Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It's Not An Altoid, It's Coke - Plus Lindsay Lohan Gets Sued

You know what sucks? If a Santa Monica police officer could have told the difference between a breath mint and cocaine, Lindsay Lohan would be in jail. Yeah, I know, the two look nothing alike so I am wondering if Lindsay has made some kind of deal with the devil aka Dina to be able to get away with this. The story is that back when Lindsay carjacked that car full of guys and chased down her assistant and mom, Lindsay was arrested. When the policeman frisked Lindsay he brought out a card that was covered in caked white powder. He threw it in the trash thinking it was a crushed wet mint. Seriously? Even when he realized his mistake he had already thrown it in the trash so it was no good as evidence and Lindsay walked. When is the last time you saw a crushed mint turn into a bunch of powder that was caked on to something? Never. Because it doesn't happen.

In other Lindsay news that will probably make you smile, TMZ says Lindsay is being sued for almost $20,000 for defrauding a store. You will love this. Some store was stupid enough to believe Lindsay when she said her business manager would pay the bill. Meanwhile, Lindsay took $20K worth of stuff and her business manager paid $180 towards the bill. ATTENTION STORE OWNERS: Do not give Lindsay anything for free. Cash upfront only!!! No credit, no checks, just cash. Oh, and make sure you have a camera on in the dressing room area. She only weighs like 90 pounds so if she comes out weighing 125 you know you have a problem.


  1. The cop must have been paid off on the spot. Even Barney Fife wouldn't miss the coke.

  2. I don't know if I would recognize coke if I saw it. Couldn't he just have lied and said it went straight into the evidence bag?

  3. So kidnapping a car full of people and speeding down a highway would lead me to think well maybe this girl is high on something. SO when I found caked up residue on a card, I might want to save it as evidence and have it tested. I have had no police training and I was able to find probable cause. How can this cop be so dull? He really should be retrained b/c he failed at his job big time. I agree with ENTY, how this girl gets off time and time again is beyond me? ANd this just fuels her delusion that she is not responsible for her actions.

  4. I don't think the cop was stupid. I think the cop had bills to pay.

    Seeing white powder and a plastic card in association with one another makes ANYONE think of cocaine. You can thank the movies for that.

  5. Who in the HELL would sell Lindsay stuff on credit? Jesus Christ! They almost deserve to lose the money.

  6. She's broke so I'm going with she blew him on the spot and he threw it away.

  7. I read the cop's statement and it just doesn't make sense. Anyone who's been around anyone who's ever done coke knows it's always folded up in a folded paper or card or in a tiny plastic envelope. Period. He saw a folded paper with white powder in it and didn't clue in? Take away the guy's cop license. He's too naive to work there.

  8. Oh the cop knew what was on that card. He just was following protocol for when any celebrity is arrested.

  9. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I'm probably way behind times here, and this isn't about the coke-flavored altoid - but do her cheeks look funny? I've thought for the last couple of weeks, it looks like she has implants in them.

    And long boots in Southern California in summer? I doubt that anyone in the world is unaware of her SCRAM, so why bother trying to hide it? Honestly, who is dressing her these days anyway? Every time I see a picture of her, she reminds me of my daughters when they used to play dress-up and just piled on any old thing.

  10. The only thing I hate worse than when my Altoids explode and get all over my credit cards is when my Lifesavers crumble all over my $100 bills! :-O

  11. lol-nunaurbiz.

    man, the world is her own little oyster, isn't it? $20 grand on SHOES??????

    i seriously want to hurt this bitch.

  12. Syko - wisdom teeth removed. I looked like a chipmunk forever. Lindsay is our Pete Doherty. She will never go to jail for any significant amount of time. And she will never OD. I still say her sister will OD before she does.

  13. Based on the thinly-veiled BI last week (another store had sense enough to turn her request for credit down -- several times -- and she threw a cart full of clothes around the store before being thrown out) her shopping is a compulsion - she could be in Home Depot for all it mattered.

  14. Also -- the cop is lying (altho he may have been instructed to lie.) A possession bust with hard evidence is a good collar, the kind D.A's love.

    A non-celeb, especially a black man, would have been hauled in on suspicion based on what they found on Lohan.

  15. __-__=__ is right. In fact, *that* may be why Dina is grooming Ali -- to take the fall for one of Lindsay's busts down the road when she's in the middle of a film or job she can't afford to lose.

  16. if you haven't done so, please read michael k.'s take on this story. i about died.

    from now on, this guy is officer dildo brains.

    and whoever said her cheeks look funny.....they do, actually.

  17. A deal with the devil actually is as good an explanation an any for her continued superfame. But if that's the case she'll be around for another 8 years before Lucifer comes to claim her -- and it just doesn't seem possible she's got that much left.

  18. Good Lord. What she has been able & still able to get away with is unbelievable. Can't someone investigate the cop???
    I think "I thought it was a breathe mint us clearly from the "but they weren't my pants!" book of excuses.

  19. LOL Enty I love the comment about watching to see if she weighs 30 pounds more when she walks out of the dressing room. Classic.

  20. See, i would believe she paid the cop - except homegirl is BROKE! Where would she find the money?? Maybe she slipped him an IOU

  21. If I believe him, why was the cop throwing anything of hers away? I don't care if it was a gum wrapper. Does he have the right to dispose of her personal property?



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