Friday, June 04, 2010

Kate Gosselin Takes Shots At Jon

Kate Gosselin was on the Today show this morning. She was on there to talk about one of her new shows which premieres this weekend. While there to discuss that though she also took several shots at her ex husband Jon. She said that he makes life difficult for the family and basically insinuates that if he was in charge of the kids the kids would be a horrible mess.

While I agree that Jon could do a better job of selecting some of his girlfriends I also think that he is a guy who is always there for his kids. In the show it was always him who was taking kids off to play golf or go skiing. Kate was the one who always wanted to go do things on her own or go to New York by herself or to the spa with her friends.

I also thinks that it sucks that she continues to trash the father of her kids on national television at every opportunity she gets.

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  1. I just can't stand this woman. I've never even watched that mess of a show either. Definitely not going to watch the new ones.

  2. I agree 100%. I hope her new shows fail

  3. They're both pond scum. One day one of those 8 kids will write their memoirs & we'll get a different point of view.

  4. Damn...This woman needs a slap or two. Its the 1st interview of hers that I
    Is this Me,Me,Me era ever going to end?

  5. I think they're both crappy parents. From what I've seen, they're the type of parents that prefer to use sarcasm with their children. Nothing like making small children feel bad about themselves!

  6. I am shocked that these people are still news. Do they really have fans?

  7. Sigh. I can't stand either of them, and feel for those kids.

    When are parents going to realize that trashing one another is beneficial to no one? Stop acting like immature, shit talking high schoolers and be an adult. How do you think your kids feel when they hear you trashing each other?

  8. I think you're giving Jon too much credit, Enty. We all saw him gallivanting the world (Sundance?!) away from his kids with whichever dumb girl would f*ck him next. At least Kate's been steadily there, with the exception of this last 'Dancing' gig.
    That being said, agree that it's SO lame to trash your ex on tv when there are kids involved.

  9. Anonymous11:56 AM

    It's pretty lame to trash your ex where your kids can hear it anyway. They are making sure the whole world knows that they are petty, whining jerks.

    Although with this surprising defense of Jon, this should prove to all the conspiracy theorists that Enty is not a woman.

  10. Actually Kate's gone more than she is home. She said herself that she's been parenting via text message. Between DWTS, book tours, this new Me Me Me reality show she's doing, etc., the nannies see the kids more often. Hell, she pulled the poor kids out of school for a Florida "working vacatin" as she puts it, and then left early! I hate this bitch.

    By the way, Kate: Rachel Green called. She wants her haircut back. In 1997.

  11. Jon has certainly made some poor choices and wasn't the best dad ever, but on the show he was the one who took care of the kids. He bathed the sextuplets in the evening and put them to bed, and got up with Maddy and Cara in the morning for school (because that was too early for Kate), then would bring Kate her coffee after everything was done. He'd also wait at the bus stop every afternoon for Cara and Maddy to walk them back up the driveway and get the chance to talk to them. He also allowed his kids to have fun and not worry about them being spotless, which is probably what she's referring to. Her tantrum when the kids got free ice cream at Disney World and (gasp) got it all over them was one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen. The kids enjoyed spending time with their dad, and always seemed upset, awkward or cautious with Kate.

    Jon might not be the best guy, but he was emasculated and unappreciated by her for years. I'm not surprised he's dating younger girls, because he probably feels more in control than she did with him.

    And I will admit that I watched far too much of this show before getting sick of it and turning it off, lol.

  12. that's one thing i remember about my mom and dad after they divorced. true they were on good terms, but they never ever (EVER) spoke a bad word about the other in front of us. ever.

  13. They have both clearly manipulated their kids for money and fame, and neither one of them is parent of the year, but Jon's actions outside of the show and the publicity he's sought or allowed himself to receive for those actions, are truly ridiculous. She may be an egotistical bitch, but if I was married to that guy I'd hate his guts, too.

  14. ^^^ Remember when they went to the Crayola factory and she freaked out about the kids using markers? Washable Crayola markers?

  15. Team Jon!!! If only because you couldn't pay me to be Team Kate.

  16. To me, this picture of Kate says it all.

  17. Watch, when one or more of kids do try to write a book Kate will sue for invasion of privacy or somesuch, or trying to make money off her without her consent.

  18. I agree, Sue Ellen. Sarcasm is lame in any conversation, especially with kids. I feel sorry for them. I hope they turn out well despite their two asshat parents.

  19. I think Kate has the best discipline, and marketing skills but Jon may have been the more relaxed loving, kinder parent. However I hate seeing both of them on my tv, internet, or newspaper etc.

  20. I wish Kate would just shut up and quit playing the victim. Her kids will remember all of this. And if not, they will be able to youtube it.

  21. what sabaye said.

  22. Isn't she a nurse? Go back to nursing you bitch. And isn't Jon an IT support guy? Go back to the fucking support desk you asshole.

    She whines about how she needs to do this to support her children. Bullshit. Tons of parents support 8 kids on middle class incomes, but it requires frugality. And clearly neither of them ever wants to be frugal again.

    Countdown to the day when the kids start spilling all to their parents. Or at least we hear that they are estranged from the parents.

  23. Jon sucks, but if she raised them alone, they'd be nervous wrecks! At least he has showed them that they don't have to live with sticks up their butts. He's a douche, but he's not a total narcissist. As bad as he is, I think the kids are better off having him in their lives than they would be without him.

  24. Anonymous12:56 PM

    blech. That is all.

  25. I used to watch the show during the first few seasons and Sabaye is absolutely correct!
    Kate is vile.

  26. So many people I know were big fans of the show before they finally split so I tried to check it out once or twice and I could not stand listening to Kate. She has no redeeming qualities and he's just a putz.

    Please make 'em go away.

  27. RocketQueen, I'm pretty sure she's gone more than she's there. And by the way she treats them, they are probably glad when she's gone.

    Kate is a piece of shit. May she burn in hell for what she's done to those kids.

  28. I can't stand Jon or Kate, but I have to say, being there to take kids to play golf or go skiing is a hell of a lot different from running a household and being there to take care of daily needs for even one child, much less eight. And if you're the one doing the latter, you can bet your sweet bippy you'll be wanting "me time" every chance you get. And Jon strikes me as more of a playmate than a father. That's one of the reasons I didn't like him before the divorce. Passive-aggressive "fun dad", never really taking responsibility for anything and seemingly unaware of the real work involved in parenting.

    That said, I don't know how much of the latter Kate actually does, and I suspect she'd feel entitled to the me time even if she weren't, because I think she plays the beleaguered martyr really well.

  29. I only watched a few episodes of J&KP8, but what this reader said:
    Jon might not be the best guy, but he was emasculated and unappreciated by her for years.

    Exactly. I think they are both disgusting but think Kate is WORSE. I cannot fathom that there are still people out there at this point that want to watch this woman's show. I'm rooting for her to FAIL at this point so maybe she will take her ass home and be a mother.
