Friday, June 04, 2010

I Feel More Sorry For Gary Coleman Everyday

After watching these videos that Shannon Price recorded the day after Gary Coleman died, I feel so sorry for him. I always knew that she probably didn't have his best interest at heart, but watching these interviews I get the feeling that Gary was probably abused either verbally or physically almost everyday.

In the top video, Shannon talks about how people say she pushed Gary when he hit his head. At that point I don't think anyone had said that. Now everyone says it and just because Gary didn't tell the paramedics what happened doesn't mean it didn't happen. How many victims of abuse stay silent?

In the bottom video which was released today, Shannon says that when she met Gary he had plenty of money and she managed to spend a great deal of it in Las Vegas. Now though she has blown through it all and Gary couldn't get life insurance so she doesn't have money. Have you heard about a thing called a j-o-b? Get one.

What's crazy is that she sat down for these videos the day after he died and then sold them. You know what? She and Ryan O'Neal would make a great couple.

Here is the second video


  1. "What's crazy is that she sat down for these videos the day after he died and then sold them."

    Ya said - okay wrote - it your self El! She got no money .. got no job .. so sell out the poor dead hapless SOB who apparently loved her enough to marry her at one point.

    Evil bitch .. I totally think she did it.

  2. Sorry yourself ..

  3. She's cashing in any way she can, which is pathetic. And it only actually makes her look worse (and possibly guilty of much more). Tastless and creepy.

  4. So so sad. This woman is not a very good actress. I totally think she had something to do with his death. I guess we'll probably never know what really happened.

    Mourning her husband, she is not. I haven't seen one tear drop from this wack job.

  5. I'm going to pass on watching videos of this bitch. She's too disgusting for words.

  6. WTF?! She doesn't seem to be the least bit upset about losing her husband.

    Side note: Why is she bringing Muhammad Ali into this?

  7. I was appalled when I watched TMZ last night. I can't stand to watch this again, but she said something like "even if they'd taken out a piece of his brain, he would have ended up like Muhammad Ali." WHAT THE FUCK? Evil bitch!!!

  8. I've never heard her speak and I don't plan to start now.

    I read today that his parents are trying to get the body. Maybe because they heard there may be a secret will?

    Poor guy; this is just so sad.

    Psycho ex may not be off the hook. Hopefully some cop will take a special interest and look into this death further.

  9. I think she pulled that plug quickly so he'd never have a chance to finger her for knocking him the fuck out. I won't watch her, either. There's a place in hell for you, sister. Belee dat!

  10. Even though he was broke, I bet whoever controls his estate is going to be able to make plenty of money off of his name over time. Anyone else hope she and his parents both hire hitmen to take each other out?

  11. I'm not even going to press play, she's a cold hearted b*tch.

  12. for real, Mooshki. I wish. She is gross.

  13. I concur with RocketQueen. Whats more bizarre is that supposedly they were divorced at the time of his death but still living with each other. The hospital claims he had a living will which grant Shannon authority to make medical decisions. Was that just an oversight on Gary's part or was that his intention? Just a sad end to a sad life. I hope he finds the peace that so eluded him in life. RIP

  14. I can't watch, but the FIRST thing I thought of when I heard he'd hit his head was that she pushed him.

    Bitch. Poor Gary, RIP.

  15. I just feel like all Gary ever wanted was to be loved and appreciated for who he was. And all he ever got was used and discarded by networks, freinds, family and the movie industry when he is "cuteness" left during puberty.

    Sad that Gary was so lonely that this is the best he could find in a mate. She is just very young and very very dumb.

  16. Can't watch either. Just too sad.

  17. fuck this homicidal bitch.

  18. One of the websites was talking about her 911 call and how she couldn't help him because she was grossed out by blood.

  19. Anonymous11:47 AM


  20. This girl has a serious case of the crazies. Seriously. The look in her eyes...psycho!

  21. Cold hearted! How about when she basically says send me money at the end of the second video...what a whack job!

  22. Chihuahunse... that's the exact word that came to me... Gross. She's gross. Such a sad situation for that poor man.

  23. Incredibly sad he came to this. How do our stars who worked so hard to make us happy (even if it's just to satiate their own egos) end up so lonely and easily victimized by people like this?

    It makes me think of another one of my childhood favorites, Davy Jones, and how he's reportedly in an abusive relationship.

    You'd think if you were a star you'd be able to find the ultimate mate more easily...why does this happen?

    Insecurity? Does their fame turn them into awful people who bring this on themselves or what?

    Anyway, so sad for Coleman it makes me angry.

  24. The ex-crime reporter in me noticed these things:

    The Muhammad Ali/Terry Schiavo name-dropping: She was very well coached by someone not very savvy. I'm certain she wasn't even ALIVE when Terry Schiavo lingered in her coma. Those of us who were around when this happened, it was big news for a long time, but when's the last time you heard her name?

    He bought me a car: Wow, this, to me, makes her sound the most guilty and immature. Along with going on about how she loved to shop in Vegas. Why bring something like this up? I've been in deep grief over losing a relative and the LAST thing I was thinking of is what they BOUGHT for me. I'm missing their companionship.

    Everyone grieves in their own way, but these interviews ring FALSE to me all over. I thought from the beginning that there was something more to the story than he just fell and hit his head (I said previously that people hit their head all the time and they don't have massive head injuries.)

    I have no doubt that the kindest thing that could have been done to Gary Coleman (and believe me, I was NO fan of his, having met him and seen his rudeness and selfishness myself) is pulling the plug after his injury. What concerns me is what happened to have him get injured.

  25. "... just because Gary didn't tell the paramedics what happened doesn't mean it didn't happen. How many victims of abuse stay silent?"

    AND I KNOW THAT! Yet, I was SOOOO stupid and blind -- that's why you're my guru Enty!

  26. It's odd that she would bring up Muhammad Ali. He has Parkinson's, but he's not a vegetable.

  27. Not only that, Ells, but he continues to be a huge inspiration to a lot of people. I hope his friends and family don't hear what she said - what a smack in the face that would be to them, hearing her say he would be better off dead.

  28. Poor Gary Coleman. This woman is CAH-razy.

  29. What a selfish little girl. "Yeah my husband's dead, but what about ME?" And for her to say the things she's saying? GUILTY.
