Thursday, June 03, 2010

The Goopster Is Cooking Again

I will admit that the only time I have really enjoyed The Goopster's newsletter is when she made that chicken last year. The self proclaimed vegetarian cooked a chicken and it was by far the most pleasant Goopster experience.

Well, now she is back and she is making the world Mexican food. Her kitchen is a little brighter this time too. Last time I felt like she was in the basement of a prison.

Was that a Donesville I heard at 40 seconds in? Is that next to Whoville? Oh, and Goopster, cutting an avocado like that will lead you to slicing your hands.


  1. Totally OT, but Joran is in custody in Chile.

    Justice is right around the corner!

  2. this woman is so f-ing clueless i can't stand it anymore...
    if you want to buy shrimp right now (if you dont want it from china), guess where you will most likely be getting it from-The Gulf.
    there are so many vegetarian options right now, she could have easily done some awesome spicy potato tacos...i just made some for LOST finale and served a room of people-they loved it.

  3. she left all the good stuff in the avocado skin.

    She looks like a 12 year old showing their mom they know how to "cook." I wince every time she cuts something.

  4. The way she cut that avocado made me cringe. I was waiting for her hand to start spurting blood.

  5. @delilah - can I have the recipe? For real, I'm a veg and that sounded REALLY good.

    As for Goopy - ah, endless entertainment. For what it's worth, my recipe for guac looks MILES better than hers.

  6. RQ
    i will put it on my blog next week- i do a weekly recipe based on our CSA basket (community supported agriculture) and the farm always gives us a TON of avos.


  7. I really enjoy watching her cook for some reason. It soothes me.
    I think its cause Im staring crazy delusion right in the face and its cooking, lol

  8. Awesome - bookmarked your blog!

  9. Putting the guac in a metal bowl will make it turn brown, but adding the lime was a good save for the color. Is that can of black beans BPA free? You should give them a good rinse if not. Stirring with a fork in a metal bowl isn't kind to the ears.

  10. I'm guessing she's learning to cook because she has a weird movement with the knife but she's trying and it seems like she has done it herself, I give her bravo for that.

  11. I LOVED this little cooking escapade. She's entertaining this way, and unlike myriad other amateur cooks trying to impress, she just did things we all do, except that Avo dicey knifey situation.

  12. BTW, I don't even eat shrimp and this made me want to make these tacos.

  13. What was wrong with the avocado cutting? That's the way I do it and have always seen others do it. Was there some weirdness I missed?

    I did like watching it because it was totally believable that she actually cooks for her family and that she's not a pro... I totally want a shrimp taco now.

  14. she should actually use a paring knife for the avos-a lot safer.

  15. Yeah, that is how I cut an avocado and remove the pit. And I am clumsy.

    I made a vegan taco the other day, I used walnuts and mushrooms for the "meat" and seasoned it like I normally would. It was tasty!

  16. Why do people hate this woman so much? I watched this and she was pretty real-seeming and appealing. Plus they seem like they like their kids, which always earns points with me.

  17. When she first whacked that avacado pit with the knife and lifted it out, I thought the Kaballah string on her left wrist was a line of blood!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I can't believe that dumb ass is using metal bowls for acid based recipes.

    I'll bet that one taco was dinner for her food-obsessed self.
