Jeremy London Speaks - Calls His Family Liars
Jeremy London is sounding more and more like a guy who is whacked out on drugs and I have a feeling that this whole drama is going to finally be played out, the truth known, and then Jeremy is going to have a lot of explaining to do. I also think it might end up very badly for him. Anyway, a day after his soon to be ex picked up a couple of bucks selling her story to Radar, Jeremy did the same.
He says that he was scared for his life and they threatened his son and blah blah blah. He also calls his family a bunch of liars because they have been skeptical of his claims. "The worst part of this has been my family. We've had to put a cease and desist order on them and now I'm going to have to have a restraining order put on them. They went on TV and told a bunch of lies saying this [the kidnapping] never happened. I haven't seen them in six months... they have no idea what's going on."
I get the feeling that his family actually loves the guy despite all the stuff he has pulled. When I watch the video interview I get the feeling that this guy needs a long, long rehab and he might even be a person who is never going to get clean. I wonder if his ex was clean while she was pregnant. These thoughts are what keep me up at night.