Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Khloe Kardashian Drops $400K On Car For Lamar

I have given up even trying to figure out how it is possible that someone like Khloe Kardashian, who, as far as I can see has no actual skills or talent gets paid enough money to buy her husband a $400K car and it was not even for a birthday or Christmas, it was just a present for being a mediocre player on the Lakers.

Of course, the mouthpiece, Kris Jenner was the one who told everyone, or at least E! since they sign the checks. "It's a brand new 2010 Rolls Royce...drop-top coupe, white on white," says Jenner. "It was a Lakers championship present. Fabulous!"

It never ceases to amaze me that Lamar Odom owes his $400K car to his sister-in-law's sex tape. You realize this is what it all goes back to. Any spin offs or anything involving Khloe or Kourtney getting paid is because Kim had sex on camera. She should be getting the new cars from them.. They should be bringing her cash in an envelope every week and kissing her ring for allowing them to partake in this gravy train. Yes, Kim Kardashian is only famous for a sex tape, but at least she had sex on tape. She did something. Khloe and Kourtney are famous only because they are related to a person who had sex on tape. Lamar has a new car because by marriage he is related to a woman who had sex on tape. Crazy.


  1. the dumbing down of America! It is so sad that these pieces of shit pull down that kind of cash. Kris Jenner is nothing more than a whorehouse madam that pimps out her daughters. and Odom is not even mediocre, he sucks

  2. This absolutely kills me. That this vapid bitch has 400k to buy her hubby a car. I barely have $4 for lunch.

  3. Does anyone care other than Enty about this?

  4. I have $1.15 in my checking. I work 2 jobs and go to grad school at night. This makes me want to vomit.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. That's it. I have lost all motivation to do my work today. I'm getting some gin and I am going back to bed!

  7. yeah, austinrob, I don't know if I have been going through dumb-shit overload, or if it is because it is summer and I just want to relax outside and think of nothing superficial, but there are more and more stories that I think "I don't give a shit, I don't give a shit."

  8. I think it is more likely that she got the $400K from Lamar, regardless of what her family might say.

  9. What Enty said. And thank you so much for reminding everyone lest we get a Kardashian fan on this damn board.

  10. Anonymous10:17 AM

    I don't give a crap about this lot either.

  11. you know how I feel about the Kardashians? I kouldn't kare less.

  12. Maybe she just paid to lease it for him.

  13. People Magazine now refers to Kim as a "sexy and single starlet." Her publicity firm should be given props for de-sanitizing her so much that there are idiots out there who see her as a princess. And yet, no matter how much that whole group wants to paint themselves as holier-than-thou, it will never change the fact that it all started with a camcorder and a blow-job.

  14. Still counting down to the Lardassian media backlash.... in 3..2..

  15. so $400k is the going rate so your mate won't walk?

  16. I lol'd at the "kiss her ring" part.

  17. Anonymous10:36 AM

    None of those girls are pretty, talented, intelligent or likeable. How in the hell do they get that kind of money?

  18. Remember everyone, where was O.J. in the moments leading up to the Bronco chase? Chez Kardashian. They are all vile scum and really ought to be banned here.

  19. I'm confused, wasn't their dad a very well to do celebrity attorney? Didn't he own some patent or some other nonsense?

  20. So basically, she used his money to buy a flashy car that he will no doubt use to score more p*ssy.

  21. Well done Khloe, keep spending like the money is never going to go away. Pffft.

    Man, I'm grumpy today! :/

  22. Sue, your "sanitizing" comment made me laugh. I'm picturing her in the shower, scrubbing the urine off her. Kim the pee-pee lover definitely needs to be sanitized.

  23. People - they get their money from shilling for weight loss companies, and from networks for appearing on tv which SOME PEOPLE are fucking watching! I've never seen their shows and never will, but after we kill all the lawyers (jokes, Ent!), I say we begin with everyone watching this shite.
    EL said it all - Kim got pissed on on camera, their father gave them a nest egg that he made defending OJ Simpson, and now they're all starlets. I need a drink.

  24. @Stephen - I was kind of thinking the same thing. That would make sense. I'm not currently working right now and my husband considers his earnings OURS and actually asked me to buy him gifts for Christmas this year out of his own money which I thought was STUPID.....so maybe Lamar & Khloe have a similar understanding?

    I read online that she makes $250k a year...from what i assume is all the stuff @RocketQueen mentioned.

  25. I wonder if Lamar watched his SIL's sex tape.

  26. Hang on, hang on, I know Lamar is an idiot and a famewhore but come on, he had a good game the other night while Kobe and Pao were busy being worthless....

    Sasquatch Kardashian doesn't even merit a comment.

  27. Who cares...they could do whatever they want to do with their money as long as it is legal.
    Why are people so worried about what other people do with their money...if you don't like them ignore them.
    Right now... people just sound like jealous haters.....its kind of sad.

  28. Meh. The fact that these useless, talentless, utterly vapid assholes have that kind of money is depressing.

  29. Right on Cancan! RK was O.J.s BAG MAN. He was part of O.J.'s legal team so he wouldn't have to tell where he disposed of the evidence. Fucking scum. Worthless kids. Arrrrrh! Lets ban the lot of them. Seriously.

  30. Confession: I watch their show and like it. And Khloe is my favorite by far.

  31. Once again, you read my mind completely...I ♥ you enty :)
