Joran van der Sloot was arrested today in Santiago, Chile. Joran was wanted in connection of the death of 21 year old Stephany Flores Ramirez who was found dead in her hotel room on Wednesday. Peruvian officials had discovered Joran fled to Chile and an international arrest warrant was issued.
Arrangements are being made for Joran to be extradited to Peru where he will presumably be arrested and hopefully have to spend the rest of his life in a Peruvian prison. If he does get sentenced to life in jail there maybe he will finally be willing to go on the record about the death of Natalee Holloway. I am sure her family would love some closure after 5 years of wondering.
(Thanks Kelly and mooshki)
ha! dumb fuck the Peruvian jail is one of the worst of the worst. shoulda gone with the dutch jail the first time around.
ReplyDeleteRIP to Natallee and Stephany.
Thank you so much for writing about this! I live very close to Mountain Brook and we are so glad to see Joran brought to justice. I just wish his horrible father would've lived to see this.
ReplyDeleteWow, this is great news. I just saw a posting elsewhere saying he'd committed suicide.
ReplyDeletegood! and chileans don't play...they take law & justice very seriously...joran is sooooo not enjoying himself right now. hope peru gets him and gets him good. maybe finally some justice for natalie and the peruvian young lady.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad they caught this bastard! He must be the world's biggest sociopath, because when I saw Greta Van Susteren's interview with him a couple of years back he convinced me he was innocent. He didn't even pause before answering her questions.
ReplyDeleteBTW, does anyone know how his dad died?
Dad had a heart attack playing tennis this year, at 57.
ReplyDeleteTallulah--heatstroke while playing tennis, I believe. Easy way to go for such a vile creature.
ReplyDeleteYeah, cause innocent people flee. Hang this fucker (and I don't even believe in the death penalty).
ReplyDeleteWow! Caught! A prison in Peru is a perfect place for him to be for a long time! The deaths of the two young women, and perhaps more, are tragic, but for him to be sentenced in Peru is a good ending. His family can't help him there, and he can look forward to a miserable life in prison.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that they arrested Joran.
ReplyDeleteFound this quote last night...
Miller also discussed an incident two years ago in Aruba in which he and David Holloway were pulled over by a police commissioner.
"We were actually digging in a landfill, and we went back to get the permits to continue digging. And Gerold Dompig actually took us to a little warehouse -- it was kind of like we were into do some drug deal like you see on TV -- and he says, 'You don't need to be digging in the landfill anymore,' he said 'Joran van der Sloot is responsible for this, that body was taken out to sea.' Gerald Dompig's words to us were that Joran van der Sloot was a sociopath, that he controlled the entire family, even his father was afraid of him. And it's unfortunate that more couldn't be done to have Joran locked up."
I doubt the Holloway's will ever feel complete justice because they never found their daughter but this is just as good.
ReplyDeleteHopefully the fucker will be anally raped with a broken bottle.
Maybe once Joran van der Sloot is safely convicted and in prison, his mother will tell what she knows. If she fears him, she cannot do anything but support him for now. I think he would have no qualms about killing his mother or having her killed, but once he is convicted, maybe she can cut off all his financial resources.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad they caught this little bastard. I hope they do have the evidence they believe they have, and he gets put away for the rest of his life. Or whatever.
ReplyDeleteThank you, _-_=_ and HeyThere!
ReplyDeleteCNN is reporting that his latest victim was indeed found dead in a room Joran van der Sloot had rented.
ReplyDeleteI think he did it. No doubt in my mind. Who knows how many *others* there are?
Just sickening. I hope he rots in there.
Thoughts go out to both girls families.
ReplyDeleteThat's the scary part! He's done it twice and he clearly doesn't show remorse or shame. I'll be glad if he goes to a Peruvian prison.
I knew this all along, and people will still defend this piece of garbage. People still say Natalee was a tramp and could have easily drown and been washed out to sea.
ReplyDeleteI say, he's a Psychopath who raped and beat her, then killed her.
The strangest part is that this young woman was killed 5 years to the day that Natalee disapearred. Also, he met this woman in a casino, the same as with Natalee.
ReplyDeleteSociopath indeed.
From what I've heard from people close to the case, he had raped American girls who were on trips in Aruba for quite some time but that Natalee was the first one who died. Perhaps he got some kind of sick thrill from it and moved on from rape to murder. It's very ironic that Stephany was murdered on the 5 year annniversary of Natalee's death.
ReplyDeleteim so happy they caught this piece of shit. may he rot in peruvian prison. imagine a gringo like him in prison for killing native girl with a high profile father. oh he's going to get it. he'll be dead within a year, either someone will kill him or the coward will kill himself.
