Kim Kardashian spent most of the weekend trying to defend comments she made on her Twitter Friday. On that day she said, "EWW Im at lunch,the woman at the table next 2 me is breast feeding her baby w no coverup."
Approximately 48 hours later, on her sister's reality show, Kourtney breast fed her baby in public and then gave Khloe a bikini wax. Apparently Kim thinks it is fine for her sister to publicly breast feed when she is getting paid for it, but not at any other time.
Kim said that, because the women was breast feeding in a restaurant, that it was unsanitary. She only said this after the entire world came down on her for her remarks. She then said that it was a totally beautiful thing and that the she was misunderstood.
Yes, the woman did not have a coverup, but perhaps she was not expecting to have to breast feed the baby there.
Oh, and in other ugggh Kardashian news, Kourtney revealed in an interview that the only reason she puts her baby on television is so she does not have to work a regular job and because the baby makes money for her. Wow. Great priorities in this family.
Ewww. Kim Kardashian is in public all the time without a cover-up. Maybe she should do something about that, first.
ReplyDeletei admit i watch the show, mainly to wonder aloud how this entire family manages to survive on such low iq levels, but after hearing kourtney talk about her baby and kims obvious double-standards, i have to ask: does this family have ANY redeeming qualities whatsoever? does it always have to be about money and what complete strangers think about your lives? you're beautiful outside, you're rich, completely vapid.. we get it!
ReplyDeleteEnty, check this out on the whole Kim's a hypocrite thing. http://kellyoxford.tumblr.com/post/722110301/titty-tales
ReplyDeleteKim is a fucking idiot.
ReplyDeletePlease DO NOT watch this show, if even to see how stupid they are. YOU are responsible for keeping them famous.
Remember that.
I wish she would just go away. I don't understand why people give them so much attention.
ReplyDeletewhile i agree w/ you...in all fairness she did claim that what really grossed her out was the mom changing the baby's diaper on the restaurant table, and that she found it unsanitary.
ReplyDeleteeither way, that family is twisted, warped and skewed.
I garuntee they just set themselves up for a breastfeeding demonstration/boycott at Dash. Kim shows
ReplyDeletemore cleavage than a bring mom.
This family, along with the Cyruses and the Lohans, represent everything that is wrong and soul-less in our country today. I can't believe anyone watches their show...I was forced to sit through it on 2 different occasions at the nail salon and all I took away from it is the confirmation of their stupidity.
ReplyDeleteHilarious, KLM!
ReplyDeleteWhat exactly is so unsanitary about breastfeeding at a table? I agree that changing at a table is totally inappropriate, but Kim just needs to STFU. Who ARE you, Kim? Why the fuck does ANYONE care what you think??
If you read the whole thing, she said CHANGING A DIAPER AT THE TABLE was unsanitary.
ReplyDeleteI am a class A Kardashian hater, but in this case, I agree with her. You don't change a baby's diaper at the table in a restaurant.
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ReplyDeletea shitty diaper at the table goes way over the line.
ReplyDeletei don't care about the breastfeeding thing,but moms gotta realize it makes people uncomfortable and at least try to be somewhat discreet about it.
I don't have any issues with a mom whipping her boob out in public to feed her baby. personally I'd probably put a towel over it or something, but an exposed boob doesn't really bug me. The diaper changing though, that crosses the line. Find a bathroom, lady!
ReplyDelete@Ms. Leigh~They have no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
ReplyDeleteA great example of media 'telephone'. So wait, was it a diaper or a boob? I get that the Lardassians are so dumb even their soundbites wish they were smarter but can we just stop reporting on them? Seriously, the US drops an IQ point every time we make one of these twats a 'star'. Ugghhh...
ReplyDeleteKLM-that was awesome!
ReplyDeleteChanging a diaper at the table gross, breastfeeding is just feeding a baby. I bet Kim was showing way more boobage than the breastfeeding mom.
Well said, john!!
ReplyDeletejohn said...
ReplyDeleteA great example of media 'telephone'. So wait, was it a diaper or a boob?
