Thursday, June 03, 2010

Let's Talk About Gary Coleman's Death

Is anyone else beginning to wonder just exactly what happened at Gary Coleman's house the day he fell? I am. The party line says that he had a very hard session of dialysis which lasted four or five hours and made him very weak. He then fell down and hit his head.

OK, that is all well and good, but I think there is way more to what went on that day and in other days then we will ever know. Oh sure, this Shannon Price will write a book or maybe two about it and sell some interviews and make some money, but we won't really know what happened. I do find it incredible that she was allowed to "pull the plug" and that no one bothered to ask if they were still married. Yes, it turns out she had the actual right to do it, but didn't the hospital originally give her the power because they thought she was his wife? It also bothers me in the 911 call that she doesn't want to help Gary because there is too much blood. I also wonder how exactly he fell. Hasn't there been a history of domestic violence in this house? Shannon didn't want to see the body when the police arrived even though Gary Coleman was still talking and alive. When she called 911 she said she didn't know what happened. Earlier this week the police said they had no reason to suspect foul play. Now, it appears there may be some type of investigation.

So far there is no will. Interesting. This is a guy who has been close to death more than once. Always in and out of the hospital. You would think Gary would have a will. I also think if he had one that named Shannon as the sole beneficiary this will would have already shown up. If no will does show up, all of his money and property would go to his parents which is kind of the ultimate insult.


  1. I am sorry don't mean to insult the dead, but did GC HAVE any money??? I thought his folks squandered all of his Different Strokes money.

  2. A couple things bug me starting with the fact that SHE HAD HIM MAKE HER SOMETHING TO EAT after having 4 HOURS OF DIALYSIS. Someone needed to take care of this guy in his life.

    If I were in her shoes, it would not matter how sick I was or how much blood there was, I would be holding the something to his wound myself while dialing 911.

    I don't know if there was anything sinister going on but there was definitely something careless. Poor guy.

  3. that is one scary looking lady.

  4. There may not be a will because there may not be any assets. Gary talked many times about his financial hardships, and who knows, the house they were living in may have been a rental.

    But I agree, something is totally off about that 911 call. The fact that she called from upstairs and was reluctant to even be in the same room as him? The call seemed to be all about her and how she felt. Hopefully, the police will look into this.

    And how ironic would it be if his parents ended up with whatever assets he might have had.

  5. YES, let's talk about it. From everything I've been reading, this sounds SUPER DUPER shady. I think she had something to do with it.

  6. She appears to be of low intelligence and narcissistic. I actually know a few people like that, who truly think the world revolves around them and don't appear to have compassion towards others, even in a crisis, it's about them. Anyway, I digress. Something seems to be not quite right about this and hopefully, if there is foul play, there will be justice. From everything I've read about GC's life, it seems that he might find some peace finally,

  7. It could be that she isn't very bright or mature and did the best she could. Since it is a high-profile death, the police will check it out thoroughly.

  8. I always thought it was suspicious. She pushed him down the stairs.

  9. Reminds me of William Shatner's wife's death -- and I always thought he did it.

    Poor guy -- I hope especially that his parents don't get as much as a paper clip.

  10. isn't she like super young, too? hmmm. poor gary. shady parents, shady spouse.

  11. I figured she did it from the minute I first read he had fallen. She did physically abuse him in the past.

  12. Ditto John.

    The Today show aired the 911 tape and the subsequent interview showed his former wife as a narcissistic bitch, completely indifferent to Gary's situation.

    I think they fought and she clobbered him. And she did some fast talking at the hospital.

    The Today show did say that there was a durable power of attorney for health care and his former wife was the one listed as the person in charge if he became incapacitated.

  13. My first thought, without even hearing details, was that she did something to him, maybe by accident. Poor guy.

  14. Ms Cool - I think it's hard for someone who has never been taken care of to ever find someone that would honestly and genuinely care for them. It just doesn't work that way. We seek what we know. Very sad.

  15. Thanks for bringing this up, Enty. I'm TOTALLY on board with the suspicion that she had something to do with this. The manuscript of what she said is just WEIRD. She called 911 before she supposedly even knew he fell? Doesn't want to stem the blood? They were in bed together but she was feeling sick? Lie detector test, please. Poor Gary :(

    Never heard anything about Shatner's wife! I'm off to look that up.

