Friday, June 04, 2010

Miley Cyrus Continues Her Controversy Tour

In the past it always seemed like when Miley Cyrus did something inappropriate or scandalous, there was always something accidental or unintentional. That is completely gone now. On every stop in her Europe tour she has made a conscious effort to be as controversial as possible. Whether it be what she is wearing or what she is doing on stage, she is definitely trying to lose that Disney image.

Here is the problem with that. She signed up for another season of Hannah Montana. She got paid to be a Disney star for another year. Although she doesn't have to be a role model for anyone, she did choose to get paid by a channel that caters to very young kids who then see her Europe performances and wonder what Hannah is doing and why she is wearing what she is wearing, fondling her own breast on stage or simulating kissing another woman. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Last night she was on Britain's Got Talent and in between all the wholesome acts came Miley. She said she was nervous to sing well because everyone was so good. Umm, Miley the singing you did was back in the studio and not last night.

If you want to see the pretend kiss it is at 1:20 or so.


  1. Her "dancing" was horrible, too.

  2. Ugh. Lindsay, you're replacement is on her way.

  3. Everything is wrong with it because she is still underage.

  4. She actually thinks she's gonna have a post HM career. Ha haaaaaaa!!!!!!!

  5. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Underage, under-talented, under-intelligent, over-confident and overly impressed with herself.

  6. OMG, I was going to say almost verbatim what Laura said. She's absolutely the next Lindsey Lohan.

  7. "Not that there is anything wrong with that." Late last night I watched the episode of Seinfeld where Kenny Rogers' chicken shack opens up across the street and Kramer's apartment turns into a giant tanning booth from the neon chicken. That's the best thing about that show being "about nothing." So much of its humor is timeless.

  8. I'm curious about how popular Hannah Montana still is. My daughter was a huge fan two years ago when the show at its peak and her tour was selling out like gangbusters. Now my daughter's nearly 10 and could give a flying fig about Hannah. It's all about Twilight and RPattz (*barf* There's no accounting for a young girl's heart I guess). Do a lot of young girls still follow the show. Also to listen to my daughter and her friends, iCarly and Selena Gomez are way more popular. I'm actually surprised Disney is producing another season.

    So as much as it pains me to say this, but Miley is probably doing the right thing regarding her career. Don't get me wrong. As a parent, I don't approve of a young teen gyrating on an ice cream truck or being deliberately sexually provocative, but this way she can attempt to hold on to her fans as they and she grew older. It's like Britney Spears all over again.

  9. I'll skip the video. She's actually kind of pathetic to rip off the Madonna/Britney thing. Lame, Miley. Lame.

  10. Stephani, my daughter is almost 5 and has been a big HM fan for the last year. I have no idea how she even found out about her because we never watched the show.

    I am very careful not to let her see the seedy side of Miley. Thankfully the obsession seems to be over. Miley Cyrus is a virus. I can't wait for her to be out of the public eye.

  11. She's trying to be Adam Lambert with that song. Tell me that you can't picture him singing that! Everytime I see that stupid pout of hers I want to smack her and I'm not a violent person. I'm not certain why she brings out the worst in me.

  12. At least Adam Lambert is being true to who he is when he gets all sexed and glamed out on stage. And he is of LEGAL AGE!

    This is just a poor rip off of Adam's style.

    I really don't understand the allure of this girl. She sounds like an oversexed chipmunk.

    And Enty is right it was a live recording she was just lip synching to.
    And the whole talking 100 miles a minute with an "umm" between every 5 words is beyond annoying.

  13. Seeing as both my kids are boys, I'm thinking Miley is one nightmare I won't have to live through. There will be others, of course, but at least we can dodge this particular bullet. Or not. Let us pray.

  14. Lindsay or Dana Plato. Time will tell.

  15. @JJ "Miley Cyrus is a virus."

    So perfect in it's simplicity. I think Enty should use this as the heading for all Miley storeis.

  16. I'm on the Disney is evil train and think that they are behind her "adult transformation." They own more than just the Disney Channel and it's to their advantage to extend her appeal to another audience.

  17. Good one, Syko.

    I think she is doing too much, too soon in her "sexy" (cough) image and it may backfire.

