, but this woman's face is really LARGE FEATURED. I'll leave it there.
    This is the craziest story to come out of Hollywood in a long time. So we're supposed to believe that they only really kidnapped him but had no problem dropping her off? Come ON.

  6. I think she smokes her drug, and its not marijuana - I've seen pictures of her from when her & Jeremy had barely began their relationship, and that gap between her 2 front teeth never existed, and it looks like smoke rot. Crack rock smoke. Meth? She's pretty nasty and unfortunate looking for sure.

  7. i am always amazed at how ignorant actors are with basic spelling and grammar when they go on twitter & facebook.

    I would really like the police to make a statement if they believe Jeremy or not. All I hear is him and wife wife making a lot of statements without any verification other then the one arrest.

  8. Anonymous12:01 PM

    If you believe that story than you believe I am the Queen LOLOLOL.

  9. this is your brain on drugs.

    douches. both of them.

  10. "Police told us this is the new thing to do down here... rob people at gunpoint and make them do drugs so they won’t be reliable witnesses. It’s happening more and more." -- ok, who's gonna rob me? Let's do this!

  11. As a recovering alcoholic, I feel compelled to say that I don't know many addicts/alcoholics who are really good at sharing when it comes to their drugs of choice, you know...? :-)

  12. i've never heard of such a thing. and these were real nice gun-wielding kidnapper robbers to give a shit that she felt 'uncomfortable' and let her go home. i presume they did NOT make her do drugs so she WOULD be a reliable witness, right?

    until i hear some official confirmation of this fantastic voyage, i believe this story is a crock of crap.

  13. This is the craziest thing ever and I love every detail of it. The wife's face SCREAMS crack and meth. Thank god the gramma's got the little kid.

    PS> Enty talked shit about someone's spelling/grammar? LMAO (still love ya, EL)

  14. Didn't this happen in Palm Springs? Ya, those old folks driving their Bentleys 10 mph down Palm Canyon Drive are real scary.

    I see Elvis on a regular basis driving his Caddy and he's about as real as this story.

  15. I loved Michael K's take on this.

    Again, the kidnapping story I would believe but being forced to smoke dope AND the fact that the nice kidnappers dropped the ex wife?


  16. You know, there is a chance that this London person who apparently was once on a show I never saw was kidnapped and forced to take drugs at gunpoint. But it does sound weird and unlikely. Dropping off the wife, dropping off one of the alleged kidnappers ... it sounds like the final two in the car were planning some kind of rape-at-gunpoint scene that never got off the ground, or I don't know what scene they were going for. It's just too weird, isn't it.

  17. In their defence, it could be happening and the police have yet to alert the public. A number of years ago in Australia there were groups gang raping young women around Sydney and it took a newspaper to blow the situation out of the water. Women had no idea it was happening. The police don't always inform the public.

  18. i think the police already DO caution people about this. it's called don't give a ride to strangers---or accept a ride from strangers either.

    the part that makes me pretty sure it's not true is they had no reason to drop her off. what did they do? say 'we're keeping your husband....pretty please don't call the police?'
    that makes no fucking sense.

  19. The part that confuses me is the overhead on this scheme. People robbed Jeremy and then forced him to do drugs they paid for out of their own pockets/ill-gotten gains?

    Where's the break-even point? If the kidnappers rob someone with $8 are they forced to pop a Tylenol PM?

  20. How many fcukin addicts FORCE someone to use THEIR drugs??


    Jeremy London or whoever the hell you are, thats a real crackhead move. Sounds like when you ran out of money to get high and realized that piss test was coming up, you sold the brothers out and made up this cockamamie story about someone forcing you to get loaded.

    Robbers want money/goods, not hostages. NO addict is going to force you to take their sh-t, trust me.

    Bullsh-t ass story.

    Die slow Jeremy London. Pathetic fcuk-up, that's why your kid isn't in your custody now.

    Amazingly the police believed him.


  21. How do kidnappers drop the wife off because she wanted to go home?


    What city was this? How fcuking dumb are the gumshoes there?

  22. Just LOL at everything in this post.

    But - Still so sad to watch people who had every reason to be happy and prosperous blow everything on garbage behavior nonsense. So unnecessary.

  23. Yeah, I dont know many crackheads who want to share their drugs. Usually they are guarding their drugs with their life and "carpetcrawling" when they are done because they are so paranoid that they dropped some. I know from personal experience-5 years clean.
