Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mariah Carey Being Sued For Not Paying Her Vet

I am always fascinated when some celebrity gets sued by a vendor or a person who rendered them a service. First of all I am always surprised at how much money some people are willing to spend for services that the rest of us get for a very minimal cost and also just what some people are willing to pay for. Take the case of Mariah Carey.

She is being sued for about $30,000 for not paying her vet bills. Seems simple enough right? But take a closer look. Mariah actually spent $40,000 but paid almost $10K of the bill. Also, the bill was just for vet services and it is just for one month. That is a lot of money for one month. And, the kicker is that it does not seem like the costs were for actual medical procedures. The vet who is suing Mariah makes house calls. She says the charges were for "extraordinary services." You would think if it was some illness or the pregnancy of the dog that she would have mentioned that. She didn't. So, I am wondering if this was for things like dog massages or some similar type thing. I also wonder why she had a vet do it for $1000 a day when she has a servant named Nick who would do it for free.


  1. I'll bet she's a hypochondriac about her pups. "Ooh ooh! Nick!! Did she just sneeze??" I can't help but smile and shake my head with any Mimi story.

  2. Hahaha, I bet it was for doggy manicures and other crazy things.

    Mariah's a nut job and a half.

  3. Anonymous10:19 AM

    I read somewhere that the vet delivered one of the puppies. I think you can have a human baby delivered for less money.

  4. I do have to say Nick has really stepped up on America's Got Talent. he is actually showing some character and seems like a lot of fun!

  5. maybe the vet inflated the costs? I'd like to be the money managers of some of these people :) Then again, isn't Mariah single-handedly propping up the US economy?

  6. Off topic, but every time I see Mimi in one of those bandage dresses (oh right, that's the only thing she wears) it strikes me what a very odd body she has.

  7. I can't believe she has pets! Don't the dogs shed?? Don't they poop??? I can't imagine her dealing with either.

  8. Btw, does anyone else get this?: Every time I sign in to make a comment, EVERY time, the first time it tells me my password is wrong. The second time I enter it, it's correct. Mind you, the first time it says it's wrong even when I veeeeery carefully enter it.

    Just wondering.

  9. Anonymous10:41 AM

    That's been happening to me too, Gretchen, but I thought it was because our computer gurus were here yesterday messing with everything. And she does have an odd body, but I think a lot of it is extreme stomach sucking-in. If she bought her clothes a couple sizes larger and exhaled, she might look more normal.

  10. Is she walking by herself?

  11. Gretchen, I just have to sign in practically every time I post. It's annoying as hell.

    Mimi, pay your fucking bills. People are not lucky to take care of your pets.

  12. Gretchen, yep, it's happening to me too. But for a while it wouldn't let me post at all, so this is an improvement.

    I bet the bill is for anal gland massages.

  13. Anonymous11:24 AM

    I thought I was the only one having that problem. Glad to hear there are others having the same problem.

  14. I just can't get after Mariah for this one. $38,000 for a vet? You've got to be effing kidding me? Too many vet's overcharge as it is, which I find unconscionable, so there's not much sympathy on my end.

    Case in point - my best friend's dog ended up dying because her money hungry vet did too many surgeries on him in too short of a time. He ended up being asked to leave by the clinic. And I've found that most of the vets I've taken my dog to seem to hate animals.

  15. Ah, sorry about the rant. I know there are really decent vets out there, and I've met some. It's just that in this particular case, it seems Mariah is getting charged a rather outlandish sum considering the services. Then again, it doesn't really say exactly what those services were.

  16. My cat is sick, and I took her to two different vets recently. Both vets said that I should put her to sleep because the cat is 13. They didn't want to examine her. WTF!!!

    I drove her 1 1/2 hours, to a vet in a larger city. He ran tests and found out that she has fatty liver disease. It's treatable, and she's much better now. I'm pissed that the local vets were lazy and told me to kill my cat!

  17. Canine phrenology.

  18. Look at the shoes she's wearing to walk her dog! God I love this woman! I truly doubt Mariah is having money problems, and she's definitely not a cheapskate. She may live a pampered lifestyle, but I've never heard of her being anything but lovely to the people that work for/with her. Something is fishy with this vet.

  19. You guys are making me glad I have such an awesome vet clinic for my dog!

  20. @NoseyParker - omg that's the kind of shit I HATE to hear. Good for you for seeking a better vet, and I'm glad your kitten is okay.
    We're having a serious problem with corrupt and uncaring vets here in BC - there's a specific community where the vets charge about double what the rest of the province charges to spay and neuter...because it's isolated and they can. Our SPCA has to send mobile clinics up there to help because their shelter actually has to euthanize because of those vets.
    A friend of mine just rushed her pup into emergency with a liver shunt and halfway through trying to revive her, the vet stopped and said it would cost another $900 to continue - should they bother? Fucking horrific.

