Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Joran van der Sloot Could Be Out Of Jail In 7 Years

So much for that 35 year sentence for murder. It seems that depending on what Joran van der Sloot shows the police today in the crime re-enactment which is done in every case, he could be sentenced to as little as 15 years for the death of Stephany Flores Ramirez. Apparently if he is good, works in the prison and takes classes he could be released within 7 years. That means he won't even be 30 yet.

Yes, I know all of you say that he would then be extradited to the US, but after seven years they might not care about an extortion case that old and they might not even try and extradite him. The best hope is that he says something about Natalee Holloway's death and gets convicted of that when he gets out of the Peruvian jail.

I worry that this guy when he gets out at 30 is going to be an even worse psychopath and that he won't be done killing at all. He would just be getting started.


  1. Hopefully he won't make it out alive, so we don't have to worry about it.

  2. How is this right?! So by admitting to MORE torture and murder he gets LESS time. Hopefully someone takes care of this fucker so he can't even walk by the time he gets out.

  3. relax, this mofo won't make it out alive of Peru.

  4. he going to be a shower stall favorite and be shown some real Peruvian justice by some south american gangstas...

    seriously though..I have read a bunch about him this morning and I have to say I am really intrigued what else has went on with this guy...he is Bundy style and I am really afraid that not only is there more victims but if they dont tie him to the Holloway murder then there will be more :(

  5. this guy's a real psycho...i agree w/ you enty and think some time locked up will only make him worse. i hope peruvian bubba doesn't let him off as easy.

  6. Miss pdx do you have some links? I would like to read up some more on him.

  7. I'm fairly certain that once his Peruvian case is concluded, meaning he is sentenced, the US can extradict him and try him on the extortion case. If he gets a longer sentence here than in Peru, I think prosecutors can petition to imprison him here for the entire sentence. Don't know what the sentences are for extortion.

  8. The FBI had better prosecute him. The extortion money they gave him paid for the trip to Peru. They could have put out an arrest warrant in time to stop his trip to Peru and didn't for some reason. Had they acted they girl would be alive and he'd be in US custody right now.

  9. Goodgrief took the words right out of my mouth. Since Van der Sloot obviously can't pick on someone his own size, maybe someone will do the world a favor and shank him in a prison shower. I doubt anyone would miss him.

  10. I knew that was the only reason why he was so quick to cop a plea.

  11. Hopefully the girl's father will make sure this gets taken care of.

  12. @ rose : I cant find the link to where I was perusing earlier but the one of the sites was msnbc on the front homepage and on the comment forum there are links to other stories that I found really good

  13. Only 7 to 15 years? It shows him that the girl's life wasn't that important(sad). Hopefully, this guy won't make it.

  14. I wish I could remember where I read this(Mon?) but there are 2 missing young women in Columbia. They were last seen leaving a casino with a young man matching his description. This was reported in a blog from a Colombian citizen that wanted to know why it wasn't getting coverage.

  15. I agree with Enty regarding this guy's likely future as a serial killer if he gets out of prison so quickly. Let's hope you all are right and he gets whacked in jail.

  16. I agree with Enty regarding this guy's likely future as a serial killer if he gets out of prison so quickly. Let's hope you all are right and he gets whacked in jail.

  17. I think I read that Colombian officials sy it's not him. I think CNN

  18. I found a fantastic messageboard on the murder, but I won't give the URL. With too many readers and posters, the board is crashing a lot. I was reading the board when the news of the confession came in.

    Anyway, even though Joran's confession might have been a ploy to get a lesser manslaughter sentence, the circumstances and forensics may allow Peru to go for full murder charges. Joran is getting tangled in his lies and actions.

  19. I heard on the radio that he said he killed her because she was snooping on his computer -- I say confiscate the damned thing and see what he was hiding

  20. Amy - thanks, I knew I read something.

  21. @captivagrl

    I mentioned this yesterday, he was seen with a lot of women on casinos around Bogotá. Two girls haven't been seen since then, but sadly in my country these women called "prepagos" or "pre-paid" are highly paid hookers and they come and go as they want because prostitution is not illegal in Colombia.

    Until someone else report them (or when someone actually cares) there's nothing else the police can do. I haven't read any news saying that it was definitely not Joran. They also don't know how Joran was able to cross the border(but it's easy if you have money) and where he went after leaving the casinos.

  22. "but after seven years they might not care about an extortion case that old and they might not even try and extradite him"

    That's ridiculous, especially from a 'lawyer'. The U.S has been persuing Polanski for what, 40 years? The idea that this ass will make it out alive is asinine, let alone be free to carry on his shenanigans.

  23. are lie detectors used/admissible in Peru?

  24. i agree with mygeorgie. the US will never lose interest in this guy. if he did get out in 7 years (which i don't believe he will---this girl's family is more well-connected in peru than joran's was in aruba), i think he'd be hauled to alabama for trial.

    but i also agree that i hope someone kills him in prison---preferably by beating him to death.


  25. For now, I'm chalking the Columbian girls up to rumor and speculation.

    Peru has a case against Joran, and I am not taking any news reports as pure fact. We will know the results and truer facts in time.

