After 40 years together, even Tipper Gore must have decided that she couldn't hear anymore about Global Warming. The two announced they were separating in an e-mail they sent to their friends and family. I guess it was kind of like an e-vite but said they were splitting. One of the friends forwarded it to the AP and now the whole world knows about it.
You would think that if you can make it 40 years you pretty much have it made. I guess not. Because I am such a cynical guy I expect one of them found someone else and this way that all can be made public without embarrassing the other.
Well I certainly didn't see this one coming. I'm at a loss for words.
ReplyDeletethis picture makes me want to puke
ReplyDeleteAfter 40 years together just suck it up and wait for death.
ReplyDeleteI bet they'll get back together.
I think you're right on the money, Enty. Obviously one of them found someone else, probably Al because he's the more famous one.
ReplyDeleteI had completely forgotten about that picture. It was hard to look at then, and hard to look at now. I wish I wasn't eating lunch when I saw this.
Dee Snider didn't like her.
ReplyDeleteHe doesn't look like a very good kisser. Maybe she got tired of that.
ReplyDeleteSo didn't see this one coming. I wonder what the real scoop is.
Who knows maybe Tipper might have had a wild streak and just ran with it.
Top 5 reasons for the split:
ReplyDelete- If you think this picture is bad, imagine that from her POV
- maybe she really, really misses the beard
- listening to all of that naughty music for the PMRC finally rotted her soul
- she got sick and tired of him bugging her about turning lights out when she left the room
- $500M pay day...cha ching!
This one caught me by surprise.
ReplyDeleteEwww, that picture is similar to the MJ and Lisa Marie kiss. Just weird.
Blame Manbearpig. I'm super serial, you guys!!!
ReplyDeleteMaybe she got sick of the hypocrisy of all his enviro-friendly shit juxtaposed against their in-construction mega mansion I heard about in the news recently.
ReplyDeleteI used to work with one of the Gore girls and met Mr. and Mrs. Gore a few times. All is not what it seems. Al is sweet and the type of person who will remember your name and where he met you. He laughs a lot, and genuinely. He has an exceptional relationship with his kids. Tipper is not like that, and she regularly scared the crap out of me. I believe the story about no third party being involved.
ReplyDeleteThank you Harriet. You beat me to it.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone remember the blind about the high profile politico with environmental leanings and the actress who practically gave up her career for the affair? I think the blogs pegged it as Daphne Zuniga and RFK Jr.? Anyone? Maybe it's good old Al Gore?
ReplyDeleteThe mansion you are talking about is not in the works- they bought a 9 million dollar spread close by to Oprah, in Montecito. Alot of folks got a good laugh, because despite Santa Barbara pretending its all do-gooders- it ain't enviro land. The house has nary a solar panel or green anything- unless you count the huge ass lawn...
ReplyDeleteThough I can't stand either one of them, I am glad to hear Al at least is a geniune person, with a hearty laugh.
I have hated Tipper Gore since she started the music censorship movement back in the late '80s. He's well rid of her.
ReplyDeleteMooshki took the words out of my keyboard! - Tipper, Judas Priest? seriously?
ReplyDelete" After 40 years together just suck it up and wait for death. "
as for Al Gore, this man will be one of the ppl talked about in history books hundreds of yrs from now as helping the green movement. To hate on him is just so wrong, I cant even say
My God, I had completely forgotten that she was the one that caused the censor warnings on records. Bitch!
ReplyDeletei bet there is a lot of people married past 30 or 40 years that think like Sue ellen.
ReplyDeletei say good for them for getting the fuck out while you are young enough to find happiness again.
I'm with you, Jax. People have the right to be happy, no matter how much or little time they have left! Life's too short for being married to someone you don't want to be married to anymore.
ReplyDeletei think she tuned out the minute he claimed to have invented the internet. i know i would have. how embarrassing.
ReplyDeleteCheryl is right. I know an old friend of theirs. Al is a wonderful man. Tipper is a witch.
ReplyDeleteIt's not global cooling, it's Gore,Al cooling (either the giving or receiving end).
ReplyDeleteWhat a shocking way to start the week. As said above, at least they are still young enough to find another love.
@Pookie - wasn't that Dan Quayle?
ReplyDeleteAl claimed to have invented the internet. I think he said that in 2000 when he was running for pres.
ReplyDeleteI am still pissed at Al's Secret Service (WTF does he need SS when he is just an ex-presidential candidate and ex-vp...I mean, better ways to spend our tax $?) for not letting me go into a building on my college campus to go pee and it was raining. I know, I'm bitter.
ReplyDeleteYou know, out of the Clinton/Gore team, this is the marriage I didn't see ending. I would have thought that Bill and Hil would have split before these two.
ReplyDeleteUm...Gore said that he sponsored the legislation that created the earliest stages of the public internet, which is true. He never said that he invented the internet. The guy who really did virtually "invent" the internet in 1973 (Vint Cerf) said that Gore was the one legislator behind obtaining the funding for the linking of supercomputers between academic institutions, which later developed into the public internet. Gore was using the term "information superhighway" 20 years ago.
ReplyDelete@The Dude Abides - thank you for your post. It's always bugged me they way people would mock Al and claim that he claimed to have invented the internet. I've always liked Al. He's as stiff as a board, but I like him.
ReplyDeleteSnopes has a good article on the "invented the internet" thing: http://www.snopes.com/quotes/internet.asp He did overstate his role in its development, but it is also true that he helped foster it in its early stages. Typical politician-speak.
ReplyDelete... flanny, I remember the blind about the politico and the actress, because I guessed it was Al Gore! He's spent a lot of type around the Hollywood types and I've always had the impression Al and the Tip have lead separate lives for some time now.