Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Marilyn Monroe JFK Photo Released

Today would have been Marilyn Monroe's 84th birthday. In memory of that day, the only photograph of Marilyn Monroe with JFK was released today. There were lots of photos taken of the couple together but this is the only one which was not confiscated. The photographer, Cecil Stoughton had all of his photos taken by the Secret Service but this one survived because it was being dried at the time his photos were removed.

The photo was taken shortly after Marilyn sang Happy Birthday to the President. It is also striking because JFK turned away from the camera which he never did. Also in the photo is Robert F Kennedy Jr.

The event was also the last major public event for Marilyn before her death later that same year. If you are in Los Angeles, you can view the photo at the Art & Artifact Gallery in West Hollywood. Ten signed prints were made of the picture. 9 of them are on sale for $23K each. The 10th print? It was given to Michael Jackson.


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