    The extortion case can take over when he leaves prison in Peru. ABC this morning was complaining about the FBI not arresting Joran immediately in Aruba, but I don't think they have that authority without proper paperwork from Aruba or The Netherlands, and Aruba law enforcement is already known for covering for Joran. The FBI is a U.S. agency and cannot act in any other country without their assistance.

  26. Forgot to mention that someone in Aruba probably told Joran that the FBI had tapes on him from the sting operation and that he should leave Aruba before the paperwork was finalized to arrest his @ss.

  27. What about his recruiting Thai girls for the Netherlands sex trade? I think there are lots of angles to go after this guy.

  28. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Actually the government CAN lose interest in cases. My firm does civil litigation, and we currently have a client whose bookkeeper embezzled about 1.5 million, and we can't get the state attorney to even look at the case. The IRS is interested, though, and the civil case is sort of fun to work on.

    I've been reading everything I can find and a lot of the reports are conflicting, some are still saying she was stabbed to death, others say beaten to death with a tennis racket. But I believe the extortion charges are fairly recent and it took the FBI six weeks to investigate far enough to issue a warrant.

    I did check out the prison he's going to. No glass on the windows, no air conditioning or heat, 10,000 men in a building with 3,000 beds, showers only run for 15 minutes a week, and the food is rancid. Joran will have reason to be grateful if he ends up in a U.S. prison.

  29. He's going to be in the equivalent of a Turkish prison. He's toast.

  30. Anonymous12:42 PM

    @MCH - yeah, I was thrilled to read the description of the place and look at the pictures. :)

    One thing I keep thinking - Stephany saw something on his computer that made her link him with the Natalee Holloway disappearance. We can only hope that the authorities can retrieve this information from his computer, and that it really incriminates him.

  31. I heard/read that Stephany saw the documents that HE had gathered on Natalee's case. I would have thought if it was worth killing her he would have destroyed the evidence by now.

  32. No way do I want him to be killed in prison--he must suffer for many many years.

    Glad to hear that his prison will be horrible.

    In some GOOD news, Lori Berenson has been released from prison in Peru! :-)

  33. I think his confession rules out being a serial killer as a career when he gets out of jail. Hard to drum up sympathy/trust when he admitted to killing this girl. Who in the hell would want to get close to him? Ugh.. nvm... don't answer that, because I know there are women out there. *shudders*

  34. "THE LAW OF THE DONKEY" will get him!

    Many prisoners get money smuggled in to them in food. It's used as payment for execution of "The Law of The Donkey" google that little phrase up if you don't already know what it is!

    This POS, SOB won't survive in there, not with Stephany's family money and connections. I think he'll be dead within two weeks. Deservely so.

    @ no on my dollar,Urine Van der Poop would possibly have kept that info as "trophys" if he really is a serial killer.

  35. I doubt he will be dead within two weeks of his arrival in prison. My money is on two weeks before his departure so his life in prison will be miserable for as long as possible.

  36. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Isn't it true that you can't really erase things from your computer? That a savvy computer geek can restore documents you delete? We can only hope. I want him punished for Stephany AND Natalee - and anybody else he abused in any way during his 22 years on earth.

    How do you get so evil in only 22 years?

  37. syko, being married to said savvy geek, hard drives can be wiped, but it takes a little time and know how.
    we've got a couple of his folk's computer's in storage because he just doesn't think about picking them up on the weekend and wiping them.
    but yes, erased/deleted material can be recovered, if the drive is not wiped correctly.
    one can only hope.

  38. the government 'can' lose interest but i don't believe they will. but like i said, i also don't think this guy's getting out any time soon, and i've been told peruvian prisons are among the worst in south america. being the little whiny pussy brat he is, every year he does will feel like 10. and all it will take is one temper tantrum (which we know he's had at least twice before) and he'll provoke some bad dude into killing him. i'm confident!!

  39. forgot to add this guy's a serial killer, actually. that's a little different than an embezzlement case. get him for another crime like extortion to keep a double killer going free?

    you betcha.

  40. From an interesting article on aol about on Lurigancho Prison where he'll likely be sentenced to if he stays in Peru:

    But no matter how long the prison sentence, if van der Sloot is found guilty, he certainly won't be living the life of luxury he's accustomed to.

    "He'll be put in Lurigancho Prison, which is the worst of the worst," Michael Griffith, senior partner at the International Legal Defense Counsel, tells AOL News. "They should have a sign above the door there saying, 'All those who pass this way leave all hope behind.' "

    Griffith has counseled and represented clients in more than 40 countries on a variety of charges. His most renowned case, involving an American incarcerated in a Turkish prison, was the basis for the film and book "Midnight Express."

    Having visited more than two dozen foreign prisons, Griffith says Lurigancho is in a world of its own.

    "There are 35 guys in a room there," he says. "They don't have beds, they go to the bathroom on the floor and the showers run once a week for 15 minutes. Fifty percent of the inmates have AIDS or tuberculosis, and you can die from eating the food."

    If convicted and sent to Lurigancho, van der Sloot would be in considerable danger, Griffith says. "Let me put it to you like this," he says. "You have 10,000 guys in a prison with 3,000 beds. Eighty percent of these guys have nothing. A hundred bucks will carry them for four months, so they'll stand in line [to be paid] to cut his throat."

  41. @john - that information comforted me immensely :)

    I also just looked up the Law of the Donkey. Excellent law.
