Monday, June 28, 2010

Lets Talk Mel Gibson & Oksana

In a story as explosive as the allegations that have been made between Mel Gibson and Oksana Grigorieva you would have thought that something would have leaked out over the weekend. There has been very little. Apparently Oksana has video proof of her allegations that Mel Gibson punched her in the mouth twice, giving her a concussion and knocking out her teeth. I am assuming that it is just a video of the aftermath. Since the incident allegedly happened at his house, I doubt she was secretly recording it. You never know though.

Everything is ending up under seal as fast as it can be filed in the courthouse. The best way for us to learn anything will be if and when there is a public hearing. I am guessing there will not be anything public. Mel Gibson does not need the world to keep hearing that he punched his baby mama in the face twice and then have video of the damage shown to the world. He would never recover.

Meanwhile, Mel's people keep saying all the charges are made up, but I think there must be a lot of truth to what she has said. At this point Mel is just playing damage control and wondering how big of a check he is going to have to write before he can get back to his current porn star girlfriend. I wonder if he has ever punched her.


  1. I can't believe what an ugly person he's turned out to be.

  2. A big big check will keep her quiet. I have a feeling that's how Mel normally gets out of trouble.

    Over the years I have really enjoyed his movies but I can't watch now without seeing his ugliness.

  3. Are we really that surprised? He's already been extremely violent with his words, doubt this is his first time being violent in his actions. He's a dangerous, bigoted, ignorant, violent man, period.

  4. Actually, Lana - he always struck me as one of those guys who knew he was really good looking and could get any girl he wanted, whether he was married or not. What makes him a bigger pig is how much he espouses being a good Catholic. Please. Just because you confess your sins doesn't mean it's okay to repeat them. I hope he gets what he deserves.

  5. She could have video from a nanny cam (and I really hope she does).

  6. I have a feeling she is not the type who takes a check and politely bows out of a room. Which in this instance of exposing someone like this - I appreciate.
    Or..or..She's a great scam artist. In which case - ha ha on hime for dipping in that well.

  7. It's funny b/c the comments on this story over the weekend (on news-oriented sites) are all about how she must be a lying gold-digger, and why didn't she leave him, etc.
    Then I come here and you all KNOW THE TRUTH about Mel. Very refreshing, thanks.

  8. I haven't read up on all this and am wondering why it didn't come out in January when it allegedly happened. I don't assume that she is a gold digger, I am just unclear of the details.

  9. i find them both revolting. but i do believe he's a violent asshole---that's not the first time we've heard that. and i think she's a gold digger whose biggest talent is getting pregnant by men with money.

    having said that....i'll bring the popcorn.

  10. Anonymous10:04 AM

    What nancer said. Pass me some of that popcorn, please.

  11. II'll supply the drinks until we're all calling each other sugar tits.

  12. Getting behind the what nancer said line.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Bringing additional drinks.......

  15. Oops pardon my social manners. Since it looks like we might run out of snacks I'll bring some of that movie theater candy. You know, Twizzlers, Snowcaps, Raisinets, etc.

  16. Are you sure you have enough? I need a LOT of drinks before I start calling people sugartits.

  17. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I'm not sure there's enough booze in the world to make me call people sugartits, but I'll take some of that movie theater candy, don't forget the milk duds!

  18. Ditto what Nancy said.

  19. I'll bring the chocolate!!

  20. give me enough booze and i'll show you MY sugar tits lol

  21. Even with Tom Cruise I can still enjoy a few of his movies and forget who he is, but all Mel Gibson movies are permanently ruined for me. :(

  22. canadachick - you're funny girl.

    He's a drunk and she's a weirdo, so there's probably some truth somewhere in the middle. And, didn't I read some where that he's now accusing her of shaking the baby or something? Who knows....

  23. Watching many of his movies and seeing the level of violence they contain (The Passion of the Christ, Apocalypto, The Patrot) gives a little glimpse into his character. There was a blind item in here about a director using outside-the-USA filming locations to avoid any kind of labor laws, child or otherwise, that was reportedly him, too. Generally, not a very pleasant person. She, on the other hand, is a gold-digger par excellance who struck pay dirt with Mel and will wrest everything she can out of him. They deserve each other. Who has my sympathy? His wife and children--all of them.

  24. Mel Gibson does not need the world to keep hearing that he punched his baby mama in the face twice and then have video of the damage shown to the world. He would never recover.

    The public has a very short memory, Enty.

    (When I refer to the public I'm not referring to the folks who read and post here.)

  25. They both deserve each other.

  26. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Remember when they first broke up she made a comment about the truth coming out.

  27. I agree w/ @captivagrl; i think the truth lies in the middle...but there really is no excuse for hitting a woman.

  28. I too think the truth is somewhere in the middle. I'm sure they are both lying. She's a gold digger who's made a career of getting knocked up by rich famous men. I'm sure she got pregnant on purpose thinking with Mel's money she had a meal ticket for at least 18 years. I don't think Mel is offering as much money as she thought she was going to get out of this so she's going this route to get more. I doubt he knocked her teeth out. I think he's smarter than that. He would hit her somewhere it wouldn't show not in the mouth or face.I'm not sure I'm buying this one.

  29. I won't watch any of his movies again. I think he is a hypocrite.

  30. I won't watch any of his movies again. I think he is a hypocrite.

  31. I cannot believe that I once thought this man was hot - I can't watch his movies anymore either !

  32. There was a blind item not too long ago about some male start beating the crud out of his girlfriend and a pap having pics of it... everyone guessed Tom/Katie, but maybe this is about Mel...? Oh and I remember something about the pap getting bought off..

  33. Why is he able to recover NOW, I'd like to know, even without the gorey details?
