Friday, June 25, 2010

Lindsay Will Have To Talk About Drugs And Alcohol Under Oath

Lindsay Lohan has been ordered by a Judge to answer questions about her drug and alcohol use in connection with the incident where she carjacked a car carrying some guys and chased down her assistant and her assistant's mom. Previously when Lindsay had been questioned about her drug use, she had plead the 5th Amendment. After the chase that night, police say they found a packet of coke in Lindsay's pocket which she claimed was not hers. Uh huh. Police also say Lindsay tested positive for two kinds of coke that day. Lindsay was never charged with coke possession that day because of some handling errors by the police.


    What, Coke and Diet Coke?!?! LOL
    I had no idea there was two types of coke.

  2. lol @ Montana

    I had no idea they had two types of Coke either.

  3. Yeah what is with the 2 types of coke, unless it mean coke powder and liquid coke. Do we really think she is going to tell the truth under oath? She and her mom belong to the school of blaming everything on everyone else. I cant wait to hear the excuses she is going to use under oath.

  4. Lindsay under oath is meaningless. She will lie, lie, lie. It's what she's been trained to do by those parents-of-the-year she calls mom and dad.

  5. ok I did a lil research re: the types of coke and this is what I found

    Are There Different Types of Cocaine?

    Yes, cocaine does come in different types and forms although all are ultimately derived from the coca leaf. The most commonly seen version is the powdered form of cocaine that is either snorted as a powder or dissolved into water and injected. Snorting cocaine powder delivers the drug into the bloodstream through the nasal passages in contrast to injecting or “shooting” the mixture directly into the bloodstream. Powdered cocaine is known by many street names- blow, bump, coke, candy, snow, flake and toot among others.

    Other types of cocaine include crack or rock. This is a crystallized form of cocaine that is smoked and is delivered into the bloodstream through the lungs. Crack cocaine is smoked through a pipe, often a small glass tube with a metal screen, and delivers a powerful short-lived high similar to that of injection.

    There are two chemical forms of cocaine: the hydrochloride salt (powdered form) and the “freebase.”

    The powdered form of cocaine, dissolves in water and, when abused, can be taken by vein, or snorted up the nose. Freebase is a compound that has not been neutralized by an acid to make the hydrochloride salt. The freebase form of cocaine is often smoked.

    The bottom line is that despite the different types of cocaine, it is used because it is a powerful stimulant that creates a feeling of euphoria for the user. The drug is highly addictive to both the mind and body and cocaine users easily become abusers who continue to use the drug despite increasing problems.


  6. So the bitch was smoking the coke along with sniffing it. That sounds like a serious addiction. How can she be just into alcohol and pills now? Is the coke addiction what she went to rehab for the last time?

  7. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I can't imagine that an oath is going to stop her from lying and playing martyr.

    Surely some day, somehow, in some way, her misdeeds will catch up with her. Surely.

  8. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Linds is more than likely "a use any drug someone has on hand" type of addict. She is beyond self-destructive, if there is such a thing.

  9. It's just a matter of time for this one.

  10. Sweet, I can officially call Lindsay a "crack whore". Its like watching a car know you shouldn't lookie-loo slow down but its hard to resist. I really want her to see jail-time.

  11. If she were not a celeb the court system would have tossed her in jail long ago.

    She is simply a dirty little liar.

    She needs a judge like the one who did RDJ a mercy and made him do hard time. The court system has got to QUIT swallowing her excuses.

    Of course she is going to lie like a rug when questioned. Its all she knows.

  12. Agree with marriedformoney- I don't think there is a drug she won't take. I'm sure that since she can't drink or drug right now she's massively abusing prescriptions to get her fix. The minute she gets that scram thing off her leg and gets a green light from the judge, I fear a major, major bender (worse than Cannes).

  13. So that's where the crack face comes from. When you need two types of coke to get your high it's time to give it a rest.

  14. I assumed she has had used coke from two different sources. I guess not. I can't wait to hear what she has to say about this!

  15. This should be deeeelicious.

  16. Why why why won't she just fall off the radar screen? I'm so fucking sick of hearing about her. Mind you, I love gossip and I love CDAN. But you hear about Lindsay EVERYwhere. And eVERY story is exactly the same: she does drugs. she does drugs. she does drugs. Okay, got it.

  17. If (if?) LiLo lies under oath, and there's evidence to prove that, perjury is a serious crime. Jail time!

    Her lawyer called this questioning 'court ordered harassment'. He needs to watch his mouth, or he will be in jail for contempt.

  18. The great RJ gazes into her crystal ball and sees another stay in rehab for Lindsay, probably the day before or morning of her testimony. (Magic Eight Ball says "Outlook not good".

  19. @Borg Queen, thanks for the explanation. This site is educational!

  20. I have to admit my ignorance on drug laws, however I was under the impression that if you tested positive for any intoxicant while operating a motor vehicle, that constituted a DUI?
    And I'm still puzzled about the whole "two kinds of coke" thing - to my limited knowledge, wouldn't coke be coke, no matter how it was done? I mean, chemically it's the same drug no matter how it gets into the system.
    Of course, my drug ignorance is legendary among my friends.

  21. there's an explanation above, but yes there are different types of coke.

    i can't wait for this hearing. i bet the judge is salivating. i know I am!

  22. Can she plead the 5th again, or will she HAVE to say something this time? I don't know if you can be forced to incriminate yourself in a deposition as opposed to in open court. Also, have there ever actually been any criminal charges relating to that whole episode? Is the legal system enabling her because they're sucking up to celebs, or because they're morbidly curious to see how low she'll go? (Pretty fucking low, from the looks of it...)

  23. What I want to know is, how did she end up wearing someone else's pants?

  24. This may be more helpful:

  25. I'm a prosecutor (not in California, so I'm not going to explain the law because I don't know CA state law), and here's what I know: she can be charged with felony possession of a controlled substance (PCS), she can be charged with DUI/DUII (driving under influence/driving under influence of intoxicant), reckless endangerment, kidnapping, and probably some other charges. These charges have different mens rea (culpable mental states) and different burdens of proof. The district attorney will charge based on the evidence and the testimony.
    However, DUIs can be more difficult to prosecute than murder in some cases, because the evidence and witness testimony can be so tricky (we don't believe that the pants weren't Lindsay's, but are we certain beyond a reasonable doubt that she wasn't wearing someone else's pants? Hard to say once we hear the totality of the evidence- and the defense attorney is really good here).
    It comes down to the individual judge- I've seen a judge turn to a defendant on the witness stand and read aloud the perjury statute and then advice the defendant to either retract his testimony or face perjury charges, give the highest possible sentence, etc. Judges have a TON of discretion in their courtrooms.

  26. Did not know there were two types of coke either.

    "These are not my pants" is the WORST EXCUSE EVER.

  27. Even worse than that, she pinned it on her assistant - said they were HER pants. WORST.JOB.EVER.
    I'm going to need popcorn for this one, too, but I suspect she'll lie her way through the entire thing. I hope they catch her.