Grrr I wish Enty posted the entire comment.
The entire comment was there was a woman at the next table breast feeding her baby and when she was done, she put the baby on the table and changed it's diaper.
Count me as a Kardashian hater as well, but what she was offended by was the changing the diaper at the table, and I agree with her. That's just absurd for someone to do.
I have a feeling her PR person told her to throw the changing at the table to downplay her dumb comments on breast feeding.
ReplyDeleteI highly doubt the woman (please please come forward and busty kim for lying) changed a dirty diaper at a restaurant.
For some reason a lot people don't want to see breasts as food makers. Which is what they are. They want to see them only as sexual objects.
I don't watch the show but diapers gross me out too. Really don't care about the breasts, but do not want to see diapers. Ever.
ReplyDeleteThey are food makers only if you have children....and choose to breast feed your child.
ReplyDeleteThey are sexual...only if you make them sexual and treat them as sexual.
other htan that they are just another body organ.
Just b/c you are comfortable w/ exposing your breast in public doesn't mean your neighbor is comfortable and nor does it mean that person is a woman hater if they just don't want to see breast feeding when they are eating out in a public area.
I also wish that Enty cut the bullshit and post the whole tweet instead of part of the tweet. Seriously would it kill her to do that...
As a mom who's currently breastfeeding, I'll chime in and say that I always use a coverup in public, but I wish I had the nerve to do without it, because it gets hot under there - for me AND the baby! I admire women who have no problem nursing in public without worrying about what people think.
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree that changing a diaper in the middle of a restaurant is disgusting - and I would never do it - but I've discovered that many restaurants that don't have changing tables. In those situations, I've taken my baby back to my minivan and changed him there, though the temperature here in Texas is often near 100 degrees and it's a miserable experience for both of us. If we lived in the middle of NYC or another city where we didn't drive everywhere, I don't know what we would do if we couldn't find a changing table. (Maybe all public restrooms in NYC have changing tables so it's not an issue ...?)
This from a woman who is famous for getting peed on?
ReplyDeleteI read all the tweets & just watched that episode. Kourtney was also peeing on camera also.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I will agree w/ the others that she said she was grossed not only by the sight of full on boob but also the diaper changing. I would have probably been bitchy tweeting about that as well. You gotta get a Hooter Hider when you breastfeed in public, I'm sorry mamas. :) And the public diaper thing ON a table???...don't get me started. YUCK!
Her sister got drunk on the show and was questioning if she should pump..? I thought you weren't supposed to drink heavily while still breastfeeding? I say this based on what my mom friends have said.
That photo of her is totally ridiculous. LOL :)
how about throwing a napkin over your boob while you breastfeed? she could've done that---she was at a restaurant so that shouldn't have been a problem.
ReplyDeleteAs a women who is also currently bf'ing, I will say two things:
ReplyDelete1. Even when I am being TOTALLY discreet ppl will STILL crane and stare and ogle and make faces, etc. Seriously. You have no idea how many ppl do that.
2. Some kids (mine included) get to a stage when they do.not.want.their.head.covered. Most of the time they are old enough by that time that you can distract them or feed them real food but you gotta do what you gotta do. Seriously, if this is what some people are bitching about--here's a thought: turn your fucking head! No one is forcing you to be there.
OH, and I agree, I don't watch this show and I don't really want to hear about this dumb bitch and her family. Right on, chopchop, how ironic, huh?
When I was young, I would have been astonished if someone had said to me, "You know Bruce Jenner? Eventually, he'll turn into a surgically-addicted transexual who never leaves home unless he's in full makeup, and he'll breed and fund an entire generation of reality-tv starlets and a doofus son." But it happened, sadly. I hate everything in the Jenner shadow anymore.
ReplyDeleteI'm really not the banning type but I am so tired about reading about this Klan. Enty, here's a proposition: how about every time you write about them, you promise to mention that their fortune was made off the back of OJ Simpson?
