Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Jesse James vs Janine Round 22

This situation would be so much better if Sandra Bullock were still with Jesse James. Now, though Jesse James has a big dent in his parenting armor. It sucks to think he might be spewing some kind of Nazi stuff around 6 year old Sunny. That being said, putting Sunny anywhere near her mother would just be the worst thing ever.

In advance of the latest custody hearing against Janine, Jesse filed some court documents and TMZ got a hold of them. There is one really scary story. It happened about two years ago. Jesse's sister got a call from Janine saying that Janine was letting Sunny drive the car because Janine was too whacked out on tequila and drugs to drive them both for munchies. Jesse's sister rushed over to Janine's house and found Janine passed out in the car in the garage with Sunny in the car. Who in the hell does that to their child? Can you imagine if she had actually got the car running?

There was also another declaration from Jesse's brother in-law who says that he has gone to strip clubs to see Janine perform. Kind of creepy but whatever. He says that he saw her do coke before stripping and that Janine asked him to get her a bunch of prescription drugs.

Please Sandra. Take Sunny to live with you.


  1. she prob would if she could, Enty.

  2. It would be nice, but I doubt even Sandra's clout could make that happen unless both parents approved of it.

  3. Other than the Nazi pics, and the bad judgement of sleeping around on your wife, Jesse has been a good father to Sunny and will continue to do so. He was doing it before Sandra and will keep doing it without her. Janine sounds like a real piece of work. The farther away from her they keep Sunny the better off she will be. I can't imagine doing that to a child. I do hope that Sandra stays in her life because she was a good role model/figure for her.

  4. jesse has shown poor judgment in choices of spouse, choices of social behavior, and is a major adulterer...given that, i'm not too quick to assume he's been a great parent to any of his kids. yeah, yeah, yeah...fool me once and all...his only smart choice was sandra, and look at how he blew that. so yeah. stop your whining jesse and man up and be accountable for the decisions you've made.

  5. As much as I hate Jesse James, she'd be better off with him than this lunatic. I'm sure Sandra would take her if she could. For me, the garage story would be enough for me. She should have no more chances after that.

  6. Back when Jesse got full custody, I remember everyone was upset because Janine got Sunny for Christmas Eve night and Christmas morning, the two "best" custody days of the year. And then she didn't show up. Has Janine changed that much in six months? Does she still have the X-rated webcam in her house?

  7. Jesse's a good dad? Really? Was he thinking about Sunny and the car incident when he cheated over and over again?

    What kind of father would continue to cheat on his daughter's step mom and still imagine that she'd stay with him?

    Jesse put his needs above his daughters welfare a long time ago.

    Poor little Sunny. Maybe Jesse's sister can watch out for her now.

  8. Oh how I wish ALL kids with schmuck parents had a safe haven to go to. How I wish...

  9. You know who I think Sunny's primary caretaker is? Jesse's first wife, Karla, the mother of his two teenagers. She lives two blocks from Jesse and is always around for all the kids. She's the best hope for a stable home life for Sunny.

  10. Yeah, I don't know what is supposed to constitute being a "good father" here. He's nice to her when he sees her? He does stuff with her? Okay, fine. But it's more than that, including using good judgement about things that would affect her too. In which case he fails miserably.

  11. Well, as the proud daughter of a rampantly adulterous father, I can say that being a good husband and being a good father are two very different things. Do I wish my father had been a better husband to my mother? Yes. Do I feel like my childhood was bad because of it? No.

  12. How dare Janine even be fighting for custody of Sunny. She needs to show proof of having turned her life around for YEARS before she seeks to parent that little girl!

  13. Aww, lilivonschtupp...

    That is both heartening and heart-breaking at the same time.

    Glad you had a good parenting situation, and I'm sorry for your Mom's lot in life.

  14. Good father, means he is there for his child, takes care of her, gives her what she needs, etc. Everything negative that has been said about him has to do with his infidelity in regards to Sandra. Before that no one ever said a bad thing. Never once was there reference made that he was a bad father to any of his children.
    He was stupid to cheat on Sandra, but cheating doesn't mean he can't take care of his child. How many people on this site(or anywhere in the world for that matter) have cheated on their spouses? Does it make them a bad parent? Should they LOSE custody of their child because they made stupid choices? No. It makes them human, their behavior is selfish and idiotic, but it doesn't mean they don't care about their child/children.

  15. I just don't understand how Sandra could have chosen this piece of work as her husband. I guess everyone's allowed one or two "what was I thinking"s in their lifetime..