  16. Lol @ Califblondy. Nah, just my own family members ;-)

  17. Okay the William Shatner thing is weird. Apparently he called 911 to yell at them that she was motionless at the bottom of the pool but when they told him to get in and pull her out, he said she was in the 'deep end' and then mumbled something about his wig?

    I don't think he had anything to do with it but it's a good example of another narcissist in a crisis.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Well....they fought continuously when they were married and they were also actually divorced. There's a possibility that they really didn't like each other.

    That being said for whatever reason they were in the same house (possibly still together for financial reasons). So I think his health was no longer her concern or problem but she called 911 because he was hurt.

    No she wasn't going to go out of her way to help him but she didn't think he was dying either and yes he was conscious when the paramedics came so there was nothing suspicious about her response.

    If you've ever had the misfortune to be around a self loathing sick person it becomes annoying and gets old real fast. You get to the point that you have to ignore them so that you can move on with your life. All of their conversations center around their problems and their illness.

    I think Gary was one of those people.

  20. ya,still doesn't explain why the bitch didn't help little man when he was down. i'd help a fucking stranger! in times of crisis you help,she was acting completely weird,perhaps medicated.

    i said it on twitter,she either hit him or is negligent in his death.

  21. I thought there was something weird and the fact that this b*tch wouldn't help him makes her look bad, but some of you have a strong point: he was able to talk when he was in the ambulance, I supposed he would have said something.

  22. ITA Ms Cool

    The wording really bugged me.
    She sounds like a bossy b*tch!

    I don't think there's foul play, just a really bad relationship. It's sad that Gary didn't have a close friend in his life that truely cared about him.


  24. I read something yesterday where Gary told the paramedics he did not remember how he fell. So either he hit his head and it affected his memory, or he was covering for something/someone.

  25. Anyone else think she might be pregnant?
    1.He's making her something to eat and she's in bed.
    2.She tells the 911 operator that she hasn't been feeling well.
    3.She starts gagging when confronted with all the blood.

    Just wondering. I'm glad that an investigation has been started. At one point during the 911 tape I think she's lying about her location in the house.


  26. Other than their past, this is what initially made me suspicious:

    He's a little guy. I have fainted and fell straight back, hitting my head on a cement floor hard enough to crack my skull a little and get a concussion. I'm 5-foot-8.

    Does anyone really think Gary Coleman just "fell down" and hit his head hard enough to bleed that much????

  27. He had had heart surgery a year or so ago. It's possible he was on blood thinners. Also, the rest of his medication for various problems might cause excessive bleeding. That could be the reason for the blood volume.

  28. The idiot girl is giving interviews, and added to the 911 call, she is looking really bad. I still say dumb and immature, but I will add that she is only concerned with herself. I hope she keeps up with the interviews to give the police info they might need, though she's too dumb to handle a police grilling.

  29. I thought she did it as soon as I heard he went to the hospital with a head injury. She sure didn't waste any time pulling that plug.

  30. Shazzzba - the house or some other property may have been in his name; there may be insurance. trademarks/copyrights (remember how much money Marilyn Monroe's estate has made out of photographs and selling anything with her name/ picture on it.)

  31. I have a feeling all the Parents are going to inherit is Gary's debt.

    The guy was working as a security guard he had no money.

  32. I'm a little suspicious about all this, too. Some things aren't quite adding up....

  33. I think she could have put aside her fear of seeing blood to help him. I'm scared of spiders and terrified of deep water, but I would brave either if my kids or hubby were hurt. And I damn well wouldn't expect someone coming home from dialysis to fix me a sammich!

  34. isn't it true that they were married for more than a month without consumating? (oh, bite me, spellcheck!). i remember that stood out as particularly odd, duh. and now this.
    and i have some, uh, gravity issues, and have whacked my head pretty good a couple of times. head wounds bleed a LOT normally. and as somebody else mentioned, my mother fell and hit her head while ice skating for the first time back in the early seventies. hit so hard, she blacked out, and they heard the sound in the office. to this day, she has a small bald spot. how the hell did gary get a hole in his head?

    as for money, he did those gawdawful commercials, and has done some guest spots. that's not a lot of money, but there may have been a small policy through his job.
