Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Marilyn Monroe JFK Photo Released

Today would have been Marilyn Monroe's 84th birthday. In memory of that day, the only photograph of Marilyn Monroe with JFK was released today. There were lots of photos taken of the couple together but this is the only one which was not confiscated. The photographer, Cecil Stoughton had all of his photos taken by the Secret Service but this one survived because it was being dried at the time his photos were removed.

The photo was taken shortly after Marilyn sang Happy Birthday to the President. It is also striking because JFK turned away from the camera which he never did. Also in the photo is Robert F Kennedy Jr.

The event was also the last major public event for Marilyn before her death later that same year. If you are in Los Angeles, you can view the photo at the Art & Artifact Gallery in West Hollywood. Ten signed prints were made of the picture. 9 of them are on sale for $23K each. The 10th print? It was given to Michael Jackson.


  1. I hope he gets $23K for each of the prints, and he can sue for the return of his original negatives or the value of lost print sales.

  2. Did this guy seriously GIVE Michael Jackson one of the prints and if so why? Now Mike's family will try and sell it for millions.

  3. It really pisses me off as an American that the Secret Service confiscated this guy's photos. So much for the land of the free. I would love to know where those photos are today. Will they ever be released?

    Happy birthday, Marilyn.

  4. Poor thing was strung out on pills and booze and was passed around by and between those schmucks. She really did have talent but sooooo insecure.

    She had to be sewn into that sequined dress.

    I also believe she was murdered.

  5. And please--between the US Govt, the UK's MI-6 or whomever it is, Scotland Yard and the Vatican there are so many secrets that we will never know, photos we'll never see, info we'll never hear, innocent people who will never be released, etc. it would boggle our minds.

    The masses must be kept in check or there would be pandemonium!

  6. I don't know what it means but there are only four or five celebrities where I can remember where I was when I heard they died. Amazingly I remember both JFK (Mr. Brickman's eight grade science class) and Marilyn (drinking sodas in the backyard of our friend Rex's house).

  7. @Daveb

    My mom told me about the day JFK died and where she was. She also told me about having to get under her desk in school when the nuclear warning bells went off for a test. Crazy.

  8. i also believe she was murdered. call me a crazy conspiracy theorist, but there is a lot of evidence that she didn't kill herself or accidently OD.

    she died decades before i was even born and my heart break still breaks for her. she was so incredibly beautiful, but also so incredibly broken. poor thing. men just lined up to use and abuse her and she took it b/c she had no self-worth. i wish i could have given her a hug and told her she didn't need a man to be happy.

    it pisses me off to see the new generation of hollywood skanks idolize her with tacky tattoos and aspirations of her fame. (cough, cough lindsay lohan and megan fox). it will never happen. she was actually talented, yes very troubled, but talented.

    rip mm/norma jean.

  9. i'm with selenakyle on this.

    also,Enty wasn't there another pic in a series of Great American Photos not long ago you posted of the two of then inside a room with the door partially closed and she's sitting on the floor between JFK's legs in a very casual and familiar pose?

    here it is..halfway down page.

  10. just like Lady Diana, Marilyn's body took an undocumented trip before ending up at the morgue,there are several hours unaccounted for that still remain a mystery.

  11. I also think what Im looking at right here is a woman of unmeasurable beauty who was probably hopped up on whatever ppl would give her to make her more docile, and 2 shumucks who took advantage of her and passed her around like a baseball.
    I actually find it rather hard to stare at this picture because I also believe her death was fishy and the secret serice overreacting by seizing any pic ever taken of MM and JFK is proof she was seen as a HUGE threat.
    RIP Marilyn, I hope your finally finding peace now~

  12. Omg I just looked at that pic of MM and JFK... wow

  13. I wondered about that picture too, Jax.

    I've read a ton of crap about MM and I am totally on the conspiracy train. MM theatened to go public with "something" and then boom, she's dead. Peter Lawford was in on it too.

    I still get chills when I watch Some Like It Hot and MM sings (I think) "I'm Through With Love". She had way more talent and brains than she was ever given credit for.

    There will never be another...

  14. RIP Marilyn, You were one of a kind and loved by many. Her life was very sad.

    I definitely agree that she was murdered. She knew ALOT of information and was going to blow the whistle.

  15. @jax - great pics! And DAMN I love that one of Brando!

  16. If you look in the comment section on the site that has the JFK/MM picture there is a link disproving its authenticity. It is on Snopes as being a fake. It's an artist's rendering.

    That makes sense because JFK seemed like too much of a douchebag to 1. ever be caught in a pose like that and, 2. to look like he genuinely care for a broken person whom he treated like a whore.

  17. wow...she'd have been 84...imagine the life and career could have had...

  18. i doubt anyone would admit to it being real either way. i think its real.

  19. Man. Wishing for some plain ol' ClassAlpha shenanigans right about now...

  20. Oh thank you Enty for taking that awful comment and avatar down!

  21. And thanks for that link, Jax!

  22. Thanks for the link jax; I totally loved that Brando pic as well ;-)

  23. thanks for that link Jax...question about that Kurt pic. There was a billboard in my hometown that said that (Believe on the Lord...)and I thought that they were just morons and meant to say "in"...does anyone know what's up with that?

  24. If you go to snopes, the artist who "did" the JFK/MM half-closed door photograph is famous for setting up scenes with lookalikes to create an illusion. The photo was taken as a parody; the same artist has also taken photos of "Amy Winehouse," "Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky," "George Bush" with a Rubik's Cube, "Brangelina" with a lineup of babies, and "The Queen of England" on the toilet.

    WHich isn't to say that I don't believe that JFK and MM had an affair. JFK was just too smart to be photographed with the woman he treated like a hooker.


  25. I also think she was murdered...

    Those pictures are crazy!

    That one of Angelina Jolie & Jon Voight. She looks JUST like Shiloh!

  26. If the JFK/MM is fake, then why can it not be found on this Alison Jackson's website as her taking the credit for it? It would seem to be her most popular picture. Most of the ones she has posted on the site don't even look like the celebs she's trying to depict.

  27. Anyone here remember the Blind Item posted by himmmm on 2/26/10 about Frank Sinatra staging and filming a five-way gangbang with a pilled-out MM at the CalNeva Lodge in'62? Put me off the Chairman for life. Her friend Robert Slatzer (who she supposedly married for a month) claims Jimmy Hoffa had her house bugged to get dirt on the Kennedys and tape recorded her murder; the amount of information that was put forward that night, then changed, re-changed and re- re-changed is amazing. Maybe I should've saved this for August 25instead. Happy birthday, Norma Jean.

  28. There was a line in the JFK movie where Kevin Costner's character says when information about the assassination will finally be made public. I've been looking forward to that day, even though I do realize it was probably made up by Oliver Stone.

    This picture reminded me of that. His head looks weird.

  29. Hmm.. I came across a picture of JFK and Marilyn Monroe in this group of old pictures. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cracktwo.com%2F2010%2F01%2Frare-photos-of-famous-people-125-pics.html&h=0ee75 Which at the time I thought was pretty strange/awesome because I didn't know they were ANY pictures of the two of them together. It a pretty cool pic. They're cosyed up to eachother in what looks like a room in the White House and they are unaware of the camera. I'm not sure where in the list of pictures it falls but all of these pictures are pretty cool to look through anyway it's alot of young famous faces from the 50's- 70's era.

  30. I was in awe of the Marilyn/JFK photo in the link, however, it's a fake. Some photographer finds lookalikes to create the photos.

  31. You really think someone could look THAT much like JFK? Hmm maybe so...

  32. there's a snopes article on it. I'll find the link.
