Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Gets More Drugs

At the rate she is going, Lindsay Lohan will be able to take an entire pharmacy worth of drugs and not have anything to worry about drug test wise. She was already allowed to load up on Ambien and Adderall. Now, out of the middle of nowhere she decided to have her wisdom teeth pulled. Yes, I know, her lawyer says the appointment was scheduled weeks ago. I have my doubts. Because of her wisdom teeth being pulled, Lindsay is now allowed to have whatever drugs the dentist prescribed her. Perhaps some Vicodin? Lots of it presumably. Who needs alcohol when you can drown yourself in pills? No limit to how many she can take either. If she has some stash hidden away she is probably popping them like candy right now with some kind of grin on her face. Did you know that even with her SCRAM bracelet she can still booze it up? I read that it only sends an alarm when you reach a limit of .02. Isn't that like a drink every couple of hours? So, really what has changed? Prescription meds, booze, nights out on the town.

Of course as we know, Mischa Barton was put into lock down after her wisdom teeth were removed. So, things may change.


  1. This eventually will not end pretty

  2. FUCKERY!!

    I just cant with this bitch!

  3. These doctors prescribing her this shit should have their licenses removed. Fuckery, indeed.

  4. How can she continue to get away with this crap?!

  5. This is such BS, I just can't stand anymore LiLo stories. Please, can we have a blackout until she is officially sober and working regularly?

  6. & who has that wrapped around the head anymore after wisdom teeth??
    funny as hell....we'll see her in a neck brace in a couple weeks...gotta love this chick.

  7. So she's going to continue to get body parts removed until her SCRAM anklet comes off? I'm so sick of this skank and her worthless family. I call for a ban until she ODs, which she will.

  8. she breaks my heart...she was genuinely talented...i imagine she still is somewhere in there...but this, this self-destructive path...and no one to give a damn. i'm scared for her.

  9. $100 says she's crushing and snorting whatever they gave her.

    Another Franklin says she has some sort of "accident" soon for which she sports a sloppy cast or sling for a days while obtaining more prescription pills.

    As much as I loathe the guy, Michael Lohan did state a while back that part of LiLo's problem was prescription pills. It pains me to agree with him for once, but I do.

  10. I swear, when I first saw this picture, all I could think of was "The Flying Nun!"

    I feel really sorry for her lawyer, who has to keep coming up with the most laughable excuses. Because she's so high-profile (Shawn Chapman Holly), you'd think in order to save face, she'd just call it a day.

  11. fucking probation officer is an idiot!

    a 4th grader could figure out that she got her teeth pulled so she could get drugs.

    I had all four of mine pulled at once, and I didn't have my face wrapped up like I got a chin job.

  12. This pisses me off! Send her to jail already.

  13. Why is her head all wrapped up like a character in a cartoon? Are there little chirping birds circling around her head too? Next she'll stub her toe and it'll swell up to 100 times its normal size, turn red, and throb.

  14. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I didn't know anyone wrapped their faces up like that for a tooth extraction! I've had multiple extractions, as many as five at once, and they didn't give me the chin strap. I'm suing.

    Of course it is dramatic, and she being such a great actress would go for the drama, right?

    I'd like to suggest we NOT ban her. Those who don't want to read about her can just skip over it, but there are plenty of us who enjoy watching train wrecks.

  15. I had my wisdom teeth done last year and they did wrap me up like that too. The oral surgeon told me that he does it when people bleed a lot, the bandages put pressure on the empty sockets which help to minimze bleeding. I'm no Lindsay fan, I'm just explaining why she is wraped up.

  16. Anonymous10:44 AM

    That makes sense, Becki.

  17. She's probably bleeding a lot cause her blood is 80 proof.

  18. Stash hidden away? She probably has hundreds of Pez dispensers loaded with them for after dinner mints!

  19. She went to the movies last night, and she will probably go shopping today and clubbing tonight. Hope she has a valid explanation for her need for heavy-duty meds. Some dentists only prescribe the lighter stuff or Tylenol, so she might not have the good stuff. Oops. It's L.A. She would have the good stuff.

  20. In a way I can believe the need for pain pills for wisdom teeth.

    Mine were jacked up. I only had 3, but one was in my cheek bone, one in my jaw bone and the other into the next tooth root. Lordy only knows if and when my 4th will show up :/ I was on some serious drugs for almost 2 weeks.

    But with Lohan's past.. who knows.

  21. Anonymous10:58 AM

    My dentist routinely prescribes Vicodin, which I hate because it makes my hair itch. But I would imagine her tolerance for drugs is so high, she probably needs ten just to dull the pain.

  22. her lawyer is genius, a genius i tell you!

    scheduling this when she knows her client can't pass a drug test. now blohan can take and do whatever pills they hand to her and not worry about being tested.

    oh how i loathe thee blohan.

  23. Maybe, in her quest for "legitimate" narcotics, she paid off the dentist to lie about the procedure and then wrap up her head for good measure (and the paps, of course). Yeah, it's far-fetched, but this twat seems to get away with anything and everything, so why not a little bribery, too? Oh, and when I had my wisdom teeth pulled, I was told to stop whining and go take some Advil. Lame.

  24. I was also on heavy duty drugs when I had my wisdom teeth pulled so Lindsay will be happy for the excuse.

    I'm sure she planned the extractions for times like this when she's restricted from using street pharmaceuticals.

    There will be other "medical issues" to get around any other legal restrictions that interferes with her lifestyle.

