Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Kristen Stewart Is Still A Terrible Talk Show Guest vs 1Goal World Cup PSA

Although not as bad as her 2008 appearance on Letterman, even brand new red hair could not stop Kristen Stewart from being truly awkward again last night on Dave. She just is not a good talk show guest.

1Goal is a PSA from Funny Or Die. Matt Damon and about 100 cups of coffee makes this hilarious.


  1. She's not a good actress either, so I guess it's ok.

  2. I think she's a decent actress but she's young and definitely needs a public speaking coach.

  3. I can't believe someone cast her in a speaking part.

  4. Lainey says Letterman never gave KS a chance on the show.

  5. Many people dog Kristen Stewart, but alot of actors hate doing interviews. Acting and interview skill set do not always come hand in hand. Robert deniro is another actor who hates interviews and does very few of them. I rather someone like Kristen who is uncomfortable with her fame instead of a famewhore like Lindsay.

  6. i am SO f--king over her "awkward, super shy,but not really" act. enough!sit up straight and open ya mouth already.

  7. Lainey kiss K. Stew's ass. So it's not a shock that she says something like that. And she's a terrible actress. He performances are embarrassing.

  8. I happened to watch Letterman last night (which is very rare for me), and it was very painful to watch. I like Dave, and I don't dislike KStew, but they just didn't click at all. The things she said to try to be funny didn't make him laugh, and his jokes seemed to just agitate or confuse her. I think the Summit PR people need to just send Taylor Lautner out for the interviews; he obviously enjoys them.

  9. She wasn't that bad. Not a fan of KS, but Dave was baiting her it seemed to me and if she isn't comfortable doing interviews anyway, he wasn't helping. It is the hosts JOB to make the guest feel comfortable. I know that is his schtick to be cheeky to the guests, but it only works if they are in on the joke, which KS clearly wasn't. I wish she had just pulled a Cher and called him an a$$hole.

  10. Here's the thing: talk shows aren't spontaneous. They're rehearsed. The host tells the guest what he's gonna ask them in advance, they practice it, sometimes more interesting topics come up so they decide to focus on it for the "live" show. This is why the host always says, "So I heard XYZ happened to you yesterday? Tell us about that." Kristen Stewart was not blindsided by any of Dave's questions or remarks. This is what she acts like when she's rehearsed. It's an act and it's a bad one. She tries to come across as awkward and relatable but in reality she's a bitch and she thinks she's above it all. She's not.

  11. Amen, chopchop. She always complains about stuff like that, but I guess her people made her STFU. But she's not fooling anyone with this cute awkward girl routine.

  12. @chopchop. NO, they're not rehearsed. Letterman's not gonna sit for an hour and rehearse what he's going to say with anybody. They have minions to do that. Their casting people ask the celebrity the questions, egg them on to talk about certain things, then write little notes for Letterman/Leno/et al to ask the questions. I saw the show last night, and I think for a 19-year-old insecure and naive actress, she is what one would expect. Letterman chose to pick on the wolf hybrid stuff and baited her. Letterman's smart, very supportive of ranchers near where he has a place in Montana, Wyoming, wherever and wasn't about to let her get away with the whole wolf hybrid as pets thing and it's wrong to shoot the poor wolfies. It wasn't a fair fight, and he eventually dropped it and went on. She's one of those guests he hates -- starring in movies he doesn't see, with opinions that he doesn't agree with. He's much better against Bill Murray or Bill O'Reilly, people that can keep up. She was way out of her league and it was painful to watch. I hate Jay Leno, but he would have been more like, oh, wolves! That's great. I had a dog once (insert long story and lame Jay Leno joke here).

  13. Anyone watched the only (I believe) interview Angelina Jolie did with Letterman?
    I can see why she's never been back.
    He can be such a dick if he doesn't like you..I love how she just walks off at the end!



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