Monday, June 28, 2010

Monterey County Jail Inmates Beat The Wal-Mart Baby Seller

I think there should be an immediate order from Ahnold that all the inmates at the Monterey County Jail should be transferred to Lima, Peru and take turns being the cellmate of Joran van der Sloot.

It seems that last week after Patrick Fousek was arrested for child endangerment and drug charges which came about after he tried to sell his baby for $25 to Wal-Mart customers, he was out into the general population of the Monterey County Jail. Well, on Friday morning when he appeared in court, Patrick had a bruised eye, stitches and two cracked ribs after he was beaten by fellow inmates. There are no suspects in the beating because no one saw anything.

Unfortunately he has been moved to a secure area of the jail now and is away from the other inmates. It's too bad. If they were around he might have slipped or bumped his head a few more times this week.


  1. well shit. these officials are taking all the fun out of prison.

    i say down with administrative segregation!! UP WITH GENERAL POPULATION!!!

  2. I told my co-worker before I finished reading the first story (I've been out of town for a week) that these people have to be on Meth.

    Sick FUCKS!

  3. I honestly had to think about that for a second - if someone offered to sell you a baby in the parking lot of Walmart for 25 dollars, would you buy it?

    I think I would. I mean, not keep it obviously, but buy it so that no creep gets his hands on it and then hand it over to social services. What do you think?

  4. Anonymous12:29 PM

    I'm not sure I'd have the presence of mind to buy the baby and hand it over to DCAF. I'd be so shocked by the offer to sell it, I'd probably get very indignant with the seller, then move out of hearing range and call the cops. But it would be good if someone had done that.

  5. I agree Linnea. I mean they ran when the police were called. The police are lucky they found them at their house. Or even knew where to find them, eh?

  6. I don't really care for criminals of any kind, but I gotta agree with certain of their codes. Child killers and rapists get killed, and assholes like this one get their asses kicked. Saves the rest of us a lot of time and money ..............

  7. @linnea - you bet I would! Get the baby in the car, safe, and call the cops immediately.

  8. I don't know if buying the baby would be a good idea even for a second and for safety purposes.

    I heard a story a couple of weeks ago about a little boy at a mall who was trying to be a good samaritian and help a lost little girl find her mother. The police thought that he was the kidnapper and handcuffed him.

    I'd probably just try to get their license plate number and call the police but if at all possible it isn't wise to touch other peoples children even if YOU believe you're helping them. This is a crazy world and it could backfire on you.

  9. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I read this at Bossip this morning. The mother is supposedly 20 something and this creep 30 something. Guy looks older than his 30's. Both I believe I read are in meth.

  10. Both on Meth. Cops found them at their house smoking Meth. The woman is 20 and this creep is 38. She fully admitted to the cops that she smoked Meth and breast fed at the same time..

    I'm glad the child is, hopefully safe now.

  11. They shouldn't beat him. He has made sure he will never be with that baby again, which is the best possible outcome.

  12. I once bought a pigeon for five dollars from a deranged druggie who was threatening to kill it. He had broken it's wing. Cops came, he was hauled off, got cop car ride to take pigeon to animal rescue. (It was released a few months later, fit, and no doubt not going near people ever again) so yeah, I'd buy the baby to get hold of it. Hell if they charged me, whatevs. I did watch NG and there was some issue of the boy who was arrested, said he was helping the lost child, he has some sex related legal trouble in the past, so me thinks there is more going on there than meets the eye. (Apologies to Mrs Stern.)

  13. I am bad person for appreciating a little prison justice. *heh-heh*

  14. Oh Mari! That story made me sad! What a good person you are for helping the birdie! I always say anyone that could be abusive to animals could do the same to humans.

    I think I'd have to risk getting in trouble but I would have definitely bought the baby and immediately called the police. Poor baby...will he/she end up going back to the mother or is there a way the baby could be adopted? I always think about people that try so hard to have kids and go thru so much heartache and then you have these shitheads.........

  15. @not on my dollar...I haven't seen anything sex-related about that 14-year old kid in Florida who tried to help the toddler find her mother. I think his race played into the store clerk's paranoia, and also into the cop arresting him when every fact about the case pointed to his complete innocence. Racist cops like to arrest black kids even when they're innocent, because they know that the arrest will stay on the arrestee's record for the rest of his life.

  16. I would have offered them $20

  17. @The Dude Abides. Yup! I just searched and found nothing along those lines about the 14-year old kid. Makes me question @not on my dollar's motivation for saying something like that.

  18. Prison Justice is just a way for you to take part in some mob mentality indirectly. Stupid sheeple.

  19. I'd buy a baby for $25.00. Excellent deal.



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