Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Kelly Clarkson Sings Karaoke

On Monday night, Kelly Clarkson sent a message out on her Twitter for people to come meet her at a Nashville karaoke bar that night. Lots of people showed up and lots of people brought their cameras. Not a lot of people brought good cameras though.

If you have ever wanted to hear Kelly sing Ice Ice Baby, now is your chance. I have no idea why she picked that song, but she did sing lots of others also, including a Carrie Underwood song.

This one is actually Sweet Child Of Mine despite what the title says.


  1. Looks like they were having a great time *L*

  2. I don't get karaoke. I don't see the fun in it at all. They look like they're having lots of fun, so good for them. But yeah, I don't see the appeal.

  3. That was awesome! I still think its so rad that despite probably being presurred by the power house record label that backs her she chooses to be at the weight level she wants to be at.
    Its so refreshing, especially when you look at how thin many, now successful Amer Idol women got, to see Kelly, the original winner, do her own thang.
    yay Kelly!

  4. I like Kelly. Genuinely talented and keepin' it real.

  5. Well, that was pretty cool of her.

  6. Wow, wonder caused that to happen? Pretty wild and cool though. Don't see anyone else taking that kind of risk and then just having a ball with it. Her fans that went will probably enjoy that memory for quite a while.

    I wonder where the dudes where though. I would go just to see if could get a chance to tap that as personally I find her hot.

  7. *also likes Kelly for this*

  8. i like kelly a lot. i think she's very cool.

    as for karaoke not being fun----you drink enough, it's a LOT of fun.

  9. This just made me like her even more if that's even possible... Wish I had been there!!

  10. Kelly is one of the sweetest, coolest, most down-to-earth people you could ever meet. I absolutely love her.

  11. This reminds me of the time Kelly got on stage at some metal show and sang "Photograph" better than the singer. Look it up on youtube if you've never seen it--it's amazing!!!

  12. I love watching Karaoke, so this would have been really fun/cool to see! Kelly is a good egg. I like her.

  13. ok it's official... i want to go drinking with Kelly Clarkson! What a bunch of fun videos! Love her even more now.