ReplyDeleteIf his family was so afraid of him why didn't they just help put him in jail? He couldn't get out (post bail) without their help.
ReplyDeleteAnyway I'm glad he's caught and hope he dies in prison and rots in HELL.
he didn't just beat her,he broke her neck,torso and back. that is one hell of a beating.
ReplyDeleteJesus. I had a feeling we hadn't heard the last from him. Buh-bye, little fucker. Hope you like the feeling of a broken broomstick up your ass. Ask Dahmer how that felt.
ReplyDeleteHe was probably celebrating his first kill with a new one.
ReplyDelete"Poor" Joran, the authorities in Peru don't futz around with civil procedure. These guys interrogate Shining Path members. A nasty but wildly satisfying punitive measure for an unrepentant little sociopathic prik.
Peruvian prison is on par with Turkish prison. This little psychopath is finally going to get what's coming to him.
ReplyDeleteFinally, a little justice for this smug asshole .
ReplyDeleteI think the maximum sentence for murder in Peru is 25 years. The girl's family and friends can probably out-bribe his family for favors from prison guards, so his life in prison will be a miserable as possible. I doubt he will ever leave prison alive, but I hope he lasts through most of the 25 years.
ReplyDeleteIs it bad of me to be amused with his situation? I do feel very sad for the families of his victims.
i call this the OJ effect. like Final Destination,justice is coming for ya!
ReplyDeleteand it's much sweeter the second time knowing this smug fuck wont be in a cushy dutch jail with connections from daddy.
I'm so glad that little sociopath is behind bars. I quite convinced that the cowardly little shit will commit suicide. He doesn't have the balls to tough it out in prison, but either way, 25 years in a Peruvian prison or suicide is a win-win.
ReplyDeleteA couple of weeks in a Peruvian jail and this little punk will spill all he knows about the Natalie Holloway murder. I'm hoping this will give her family the closure they've waiting for. As for Stephanie's family, I hope they can use their influence to have him put in the darkest hole in Lima so he fesses up.
ReplyDeleteGood, I hope he goes to prison for a very long time and has a miserable existance and wishes he was dead. I hope he is passed around like coke at a Lindsay Lohan party.
ReplyDeletehe will continue to call national/international news channels to tell his story. He needs the attention to survive.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad he is young...he will be in jail-hell for longer than he had freedom when he gets out.
Pudrete en el infierno y que te den por el culo!
He really picked the wrong girl to kill. Her father has money and power and will make sure Joran pays for this crime. In awful awful ways I hope.
ReplyDeleteNatalee mother has said on Nancy Grace many times that she knew Joran will kill another girl sooner or later.
At least he can't hide behind the Dutch/Aruba court system this time. And with his Father dead, which by most accounts is how he got away with it the first time. By helping Joran cover up the evidence. He really has no way out now.
Hope he never RIP's
ReplyDeleteWoo hoo! FRY the little bastard.
No way in Hades this twerp is completely innocent of both crimes. No freaking way.
Ha ha haaaaaaa, sucker! You going DOWN!
Daddy ain't gonna get you outta THIS one (and Mama ain't, neither).
Did anybody see GMA this morning? That good-looking defense attorney was STILL trying to defend this creep and Robin Roberts really went after him. According to this lawyer the hotel cleaning lady could have done it. Ya, right.
ReplyDeleteKarma... Ain't it a bitch?
I hope he goes to jail for a long, long time. That man is a danger to women everywhere.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for closure for Natalie's family, I'd love for them to get answers, but after all the years of lying and changing stories, I wonder if he can keep it all straight.
I'm with ya'll on this one! I am thrilled he was caught and is going to be locked up and forgotten about it. I've been following the Holloway case since she first disappeared and have been checking for updates from time to time as well. Soooooo glad that he is finally being put away!
ReplyDeleteI am also fascinated by the Amanda Knox trial in Italy. Still on the fence whether or not she's guilty though. What do you guys think??
I actually don't think Amanda or the boyf was guilty. I think she was just caught up in the scandal. And with all the anti-american sentimate (Thanks Dubya) she was just a victim of a crazy biased Italian court system.
ReplyDeleteTo me it was just one giant F U to America by locking her up for life.
yes, I agree, timebob, that it was a giant F U to America. I think the case absolutely wasn't proved and there was no way Amanda Knox or her boyfriend should have been convicted. Whether they're innocent or not I couldn't say, but frankly it's irrelevant: the police messed up the case so badly they should never even have been charged.
ReplyDeleteOne down, all of these left to go:
ReplyDeleteCasey Anthony, the Sloops, Misty Croslin... never-ending list, dammit.
Nice job digging up Tim Miller's quote, Nosey Parker. That man works tirelessly and endlessly to find the missing and lay them to rest.