    I used to love her as an actress but unfortunately she is now just a waste of my time. She reminds me of Gary Coleman both seem to only feel better when "all of this" ends for good and not in a healthy way.

    So I hate to say it but if she dies tomorrow it would only be relief. The woman is not working toward anything positive on this earth.


  25. As I posted mere moments ago on the BI about the brothers .. I just called and complained to my dentist - who is also my cousin .. so it's cool - for not giving me the Lindsay treatment when I got my 4 impacted wisdom teeth taken out about .. oh .. 15 years ago?

    He has already seen the pics .. and he said so far the ONLY reason he could think for that get up was if they built it to contain ice gel packs. However, if he fears patient bruising, he said usually just hands the packs to his client and has them hold them to their cheeks for better cold penetration .. rather than building elaborate rigs like the one Lindsay is wearing.

    "Perhaps," .. he said - proving he is one hip MF - "she was merely trying to create a fashion accessory to add to her [and I quote]'rap sheet of fashion designs'." : D- LOL!!!

    Gotta love a funny Irish Dentist/Oral Surgeon!

  26. OH! And as for Lindsay and the get-around-SCRAM-Bracelet-by-any-means-necessary drug deal .. I guess my only thought on the matter is .. what the hell do we expect? It's Lindsay ***king Lohan! Wily little tramp!

  27. Here's what I often wonder: why do we care if someone want to kill themselves with drugs or alcohol?

    If they're driving that's one thing. But if she wants to spend her remaining months high as a kite, why can't she?

    Just my thoughts.

  28. Who even cares about her anymore? I had enough of her when she got implants at 15. Who gets fake titties at 15?

  29. Wil: You have one cool dentist!

  30. yah, she might even o.d. on the vicodin for the pain. I always felt bad when drug addicts would come in for legitimate surgery, they would be given all the pain meds possible (without them) and they would still be in horrendous pain. Crappy, but that's what happens when you have such a high tolerance.

  31. Has anyone in Canada ever been prescribed anything stronger than T3's by a dentist?
    Just asking because that's what my dentist gave me when I had a broken tooth removed a while back (that left me with a sexy gap, maybe I'll send in a reader pic *L*), and now he seems to want to take my remaining three wisdom teeth.
    I had one pulled by my dentist back home a few years back. Know what I was prescribed for the pain? NOTHING. I had to take the subway home, and people were staring at me and I figured I just looked weird with a frozen face and cotton in my mouth...but when I got home and saw myself in the bathroom mirror, I was mortified to learn that I had been drooling blood...*LOL* Just couldn't feel it.


  33. LOL@Harriet! That was so funny!

  34. When I was 18 (let's call it a FEW years ago, cough cough)I had all four wisdom teeth removed, two of which were impacted. I took one codeine at the surgeon's office because he made me. He gave me a prescription for 14 more, which my mom had filled for me. I never took another one though, a year or so later we threw the pills away. I now realize that I could have made quite a lot of money, oh well! I went home slept for several hours, and felt fine when I woke up. Looked like a bulldog, with incredible swelling so maybe wrapping my head up like that with ice packs would have been a good idea. Lindsay will hit bottom one day and either dig her own grave or get better and climb out. There's no third choice.

  35. @Harriet - exactly. Looking at Blohan like this is just pissing me off. I had all 4 yanked out at the same time by a maxillofacial SURGEON because they were so impacted and had to knock me out to do it. What'd I get? T3s for a few days, which constipated the hell out of me. By the end of those, I was happy to go back to regular Tylenol and Advil.
    Vicodin? Shut the fuck up, Lindsay.

  36. Harriet--I live in Canada as well. The dentist I went to gave me a valium to take before I got in his office. He pulled four wisdom teeth, and one other molar, and all I took for any discomfort was extra strength tylenol--I can't do codiene. I have long thought that the US over medicates and then can't figure out why every one is a major junkie.

  37. Maybe she had them removed to lessen the "coke bloat" look of her face?

  38. I am more annoyed with people saying they think she has a lot of talent hidden all this new drinking and druggie bullshit.

    Sorry, she may have been talented as a young kid, but it's gone and not coming back. Her talent now is remaining on every gossip site and in every tabloid magazine for ridiculous relationships, behavior and overall shenanigans.

  39. I agree memyselfandi

  40. When both my daughters had their wisdom teeth out, they also had to wear that strap get-up for the rest of the day. It has sleeves that contain ice packs, the strap keeps the ice packs in place.

  41. wisdom teeth my ass....maybe the pic is just bad, but I swear it looks like she got her lips plumped again. Or does getting wisdom teeth out make your lips swell? And more importantly, why do I care?.....

  42. What doctor gives you Ambien AND Adderall? Much less when you tweet about drinking 8 red bulls a day?

    This chick is gonna have a heart attack, and when they examine her nose it will be clear that she was snorting these pills. Then the Lohans will cry alligator tears and sue the doctor...blah, blah, sadly predictable.

  43. Well, you gotta admit, it was an addict sort of way.

  44. Not to sound insensitive, but I hope she ends up with tylenol poisoning from taking too many vicodins...try to explain that one away honey!!!

  45. Ambien is one dangerous drug. If you take one and then drink coffee or red bull or something to stay awake, it puts you in a very pleasant mellow buzz. So you take some more & maybe have a glass of wine, & take some more & wind up with about 300 hookers to account for (Tiger). You can go into a pleasant trance where you don't remember a thing. Or snort it like Tila Trasheela & act a's too easy to abuse IMO.