  18. I was under the impression Hannah Montana JUST finished production on its final season -- like, yesterday, I mean that almost literally -- and as far she's concerned she's filled her contractual obligations. Which is why she within the past few days/weeks has really let her rip.

  19. I think it all boils down to everyone being jealous of her.

  20. @Becki: Oh yes, I *SO* want to be her!

    (and if you've recovered from laughing, I'll continue)

    Do we have a pool going on which will be first? Playboy or Hustler?

    I'm going with Playboy, under 6 months. Any other takers?

  21. Merlin I say "unauthorized" sex tape first. In 3 months or less.

  22. I saw MC live at Rock in Rio Lisbon last Saturday. It was the first time I had seen this woman in action other than on the Disney show.

    She sang live, and her vocal performance was as good as could be expected considering she was shaking and grinding around like there was no tomorrow.

    Her look, with the ridiculous leotard a la Beyonce and Madonna, and her "dance" moves were just the generic trying-hard-to-seem-sexy routine we have seen time and time again by child/tween stars trying to make the transition to grown-up stars.

    Sad and not attractive at all, but nothing new.

    The thing is, she was the headliner of the Rock In Rio "family day", and the audience was comprised of tens of thousands of little children and their parents. She also didn't sing any of her Hannah Montana songs, so all those kids got was the sight of her bumping and grinding and singing songs they probably never heard.

    At least she seemed nice in the interviews.

  23. I was at the Graham Norton show (UK evening talk show) taping last night and Miley was on. Not a clever girl, that's for sure. She is certainly trying hard to be sexy and whatnot. But she just looked like a slouching kid, with nice legs. We saw part of her new video at the show and my Mom (who was along with me) said that her voice was terrible. And that's with electronic help!

    Usher was one of the other guests. He was intelligent and could discuss things clearly. He obviously didn't think much of Miley, as she had actually brushed him off at one time over Justin Bebier. And he is a fabulous performer. He is a perfectionist and gives us his all. Just overall very impressed with him. Miley? Well, she's 17, but there doesn't seem to be a lot interesting going on there...

  24. I don't have a problem with Miley, generally (apart from her being a teeange girl...they all seem like they should be institutionalized to me...including myself when I read my old diaries) but I feel "meh" on her supposed controversies. It seems kind of lame onstage and a bit calculated and Disney sanctioned. They want her to transition well to adulthood, right? I'm sure they'd love to retain her on Hollywood Records and keep her earning for them, so they're trying to Gaga-ify her to keep her relevant. I see it working on some skeptical teen fans, so I think they are pulling it off a bit.

    Also. Her "kiss" with the girl looked more like a mother bird puking into it's offspring's mouth. Not totally buying that she's not been "tamed".

  25. I completely and utterly detest Miley Cyrus. She's talentless and incredibly full of herself. She's not even of legal age yet and she's already headed along the same path as Lindsay and Britney.

    Ugh. Can't stand her. Am SO glad I don't have little sisters that I'd have to protect from that stuff.

  26. That's interesting, JJ, that she still appeals to the young kids. I figured she was already passé. I think my daughter is still a little fascinated by the real Miley. She made a pointing of wanting to watch her performance on Dancing with the Stars a few weeks ago, but she took down her Hannah Montana poster about a year ago. I also don't see her visage on backpacks and t-shirts like a did a few years ago.

  27. Agree w/everyone, except did she spell it again (?)... Becki, because I've never been jealous of hoors.

    LOL austinrob & Syko: agreed.

  28. My almost 7yo daughter has been listening to the same early-Hannah-Montana song on repeat every night for like 2 years ("Who Says"'s like a girl empowerment song) and she'll watch the show when it's on...but she has zero interest in Miley beyond that, luckily.

    [She would give anything to see Bieber (no, thanks) or Selena Gomez (maybe) in concert. She'll happily settle for the Camp Rock tour, since she knows I love Joe Jonas/like JB.]

  29. Ohhhhhh I finally realised what I find so hinkey about Miley. It's her posture! She has a hunchback; looks like a tortoise with her head set too far forward. Poor Miley.

  30. If she wants to shed the Disney image why the HELL did she sign up for another year with them? Very annoying.

    BTW, Miley, you my dear, are no Madonna.