  21. @RocketQueen
    What a CROOK! The dog was in the middle of the operation and then they ask for another $900 to continue the and revive her. That's cruel! People that don't put the animals life first shouldn't become vets.

  22. Anonymous1:43 PM

    I've run into a vet that wouldn't treat my cat because she was 18, and because I refused to have $600 worth of tests done first. Just recently the state closed down that clinic and took away his license. Yay!

    I just have to share this - about a block from my house there is an animal hospital. The vet went into business about 35 years ago, and has never raised his fees. There's no fancy office staff, no appointments made except for neutering and spaying. You stand in line - with NFL players, the mayor, retired TV stars, etc., and when you finally get inside the building (I am not kidding, on any given morning you'll see 50-60 people in the parking lot, lined up) you pull your own chart. When I had my cat neutered, it cost me nearly $500 for the surgery and all his vaccinations (I didn't know about the cheap guy then). My daughter took in two cats, and it was under $100 for spaying both of them (more complex and expensive than neutering) and giving them their vaccinations. I haven't met this vet, but everyone says he's caring and gentle with the animals. Isn't that marvelous?

  23. Mooshki, where do you go? I had to take my dog to my family vet in TN to get her torn ACL looked at. The vet that I take her to up here scoffed at me because I told her I wasn't doing a 3500 dollar surgery and tried to make me feel bad about it. After 8 years, I said c-ya. I brought her to Highland but if you know a better one, I am game.

  24. Mariah seems like the type to do doggie massages, spa treatments, glitter applications, etc. Maybe she gets the dog's b-hole bajazzled??

    Sounds like some of you have good vets! I use Banfield here just b/c they were the only ones I could afford to go to right out of college and they let you pay monthly insurance so that your actual yearly vaccine visits are free. Its still probably a rip off. There is a place here that does spay/neuter for low cost but i thought you had to be proven to be financially unable to go to a regular vet to do so?

    Speaking of pets, everyone pray or my cat. He escaped out of my house today while I had painters/handymen here working & they left the door open. I was out running errands and thought he was locked in the back of our house but he got out somehow. :( I've had him for 8 years and nothing like this has every happened.

  25. MCH...your kitty is in my prayers. My Poppet did the same thing and came home after 3 days.

  26. @Sunnyside - Thank you! Still no sign of him yet. He has tags, so I'm hoping someone will pick him up or he'll realize that living on the streets is tough.

  27. MCH...having tags will definitely up his chances of being found.

  28. Chihuahuesense, I'm from Dyersburg in West TN, and my vet clinic is awesome. My beloved Westie died last year of lymphomia and they did everything they could including sending him to a critical care specialist clinic in Memphis called MedVet. In addition to cancer treatments, they also have orthopedic specialists. I don't know what part of TN you are near. Of course the vet school in Knoxville should have something good to offer.

    Oh, and I have to log in twice everytime, too.

  29. aw!!! MCH I'm sure kitty will come back, he knows where the food and lovin' is!

    RJ, I moved up here to Minneapolis, so that is where the vet problem is. We drove down to TN in March to have my baby's ACL looked at by my family vet in my little bitty town. He is a real stand up guy and works on all of our animals. I wish I could ship him up here, though. That vet really pissed me off trying to make me feel bad for not electing the surgery without even checking around first. What am I, Mariah?

  30. chihuahuense, I go to VCA Cedar Animal Hospital. They aren't particularly cheap, but they really know what they're doing. And they know I'm on a tight budget, so they'll go over the list of their recommendations and tell me which ones are really important to get done.

  31. My kitty came home at 1am! Thanks for the well wishes! :)

  32. Yay for kitty MCH!

    Isn't Mariah the blind about needing new towels everytime, not just cleaned & also something about special toilet paper?

    I'll bet the "extraordinary services" is something like, everytime the dog shits, the vet has to get to the house & anylize the poop. Something like that. Remember the guy that "caught flies for Howard Hughes"? These quacks are something else :/

  33. Case in point - my best friend's dog ended up dying because her money hungry vet did too many surgeries on him in too short of a time. He ended up being asked to leave by the clinic. And I've found that most of the vets I've taken my dog to seem to hate animals.
    My God this happened to me! My cat had WAY to many surguries and ended up dying. It was horrible.