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ReplyDelete@chihuahuense - I am always kind of mortified when I see this so I will look anywhere *BUT at the mother for her privacy for this. I am sure other people do ogle. Its really just restaurants that this bothers me....I understand you gotta do what you gotta do sometimes.
ReplyDeleteI will never agree on the diaper thing though. I should not have to smell stinky baby poop while I'm paying to eat somewhere. :)
I don't really see why anyone cares what she says anyway...she is the least interesting Kardashian.
I'm from Europe where you see breasts all day, everyday on the beaches, so perhaps I've been desensitized to this issue and don't really see it as a problem. I do however have a HUGE problem with KK tweeting about this to get people to talk about her. I call bullshit on her claim about the diaper (pardon the pun) because I don't really believe someone would do that but MOSTLY because this is a chick who will stoop at nothing to get her name in the media. She is famous for giving head and now mostly famous for not using hers.... The girl who cried boob - I for one am counting down the days until her media backlash.
ReplyDeleteI think Kim made up the part about the diaper being changed to cover her oops moment about the breast feeding. She typed it in, sent it and then probably realized she shouldn't have and needed to cover it up.
ReplyDeleteYes, I saw the tweet. Kim originally complained about the breastfeeding, and said that it would have been okay if they'd cover up "like her sister does when she's feeding her baby". She probably did add the diaper thing after the fact.
ReplyDeleteUgh I hate all the KardASSians but at least whichever one has the kid is being honest about it and saying her kid is on the show to make money so she doesn't have to get a job. Not spouting bullshit about how he loves the camera crew and wants to do the show like Kate Gosselin does. Why doesn't Kate just admit she wants to make money off her kids so she doesn't have to be a nurse anymore. And Kim has a lot of nerve being grossed out by a boob when she's famous for giving blow jobs and being peed on.
ReplyDeleteI think Cricket basically summed it up thus so:
ReplyDelete"And Kim has a lot of nerve being grossed out by a boob when she's famous for giving blow jobs and being peed on"
And this folks is one of the biggest teenage role models today...
I'm with you Cancan. Robert Kardashian was O.J. Simpsons fucking BAG MAN! That scum disposed of the weapon and the clothes - right under LADP's noses. Who give a shit about his waste of space offspring.
ReplyDelete'Scuse the typos -- got worked up.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't there so I don't know what happened, but I do know that I have seen some woman breast feeding in public without covering up, and they almost always give you dirty looks if you even glance their way. They are pushing the envelope and are just daring a resturant or business to kick them out so they can sue them.
ReplyDeleteSo let me get this straight:
ReplyDeleteKim, who got famous for being a willing participant to being peed on in a sextape, declared a woman breastfeeding her child unsanitary?
I don't even.
@skeeball thank you for clearing that up for me! ;)
ReplyDeleteif the woman was really changing a diaper at the table, then shame on her AND the restaurant for not kicking her ass out. that's just disgusting and tacky and weird!!
@skeeball thank you for clearing that up for me! ;)
ReplyDeleteif the woman was really changing a diaper at the table, then shame on her AND the restaurant for not kicking her ass out. that's just disgusting and tacky and weird!!
this site is getting a little lazy.
ReplyDeleteyou didn't bother to read or write the full story and readers have to enlighten you on what happened in the comments section.
Wow, Basil. You seem to have figured out the entire breast-feeding public. We're a bunch of lawsuit-happy crazies out there to piss off the general public. You should start a campaign to get us dirty hippies banned from public spaces.
ReplyDeleteBasil....thems fighin' words!
ReplyDeleteThe evolutionary function of boobs is to FEED BABIES. At what point in history they became sexual is not entirely clear, since there are tribes all over the world where boobs are not seen as sexual at all.
So if I see my breasts as my child's food, what gives you (or Kim K.) the right to call them unsanitary/gross/inappropriate.
Breastfeeding babies SHOULD be as normal as drinking a glass of water. It's sad that in our culture breasts aren't seen as functional. Instead we inflate them with silicone and saline and make degrading videotapes.