I wonder if Joran will be scared enough to finally tell exactly where he dumped NH's body? I hope so.
I read a translated article this morning that said he'd written a Dutch friend just before the murder and was hard up for cash and begging for someone to send him some money for food and to pay for a hotel room. Friend wouldn't. Went on to say that Joran & his Mama were recently estranged due to his excessive gambling.
I think punkazz is on his own this time.
There might be a US perp walk, too? Looks like Joran defrauded someone in the US of $15,000 on May 10th. FBI filed this complaint. Guess that paid for his trip to Peru:
Jebus, it gets worse. The money Joran used for his trip was extorted from Beth holloway. FBI knew as early as May 10th that they had him on extortion - mass media saying FBI dropped the ball.
Wonder how this will play out.
I've seen the prison near Puno, Peru. It's where Lori Berenson is being held, and it's about 13,000 ft above sea level. No heating in the cells. A miserable place. I hope this slime does his time there, and not somewhere like Lima, which has a fairly mild climate.
ReplyDeleteThis is good news Peru and the Netherlands do not have a prison transfer treaty. So when he is convicted the Netherlands can't bring him back to serve his time in the Netherlands in a cushy prison system. So he will HAVE to do any time in Peru.
ReplyDeleteNancy Grace is also speculating that the wife transfer was a sting set up by the US gov't to get him on fraud. Since Aruba did nothing in the slaying of an American Citizen. It doesn't say Beth Holloway's name in the document. Just the state where she happens to live. I really hope it is just a sting, I would hate for Beth to get hurt again by Joran. She deserves justice for her daughter.
But Peru is not going to let him go to America he is done done done!
I never thought I'd see the day when I'd be the lone voice in the wilderness calling for restraint, however let me take a second to remind *EVERY ONE* of one thing. Innocent until proven guilty.
ReplyDeleteMind you, I'm not saying this waste of space *is* innocent - it's my personal opinion that he's done this repeatedly, targeting tourists so that they wouldn't be able to prosecute/testify, and that Natalie was the unfortunate child who became his (presumably) first murder.
That being said, that's still only my opinion and the fact does remain, innocent until proven guilty.
However, I'm sure some, shall we say...vigorous...interrogation will loosen his lips and there may be closure for the Holloway family.
I can only hope.
ReplyDeleteI don't give this POS any slack whatsoever and there has never been a doubt in my mind that he killed Natalee. And who knows who else, like other posters have said. After Natalee, there were several other girls that came out about rape but they always ended up retracting their statements, kind of like EVERY SINGLE WITNESS did in the case. Would REALLY like to see what all the former players in the Aruba case have to say about this including his ignorant mother.
He has basically admitted to killing NH and was apparently a wee bit more sloppy with this one. If they don't nail his ass to the ground now...UGH. I can't believe Beth actually gave into the extortion plea. I just really hope they get the answers they are looking for...
Tim Miller is AMAZING. The amount of work and time he puts into these cases...he should really be commended.
@Missjenny619 - I think Amanda Knox is guilty as hell and also a sociopath, much like Joran.
If everyone is as afraid of this guy as has been said, now that he's been arrested I hope other victims of his will come forward and we can get some kind of accurate picture of the extent of his activities. This guy's a serial scumbag.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Beth gave into the extortion. I think she immediately notified the Feds who set up a sting operation. She knows not to trust him, and this might be a way to gather evidence against him or at least nail his a$$ for extortion.
ReplyDeleteIt's nighttime in Chile now. Sleep well, Joran, unless you have a cellmate.
YouTube-Joran van der Sloot Song
If he survives 20 years in a Peruvian prison he can look forward to another 20 in a Federal Prison in the US. As long as he is free he will kill. I don't think Natalee was his first victim, he knew how and where to get rid of a body. I think if Interpol looks at where he's traveled they will find more dead girls. He bares a horrible likeness to Ted Bundy who taunted the police and victim families. This isn't over by a long shot.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what happens that so enrages him that Stephany's body was so broken. Broke her neck, her back in several places, beat her to a pulp and then stabbed her. What causes that much rage?
I also think Amanda Knox did it.. BUT the police did fuck it up and she should've never been convicted because they didn't have any hard evidence, like DNA...I think the only DNA found was on a kitchen knife, that any of the girls living in the house could've used at any time.
ReplyDeleteI honestly thought she was going to get off on that fact alone...
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ReplyDeleteInnocent til proven guilty... in the US. Doubt the Peruvian government has the same policies, plus, he's not American, so it wouldn't even apply to him in any way. Normally I'd be hesitant to say anything, but I think he's a sociopath, and I'm sure there are more bodies.